09 May 2007 at 23:55 - 7
It's been suggested a million times, so here's my little spiel:
It's a great idea. It will allow for roleplaying possibilities, as well as perhaps things such as rallies (similar to the mursaat one) where, say, all players show up with the same hair (or lack of hair!), etc.
Unlike some people, I seem to never regret my character's appearance later on, though a haircut once in a while may be good for variety. Could also possibly have some hairstyles you can only get at the hairdresser (in addition to ye olde character selectionne screen-eth)?
It should be moderately expensive (by moderately I mean 1k+) to avoid annoying spamming of hairchanges. Tenshi, in character creation you can change your face and hair no problem. Unless you mean it's a pain to update ANet's databases to accomodate this? If so, yes. But then again, they've done it with many other massive things such as dyed armor....