Come Join Shadow Unit FOX!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2007

Shadow Unit Fox


Hi ya new to the forum and realized this will help getting my guild well known around the areas =D we just started, an i made sure i was experienced enough and a level 20 A/Mo till i make a guild but of course recruiting is a pain an we are looking for Wars an Healers to join so we can go farming an build up the commition to our future guild hall and train our selfs in the techniques of strategy for future wars!

Well The Idea for the guild started when i recently started about 2 weeks ago, i knew to make a great guild you have to be greatly commited, thinking through on how im going to do this i met my future buddy Levis Nex we find out little by little how much we got in common and how we are both interested in making a great guild, of course i didn't join any guild at first. I was one of the rare ones that wants to fend for himself an train one self instead of asking for help. So through out the days I trained an Trained along side Levis, learning the ways of A/Mo i got the hang of them learning they ARE NOT a TANK, and the quick hitter of the team which didnt take long to realize levels 1-10. After reaching level 20 an having only two online buddies I decided to start the Guild i had enough money an i was a decent player realizing i should have made friends with more players >_<. So the Guild is completely broke, we are looking for newcomers of the game to help an wishing for a War an healer to come by we are in the slumps now but greatly inspired to move out an live with the imperials! So whoever is interested in joining our Guild Feel free to contact us in the game or here in the Forum we will gladly accept! The unit of Shadows will Rise and BE the next GReat Champions Of Luxon! (we support both Luxon an Kurzick but we decided upon Luxon but we support both kinds)