Mini Pet Storage please.
Please add a tab similar to the materials tab that will allow someone to store one of every mini pet on their account for all the pet collectors out there.
agreed, would be nice to free up space
Star Gazer
also, increase storage limit for crafting materials....i have nearly 2 chars full of crafting materials and would like to get rid of it by having increased storage space.
also, increase storage limit for crafting materials....i have nearly 2 chars full of crafting materials and would like to get rid of it by having increased storage space.
Ya'll know it's never gonna happen, right?
/notsigned, not everyone is an avid minipet collector, that would seem a little tacky.
/signed, it shouldn't be a burden to have more than one stack of crafting materials.
Originally Posted by Star Gazer
also, increase storage limit for crafting materials....i have nearly 2 chars full of crafting materials and would like to get rid of it by having increased storage space.
/signed. and since it has to do with mini-pets, I bet we will see it within a week^
Would be nice to store em all and keep tracks of which you don't have
Would be nice to store em all and keep tracks of which you don't have
i so called it i gave it a month after new storage upgrade before people began complaining again...... HOW MUCH STORAGE DO YOU NEEEEEED
ok all i got to say is i have 19 pets and im still /notsigning
ok all i got to say is i have 19 pets and im still /notsigning
hmmm just had a thought how depressing will it be to see the lack of a panda

The Bard
we already got loads more storage >_> and if you really have to collect every mini pet there is why not just put them in one of the new tabs?
we already got loads more storage >_> and if you really have to collect every mini pet there is why not just put them in one of the new tabs?
the demand of different storages will only get bigger, please empty one of your tabs and call it minipet storage, or make another mule like everybody else.
the demand of different storages will only get bigger, please empty one of your tabs and call it minipet storage, or make another mule like everybody else.
I was really pleased when we were given the extra storage based on the number of campaigns we have. The only thing I would like to see is increasing the stack size in material storage (increase from 250 to 500, for example), as we already have materials storage. If ANet sorted minipet storage, everyone would start calling for key storage, and then dye storage, and then armour storage, and then rune storage etc would never end.
I was really pleased when we were given the extra storage based on the number of campaigns we have. The only thing I would like to see is increasing the stack size in material storage (increase from 250 to 500, for example), as we already have materials storage. If ANet sorted minipet storage, everyone would start calling for key storage, and then dye storage, and then armour storage, and then rune storage etc would never end.
Hey... there could be even a title of 'Colector of miniatures' that you get if you fill the slots... XD...
I won't mind getting storage upgrade for miniatures only. I already hav one tab filled with them.
I won't mind getting storage upgrade for miniatures only. I already hav one tab filled with them.