The Dreaded Necro SR Nerf.
They said as much that the screwed up the necro with the SR nerf. My question is when are they going to attempt to fix it?
They have not said anything since. Most likely they will comment on it tomorrow at the Dev Chat.
savage vapor 33
OR you can post your question within the 2,000+ thread that is going on, Gaile actually checks that one.
Gaile said in the Dev Update that they won't change the Soul Reaping mechanic, but they'll reduce the prices of other skills to compensate.
The Energy Reduction of Spiteful Spirit and Animate Bone Horror fixed most of the initial Energy problems. If you still have Energy problems with either Curses or Death Magic, suck less and/or get SoLS. Blood Magic, however, needs a revamp.
Naive fool.
The Energy Reduction of Spiteful Spirit and Animate Bone Horror fixed most of the initial Energy problems. If you still have Energy problems with either Curses or Death Magic, suck less and/or get SoLS. Blood Magic, however, needs a revamp.
Originally Posted by savage vapor 33
OR you can post your question within the 2,000+ thread that is going on, Gaile actually checks that one.
SR is fine now, if its not broken don't fix it, or you'll just end up re-breaking it.
SR fine now? its still got the 5 second timer right? then its not fine. if it needs a nerf from where it was, so be it. but artificial timers on a primary attribute are NOT fine.
I have a feeling that this thread will be merged with the 2000+ post thread. 

There are two SR threads on page one. This didnt deserve a new thread.
Anyways, the SR fix will happen when all of the other vaporware buffs also happen like trade improvements, the marksmanship buff, the mesmers in PvE improvment, the nightfall PvE only skills, the new weapon skins in Hard mode...
Anyways, the SR fix will happen when all of the other vaporware buffs also happen like trade improvements, the marksmanship buff, the mesmers in PvE improvment, the nightfall PvE only skills, the new weapon skins in Hard mode...
this is on hexes, rather than SR, but SR was tuned down because of hexes, a good post
this is on hexes, rather than SR, but SR was tuned down because of hexes, a good post
Skyy High
Originally Posted by Miral
SR fine now? its still got the 5 second timer right? then its not fine. if it needs a nerf from where it was, so be it. but artificial timers on a primary attribute are NOT fine.
Enough with the whining and the new threads about it. You can play as your necro just the same as you could before the change to SR; what's more, you can frontload your spells more now because the energy costs are being reduced. Echoing SS just became 10 energy cheaper...but no. Necros are dead, so says the mob.
Originally Posted by Skyy High
Is there a "why" to go with this statement, or are you just summing up your opinion with "because I say so"? SR has always been the best primary attribute in terms of energy management (with the possible exception of the ranger, but that only effects skills); it got tapped with the nerfbat because it was out of control in PvP, but you know what, it was too powerful in PvE anyway. You know what else, despite the literally countless cries of how overnerfed it was, my two necro heros can still manage their energy just fine in PvE.
Enough with the whining and the new threads about it. You can play as your necro just the same as you could before the change to SR; what's more, you can frontload your spells more now because the energy costs are being reduced. Echoing SS just became 10 energy cheaper...but no. Necros are dead, so says the mob. |
Sir Skullcrasher
I think SR works fine?
SoLS doesn't work for me. I've NEVER got any energy from it. I'm sure it's that stupid timer (i.e. within 5 seconds)
ok i dont know what you are all complaining about. the only character i play is my necro and i play every build and have no problem with energy.
I have 2 solutions for you...shame and problems are solved.
Looks like the Nerf bat hits the wrong target again. Soul Reaping beign a primary attribute why was it nerfed. Ok someone found out a way to exploit it, but that in no way gives an advantage in PvP as soulreaping is not used very much. In PVE soulreaping is essential as it could mean the difference between getting the bonus for some maps and not getting it. This nerf is as bad as the time they limited the number of minions to only 10. Before that nerf I was able to mintain upwards of 20+ minions now the Necromancer is getting gelded just like the Elementalist. When will it stop? When the game is so screwed up it is no longer fun (oops for me it isn't fun anymore). I thought this game was about the skill in using what you were given to accomplish the objective, not what can be tuned down to satisfy a group of complainers.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Mercury Angel
As was stated, please check out this thread on the soul reaping change to provide feedback.
Thread mergers can only be performed artificially with a work-around without crashing the forums, and even then, only with a very small amount of posts, so this one's going to have to bite the bullet. Sorry for the inconvenience. Do feel free to repost your content in that thread, however.
Thread mergers can only be performed artificially with a work-around without crashing the forums, and even then, only with a very small amount of posts, so this one's going to have to bite the bullet. Sorry for the inconvenience. Do feel free to repost your content in that thread, however.