Originally Posted by rkubik
I agree with this, we paid for the game all the other updates and improvements are just extras that I do not expect or feel I am entitled to anything besides what I paid for on day one. I think all in all A-Net does a good job of updates and new content.
I don't think
you do agree with Pwny Ride. You are both actually saying different things. Granted, if you feel like ANet hasn't delivered the content that was on the box, that's a matter of opinion and you are entitled to have that opinion and it can be debated. But, concerning all the content and improvements and changes that have been implemented in the game after the purchase, that's all just icing on the cake.
Pwny Ride seems to think the icing is what he/she paid for, and I disagree and feel that these things are truly "free" and not part of ANet's obligation to players based on the original purchase.
It's simply good business to retain customers, so ANet does this by value added service. It's called going above and beyond the call of duty. Honor was served the first day you successfully played your purchased copy of Guild Wars, any thing beyond that is truly extra.
Let's pretend that we had to make a choice of ANet either:
A.) Only "fixing" bugs and tweaking skill balance issues
B.) Adding more content and game improvements to released material
For me, if forced to choose, I'd probably choose
"B" because I feel that the the game is largely bug free, and from a PvE stand point, I haven't ran into any skill issues. But, that's my opinion and, why should my opinion be expected to reflect every player?
But, we don't have to choose, Anet does both "A" and "B".
The problem is that some people want everything (both A & B) prioritized their way and aren't happy with ANet's project scheduling. But, just how long does one expect the 50 bucks spent as long ago as 2 years ago to fund new content and constant tweaking AND the right to control ANet's project planning? How about we let ANet manage their own pocket books and project planning without resorting to the silliness of saying,
"We are getting cheated if they don't do something the way we want, when we want, and how we want."
Dialog and community discussion is good, using a misplaced sense of entitlement as a basis for throwing non-constructive temper tantrums is not good.
The one time payment for a campaign in Guild Wars does not legally make ANet our personal slaves for all eternity. We got the game and the content that was released at that time, every thing else is the cherry on the top and ANet's way of keeping it's customer base happy and engaged. ANet's has to be sure footed with it's franchise and can not make too many missteps. Anet doesn't have $14.95 a month coming in from each one of us. It can't throw money at every problem to fix something or make it go away.
So go ahead, have opinions about the game and it's content, that's fine and expected, but
just don't tell me you haven't got your money's worth, because that's an entirely unreasonable and unsupported claim.