Who has the most XP ?
Ahellio Nanje
Hey guys I've been wondering for a long time now who has the most xp on a single character in the game. The most I have is about 14.2 million xp on my monk. If theres already been a thread posted about this or something similar someone please post the link to that thread here, I've beem searching for a similar thread but haven't found one yet.
Kuldebar Valiturus
That would be interesting if ANet could take a "peek" and find out which character has gained the most experience. Probably, some Prophecies Warrior named Bob.
Well if your going by single character mine is 7 millionish. If you are going account wide then its about 35 million exp.
and thats partially also from my second account not sure where the total on that is at the moment.
I remember someone had 18 mil.
Witte probably has 20mil plus various stacks of ectos.
Witte probably has 20mil plus various stacks of ectos.
Check the thread in screenshot exposition, 'experience milestones'. Alot of pictures of xp there.