someone told me this is rare
I've never seen a +5 Shield before, but that mod can't be salvaged so you can't sell it.
Looks photoshopped...where the parantheses for the req starts...
Bryant Again
Well if it's true, then yes, that's pretty rare and can net you some decent dough.
sorry, the only edit to the picture was cut and resize in paint.
edit: i really dont want to sell it, with this and a totem axe i have 30 energy. kinda comes in handy.
edit: i really dont want to sell it, with this and a totem axe i have 30 energy. kinda comes in handy.
Drop of Fear
lol. this is a really BAD photoshop attempt starting from this base.
u just changed the color of the text to gold and added a "1" before the "6" in the armor bonus... oh and u even forgot to change the value, it's still 15gp
are u seriously thinking someone will fall for this?
u just changed the color of the text to gold and added a "1" before the "6" in the armor bonus... oh and u even forgot to change the value, it's still 15gp
are u seriously thinking someone will fall for this?
Bryant Again
At least it's not like he's trying to sell it, aye?
Either it is bugged or fake. The only Runic Shield in the game is a +5 energy, 6 armor (req 4 tactics), available from a collector in the Ascalon region, and has always been in the game.
My guess is fake - simply changed the 6 to 16
My guess is fake - simply changed the 6 to 16
Drop of Fear
lol now he's even changing the picture, the text it not gold anymore but is white
a: its not photochopped,
b: frack if i know where it came from
c: i wanted to know if its rare
d: heh. apparently it is
b: frack if i know where it came from
c: i wanted to know if its rare
d: heh. apparently it is
Drop of Fear
a: 1 thing i agree on... it's probably not photoshopped, u just used microsoft paint
b: lol
c: lol
d: lol
b: lol
c: lol
d: lol
It"s Fotochoppedd!!!11!!.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Drop of Fear
lol now he's even changing the picture, the text it not gold anymore but is white
Meh, nowhere near as impressive as the Terror Shield.
Bryant Again
Terror Shield ftw. We even needed Gaile to step in on that one.
text has always been white. :\
Lag Hell
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
It"s Fotochoppedd!!!11!!.
Anyways, wow, i didnt even kno the 1 with 6 ar exised xD, can sum1 gimme a quick pointer as to where to get it?
Drop of Fear
collector in eastern frontier.
Yeah its photoshopped, I own one from about 2 years ago and it is supposed to be 6 armor I think not 16, its sitting my storage so I can take a ss if anyone wants it.
Hell Raiser
Well it's painted (the 16 is too close to the parentheses). But damn I would love that on my monk in PvP (16 armor for 4 tactics AND +5 energy...)
Drop of Fear
+5energy shield req8 strenght. i see someone still using it
+5energy shield req8 strenght. i see someone still using it
Let me ask ALL the GW players here just one thing: Since when a mod on a shield comes before the Armor: part?
if that item is real it should be reported, 16armor with 4 required tactics could be considered an imbalancing bug
Just flash it on trade window in game for anyone here doesn't believe it..problem solved.
I tried adding the OP to my friends list to whisp him to see the shield....
Name Habla Englesh does not exist.
Name Habla Englesh does not exist.
And this can die now then.