Originally Posted by Sophitia Leafblade
I know I keep saying the same thing, but it is a dedicated training zone (unlike the islands in factions and nightfall which you can return to) and like all training zones it has to remain low-level content.
The reason being that once you reach a certain level of experience, you are meant to move on and learn everything else from the post-ascalon and onwards.
You say that newbie players need a way to learn what hard mode is, in pre-searing! why when they wont actually be able to play it until after lvl20 and completing the campaign? that could be days, weeks or months away!
What about newbie players in factions and nightfall who start on the newbie islands? They dont get experience of hard mode either until lvl20 and completion of the campaign.
Are you suggesting we should give them access to hard mode too before their ready?
All new players are in exactly the same situation, whether it be tyria, factions or nightfall. No newbie players will or should experience Hard Mode until they reach lvl20 and finish the campaign.
If they added a hard mode to pre-searing which under lvl20s could play, then it would be unfair on the newbie islands in factions and nightfall. But if they gave access to hard mode on those islands before lvl20, it would screw up the entire system.
I understand that we have lvl20s running around pre-searing, in low level armor with non-max weapons and very little to do.
I also appreciate that some people really like pre-searing and dont like to leave. But they have to understand that it is what it is. And its a training zone!
If you choose to stay there, you have to make do with low level content. You cant ask that Anet make a radical change to an entire section like that, just because you dont want to move on from that location.
It would also confuse newbie players.
When I first started playing the game years ago, I didnt realise pre-searing was just a starting zone. I thought it was the actual game... as do alot of newbies I expect.
I didnt realise you had to level up as much as you could and then speak to an NPC and actually start the game elsewhere.
If you see a huge number of lvl20s running around, and your only at lvl0-8, you can get confused. I can imagine alot of new players assuming pre-searing was the actual game itselfs and was where you spent your entire time.
We have to distinguise pre-searing as a training zone, so that newbie players realise they have to move on at some point. Otherwise no one would ever leave that zone.
And again, training people in hard mode at such a low level isnt required! Do you not agree that by the time you finished a campaign, you should have achieved enough experience and knowledge to get a fair idea of how hard mode would work?
The name alone suggests its harder, which should suggest buffed creatures!
But why do lvl0-8s need to know or be intimidated by hard mode at such a low level?
You learn to understand normal mode from playing the entire campaign, and then you have experience to compare to hard mode.
You cant expect a lvl0-12 player to have enough experience of normal mode in pre-searing, to then play hard mode and be able to think "hm.... I can tell the fundimental differences".
All they will think is "sweet jesus, that was harder... but why?"
They wont have enough experience after just 3 hours to understand about elite skills, buffed monk abilities, powerfull nuking and alike.
It would be a brain overload and too much to understand for a newbie player! It might even scare alot of players away.
We do need hard mode explained to newbies though...
I do however agree that we need some education on the difference between hard mode and normal mode. But not by chaning the icon and having full access.
We need a system where you speak to an NPC in training, and he puts you up against a normal mode creature and then makes you fight the hard mode version. Chances are you will die against the hard mode version, but that would be the point...
...the NPC would then explain the differences, and how you unlock hard mode. But make a point to explain that it is only for experienced players.
But to give people full-on access to hard mode in pre-searing is just foolish. Its like giving a child a match and expecting them to understand the dangers and not just enjoy the flame.