The Blue Alliance LF all types of players
The Blue Alliance was formed by Lady Blue Steel the founder of the Runner's Academy LBSRA. The alliance was put together to get every Guild Wars player with high values and allow them into an alliance which supports everyone's gaming enjoyment.
The Alliance is based around wanting everyone to be able to play the game in their own way and do the stuff they enjoy. We have a numerous guilds for everyone's taste, and if you will stand for the rules and want to enjoy the game and not ruin other people's experiences, then we want you. The different guilds mean you can be in the guild which suits your playing style the most; such as if your a runner, then The Blue Academy is the guild for you. But this sytem does not mean you cant also HA with the PvP guild, and that's how the alliance system has been designed.
The GuildsIMPERIAL BLUE [BLUE]: Administrative Guild for the alliance. Although this guild does not take in members, it is the guild that holds the alliance together.
THE BLUE GUARD [TBG]: Starting Guild for all new members. This guild wants everyone who justs loves PvE in general; it can be farming, completing missions or quests, or just forming parties to go out into hard mode and clear the areas.
THE BLUE ACADEMY [TBA]: Premiere Runner's Academy, and Build Research facility of the Blue Alliance. In here, you will find trainers who will help you to perfect your skills, as well as a grand archive of builds, videos and guides, which will allow you to use the best setups for each run or rush. Furthermore, it is possible to graduate here - after taking several tests you will be certified as Blue-Certified Runner, a runner who graduated under Lady Blue Steel. A customized Forge Runner with the LBS signature will show others then, that you are a reputable runner with utmost honesty, and loyalty towards their clients.
THE BLUE WARLORDS [TBW]: Premiere PvP Guild for all the Player Versus Player fanatics out there. At present, our PvP community is quiet but we will be looking to restart action again in the near future.
Joining The Blue Alliance
To get into the Blue Alliance you must first type out a short application to a set of questions that the Alliance has set up. This should take no more than 10 minutes. We do this, so we can select the best applicants and also restrict the amount of people we get into the guilds at one time, so that we can get to know everyone alot more and make a much closer community. The application process should take no more than 1 week and in most cases much less. If you feel you do not want to fill out a application, then get in game and play with us and let us get to know you in a more direct way. But the application process is much quicker and will see you through to The Blue Guards quite quickly.
Once in the Blue Guards you will just spend roughly a week in here so we can get to know you and get you into the right guild for you. You can get to know all the other alliance leaders and officers in here, who will be able to help you with any specific questions on their guilds. They will help you to find the right guild for you, and give you access to their sub-forums on Sword of Laban.
When accepted into the Alliance struture, all we ask is that the following values are adhered to: Honesty Maturity Intelligence Professionalism Respect You should be aware that things, such as swearing in a heavily bad way, becoming abusive to others, etc ... is not tolerated whatsoever, and, while we give people chances to repair any damage caused, continuous value breaking will force us to politely remove you from the Alliance (and also from our forums. Not only the Blue Empire's, but also Sword of Laban's prior aim was always to create a community built upon trust and mature gaming.
The Alliance Rules We like to have fun - We are here for a relaxed, good time. Many of us have played since the game was released, and we enjoy helping each other out, but we are not here to be annoyed, harassed, or involved in e-drama of any kind.
We are serious about our values - We are all about friendship and tolerance and will certainly let people know if we see problematic behavior. If it continues we reserve the right to remove you from the alliance.
We believe in equality - The various guilds within the alliance are of equal importance and the leaders of those guilds are collectively the final authority within the alliance. Every member within the alliance is valued and viewed equally, encouraged to share a voice in everything we do and pursue whatever they enjoy about the game.
We respect the rules - Whatever the rules are, we respect them: rules of the game, user-licensing agreements to play the game, forum rules here, GuildWarsGuru and at any other forums.
If you agree with our values and rules then please follow the link to our forums (which are shared community forums for numerous games). Go into the Guild Wars sections and read up on some of the statements by Blue Steel. If you think this will be a good place for you, feel free to submit a decent length application and make sure to get to know everyone around the forums. We await your arrival.
Sword Of Laban - Home
Sword Of Laban - Guild Wars Home
Sword Of Laban
The forums we use are not just our alliance forums. They are home to large community of gamers from Xbox 360 games to WoW, and GW. These forums were founded by four people: one of them being Lady Blue Steel. Feel free to come to the forums, even if you dont want to join. You can get to know the Guild Wars guys and all the other people, which build up a very large gaming community. The Rules on SoL are varied from our alliance. If you are wondering about these they are listed in the general discussion forum.