whats the largest ping you have had ?
I'm at nearly 27 seconds here. I closed guild wars before seeing if it would err 7.
The only editing I've done is to blank out the server ip, and I have fixed this lag (router needed a reboot).
The only editing I've done is to blank out the server ip, and I have fixed this lag (router needed a reboot).
I always do 105 Monk farming with ping 2000+ but 110k is too much :P
Shit I thought I was bad living in South Africa... I ave 500 or so... highest spike (soz, no screanie) was 35,000...
I had something like 400,000 or more a couple weeks back when my connection was totally messed up by some construction work in the neighbourhood. Too bad I didn't get any screenshots. It was interesting to play, though, because I could run through walls and into areas that wouldn't normally be accessible.
i tried to TA also, i kinda managed to load into the map but once there were others in range i loaded until the game was over. lol :>
*edit* yay imageshack isn't working properly. -_-
I win...
I got 111,xxx the other night...never seen anything higher than that...until Firebat posted that image XD which is odd, my ping is under 140 or so usually.
some guy
Not the highest I've had, but meh.
Bobby Sox
134,391 was my highest.
My normal amount is around 1,000-1,750 (Satellite connection...sometimes I wish I had dial-up ).
My normal amount is around 1,000-1,750 (Satellite connection...sometimes I wish I had dial-up ).
Nick Of Troy
Wow, i thought I had a crappy connection but some of these are amazing! Ressurecting this thread so the mods dont tear me a new one
This happened about 15 minutes ago when i was trying to mix a nice colour for my armor
This happened about 15 minutes ago when i was trying to mix a nice colour for my armor
obsidian ectoplasm
My highest is 180k
no scrrenie
no scrrenie
just some from my collection, my highest was 197k unfortunatly that screen was lost in the great HD Format of '08
I wasn't on my pc
During a vanquish.