Hello. Im going straight to the point because there is no need to let everyone knows that Shared Burden is one of those skills that are in the underused list
Current Stats:
Energy: 10
Casting time: 2
Recharge: 25
For 3...14 seconds, target foe and all nearby foes move 50% slower.
New Shared Burden:
*Same energy, casting time, recharge
For 3...14, target foe and up to 2 foes in the area move 50% slower.
Just tought it might be useful to increase the area but restrict the number of targets (we dont want a 14+ second deep freeeze hehe)
Shared Burden - Just a little idea
Xenex Xclame
Cool , i like it.
Good to know that people still care about underused skills.
But ok...
But ok...