Just curious, any other Legendary Vanquishers running around?
I got mine two nights ago, only other person I've seen with it is one of my guildies, I'm curious if anyone else has it - I would assume it'd be a title sported around for those who do.
Nuclear Eclipse
thats a lot of titles
I've vanquished Tyria and Cantha. I really hate Elona, so it will be some time before I actually step up and start vanqing it.
Bryant Again
Yuck, e-peenage, intentional or not.
Check the Screenshot Emporium forum for "Post Your Titles". I'd link it but that takes too much effort.
Check the Screenshot Emporium forum for "Post Your Titles". I'd link it but that takes too much effort.
Why is it Monks that are getting all these titles?
Because it's SUPER easy to do it on a monk, as you can chill out at the back and heal people every now and then. I personally don't see many titles on a Monk as an achievement unless it's on a hard class to play (like Jaden Stone's assassin), then it's impressive.
also monks can 55 tank the harder parts
How did you get that much money? 2 million for drunkard, 2 million for sweet tooth, 380k for skill hunter...damn.
damn I hate envious people
damn i hate +1 postcount people

damn I think you are right
Hell Raiser
I was getting there on my monk, but I accidentally deleted him two days ago (hadn't slept in 29 hours or so and I had a few beers, was just jumping on to go PvP and instead of hitting D+Type Name on the PvP slot, I hit it on him
). Two years 
Anyway, congrats. Why did you post all of your titles, though? Seems like more of a showing off thread than wondering who has gotten it.

Anyway, congrats. Why did you post all of your titles, though? Seems like more of a showing off thread than wondering who has gotten it.
e-peen and postcount spam thread for the lose. Post it in the show off your titles thread in the Screenshot Forum if you want.