Well Gaia has in mother earth and all living things and poly has polymorth caster !!
Imagine a normal Elemental who can cast Damage with its main features on Polymorthing into living creatures.
These Polymorth spells can come in levels with higher damage creatures like a dragon can be capped by an elite type avatar.
For specialised running skills, a cheetah form could be casted with a couple of combo attack skills attached to it.
Spell cost in energy should be low for low level damage spells and creatures with the same for higher level spells that would costs more energy.
One of my favorite cartoon in the 80's was Visionaries were each knight has a totem and a staff of magic.
This type of idea for the staff could be used with a GaiaPoly when not in elite form, the staff when in use to deal some mega damage or create a protection dome shield.
This staff could only be used Once per area with a 30 min recharge timer or the kills of 2 enemy bosses.
The staff will also cost plenty of energy to cast, players would also need to take in account that One staff use can not kill a boss in One kill.
The staffs can be greens from enemy bosses who are locared in hard to kill areas or elite missions.
A Poly Gaia
Ithorn The Fey