Sling Blades [SB]



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006

Los Angeles




If you are looking for a mature, laid back, active US/Canada based PvE oriented with the occasional romp into PvP type guild, we might be the guild for you.

Some of our history: We (as a GW Guild) have been around for almost 2 years. But have been around as an FPS clan for about 4 years. And since every once in while everyone suffers from GW burnout we play tons of games like HALO, BF2, CS:S, some of our member love to play DOTA and Star Craft and yes some of them even play WoW (Don't hold that against us, we give them crap about everyday). But overall we are an extremely friendly, very social and helpful guild with mostly 18 and over members. We do have a vent server but we ask that you apply for membership into the clan before you are let on due to the limited nature of vent slots. All the details can be found at our web site.

So if your interest is some what peaked, please visit us here

And even if you decide not to join please feel free to register on our forums, we are always looking to make new friends and cool people to game with.

People just looking for hand outs need not apply, like most other guild we have been burned by players looking for hand outs. So as policy unless you have been and active member of the guild for a while please do not expect us to just hand you things.