See where guild members/friends are from the guild menu/friends list
I know it has been suggested before. I was unable to find an active thread for it though. I would love to be able to see where my guildies are and join them if they are in a town right from the guild menu. Most online RPGs have this feature. I don't know why we don't.
This is actually a good proposal.
But there should be an option where u can disable that visibility in the guildroster, in case u don't want peeps to see where u r that moment.
This is actually a good proposal.
But there should be an option where u can disable that visibility in the guildroster, in case u don't want peeps to see where u r that moment.
Sidheyuna Aetheris
I have wanted something like this for a long time. Don't need an active "go there" button, honestly...just the location. I'd like it if I knew Friend A was "In Gate of Madness mission, hard mode" or "Lion's Arch, American district 3" etc. It'd be nice when I'm trying to find a friend to help with a mission or whatnot, if I could get a general sense of who's involved in something and who might be free. Of course, I wouldn't whine about a "Go There" button either. And yes, would need to be able to disable it if you want to be left alone.
I have wanted something like this for a long time. Don't need an active "go there" button, honestly...just the location. I'd like it if I knew Friend A was "In Gate of Madness mission, hard mode" or "Lion's Arch, American district 3" etc. It'd be nice when I'm trying to find a friend to help with a mission or whatnot, if I could get a general sense of who's involved in something and who might be free. Of course, I wouldn't whine about a "Go There" button either. And yes, would need to be able to disable it if you want to be left alone.
If they are guildies and you want to join them ( and/or they want you to join/help), then just ask them in guild chat. Everyone should have private thing IMO, and everyone ( although guildies) knows every move of you is not pleasant thing.
The thing about just asking them is if they are in a mission, or playing PvP they most likely won't respond. This way you can see what everyone is doing without having to constantly ask and hope they are done.
yea sure why not /signed but currently i just use ts or type to them now but it would be nice to not have to bug them cause i can see they is still in mish
Wilian Norward
No way, I don't want people creeping me nor do I want to creep my friends/guildies. Have some manners you know, if you want to accompany someone a simple question would suffice.
Sounds like somebody here excessively bothers his friends...
Originally Posted by TreeDude
The thing about just asking them is if they are in a mission, or playing PvP they most likely won't respond. This way you can see what everyone is doing without having to constantly ask and hope they are done.
While we're on the topic, I would like to see a way to makes people from your friend's list most noticeable when ctrl is held down. Guildies now have a gold tag to make them stand out in the crowd. I would like to see something like this for friends as well.
Come on, even MAPLESTORY has a find command (albeit a primitive one in which you need be on the same "channel" (aka district) for it to work).
Come on, even MAPLESTORY has a find command (albeit a primitive one in which you need be on the same "channel" (aka district) for it to work).
Since there is no way to prevent somebody from putting somebody on a friend list (anybody can be anybody's friend) it allows for some rather creepy "cyber stalking." There needs to be some measure of privacy in this game.
For example, got scammed by some jerk? Just put him on your friends list and follow him around into every town he goes into and scream "so and so is a scammer" everywhere he goes. Etc etc. Or, just do that for kicks to somebody who you don't like.
And as mentioned, if you want to know where somebody is who is actually your friend, you can just ask them.
Since there is no way to prevent somebody from putting somebody on a friend list (anybody can be anybody's friend) it allows for some rather creepy "cyber stalking." There needs to be some measure of privacy in this game.
For example, got scammed by some jerk? Just put him on your friends list and follow him around into every town he goes into and scream "so and so is a scammer" everywhere he goes. Etc etc. Or, just do that for kicks to somebody who you don't like.
And as mentioned, if you want to know where somebody is who is actually your friend, you can just ask them.
Halbarad Wolfson
Originally Posted by Wilian Norward
Sounds like somebody here excessively bothers his friends...
he made the suggestion because he doesn't want to bother them.
and for everyone complaining about creeping... read the second post:
Originally Posted by Argentino
But there should be an option where u can disable that visibility
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Since there is no way to prevent somebody from putting somebody on a friend list (anybody can be anybody's friend) it allows for some rather creepy "cyber stalking." There needs to be some measure of privacy in this game. For example, got scammed by some jerk? Just put him on your friends list and follow him around into every town he goes into and scream "so and so is a scammer" everywhere he goes. Etc etc. Or, just do that for kicks to somebody who you don't like. And as mentioned, if you want to know where somebody is who is actually your friend, you can just ask them. |
I like my privacy kthx