Aurora Glade bonus. Need help HM



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Zealots of Balthazar [ZoB]


I've had nothing but trouble with getting the bonus on this, I cannot seem to do it. So far up untill this point it has been a breeze. but i just cannot get the bonus for this, any tips tricks? I've tried snaring the runner. but he still manages to get to the pedestall in time.
Any help is appretiated.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

To get the bonus: take the closest pedestal and let the mantle take the rightmost. Leave one player with running skills behind to keep recapping the left one after their runner has taken it and has returned. Sneak around the right side to assassinate the demagogue, he's pretty much on his own. For the mission (i did this seperately) we used two runners. The second runner grabs the crystal when the first runner places it etc. We capped them in the order closest, left, right and we were done immediately, but it might take some more time. We used storm djinn's haste to run (we had 2 human monks+4 heroes) which worked quite well. I think it's possible to do the bonus and mission in one run this way, but I'm not sure because we didn't try.

Good luck; this was to me one of the harder missions in the prophecies campaign (in hard mode)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Summit of Human Evolution


Works perfectly.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Zealots of Balthazar [ZoB]


Hey hey the techniques worked brilliantly thanks.

Melody Cross

Melody Cross

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006

Alliance of Anguish [aOa]


You don't have to do it in two tries. If you kill most of the bad guys and then steal the runners crystal you can get mission and bonus really easy.

I ran an SS warder and a MM with Fiends and Golem. Dunkoro was an LoD monk and I had Little Tom and Durham (he has Crippling Anguish for a snare). I was running an old BoonProt Mo/N with necrotic traversal in case a warthog spawned (I know it is cheating, but hard mode can be, well, HARD!).

Flag your heroes to the center point of the map (the pedestal where you stand during the little movie). Its less likely they will get swarmed by multiple groups this way. If you have one, use a cupcake to make running very easy. If you don't you will need run buffs. Attune the left pedestal and then the right one and keep doing it that way. left right, left right, left right. The groups that move with the runner will swipe at your team but they will take a while to get to it because they are in the middle. You need to micro manage the warder some (my SS had Ward mele and Ward elements and lots of times tried to cast the wrong ward at the wrong time). That will reduce the damage your team takes and let your fiends and SS do lots of damage.

It also helps if you have Malign Intervention and Verata Gaze on the MM, so he can mess up the Abbots and the self heals. This makes killing things faster and makes getting minions easier for him.

Run crystals. The fiends bunch up and the mantle AI attacks them first, so the SS will do lots and lots of damage to the mantle. When you are attuning the left crystal run a little bit forward and hold down Ctrl to check and see how many mantle are still at the entrance. If Dunkoro needs a little help, swing by really quick and prot the team to give him a breather (he shouldn't though if you micro manage the wards; my heroes flawlessed while I ran and I never needed to heal because groups at the center are more sparse than at the pedestals). By the time your cupcake is half used up (I think is five minutes for halfway) the mantle groups should be small enough for you to go in and grab the runners crystal.

Dunkoro had Healing Seed for me so if I had wanted, I could have flagged him near the entrence and let him prot me before he went in. I didn't need more than a few LoDs though and a RoF from myself.

If you want to wait a little longer you can. I did; there were only a few savants and the runner left when I finally went in. Micro Dunkoro to spam LoD and he can heal you from the pedestal while you run in and grab the runners crystal. If lots of mantle chase you, run them into your team and run through your team. They will break agro for you and you get away with the prize. Now that you have the crystal, they can wipe and it won't be a big deal. But if you drop the crystal, use it or die then the mantle runner will beat you.

If you have the crystal then he will just stand there and you can beat the mantle up as you see fit. Even if your team wipes lots and lots of times if you have rebirth on your bar and you can pull them back out again and start over.

It took about 45 minutes to beat mission and bonus when I did it that way. If you are a monk and don't want to boonprot (if it weren't for the warthog trick, I would have brought something else) you can run a life barrier monk. It should be easy to keep your team protected with life barrier, and it will help against the mele and eles, so it is a good elite for running around away from your team.

I hope this helps