need Vanquishing Arborstone help
I'll let you right now i haven't tried the vanquish yet, but i don't want it to end up liek sulferous waste (I didn't know about knocking down pillar so i had to start over). If anyone has already vanquished it i wondered how u over came that fact that the most northern part of arborstone, is seperated completely from the rest of the zone. Thanks for your help.
Marth Reynolds
Jeah a guildy and mine did that real easy..
For hard mode they simply removed the enemies up that cliff if you enterd from altrumn ruins, so no need to go there at all (do note chests can still spawn there xD)
If you enter if from tanglewood corpse or arbostone mission you get the message "You must enter the arborstone explorable from altrumn ruins in order to vanquish it"
For hard mode they simply removed the enemies up that cliff if you enterd from altrumn ruins, so no need to go there at all (do note chests can still spawn there xD)
If you enter if from tanglewood corpse or arbostone mission you get the message "You must enter the arborstone explorable from altrumn ruins in order to vanquish it"