Have a Drink on Me! Illusion Hex Spell 10e 1s 60r
For {10 - 30} seconds, targetted foe suffers the effects of intoxication. Attack and casting speeds are reduced 25% and attacks have a +25% chance to miss. Targetted foe is knocked down when interrupted. Targetted foe cannot be affected by speed boosts.
New Mesmer Skill!
Hm...not elite huh?
Originally Posted by lightblade
Hm...not elite huh?
Skyy High
Sounds like Sum of All Fears, a mesmer skill that apparently is coming in GW:EN. Reduces attack rate, cast time, movement speed, and something else by 20% I believe.
Originally Posted by Skyy High
Sounds like Sum of All Fears, a mesmer skill that apparently is coming in GW:EN. Reduces attack rate, cast time, movement speed, and something else by 20% I believe .