Title: Unlocked All [Profession] Skills for [Chapter]



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005


I liked the idea of the Skill Hunter title when I heard about it. Unfortunately, it's not what I thought it would be. None of my characters have any reason to have that many elite skills.

I'm not asking for a title that indicates if you have unlocked every skill in the game. That would, beyond any other reason, be quite impossible, as new skills will be added with GWEN, and with the presence of PvE skills. (PvP-only players would be unable to unlock those skills.)

However, I would like a title to indicate, for example, that I had unlocked every available Prophecies Necromancer skill, elites and all. Or, that my Ranger has obtained every Ranger skill in Factions. Once GWEN is released, I would also hope there would be a cumulative title for having every skill across every chapter for each profession.

I don't see a title like this being that hard to come by, but it's certainly something that not that many people have done. I wouldn't expect it to count towards the Maxed Titles title, either.

Mainly, I would like a way to indicate that I'm a "professional necromancer," so to speak. Really, it doesn't even have to be a title. It would be nice to be able to ping that I have "x skills" or "all skills," or an emote of some kind.

You get the idea.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Originally Posted by Plague
I wouldn't expect it to count towards the Maxed Titles title, either.
It would just be a wasted space on the title bar then.

And its not impossible to unlock every skill in the game. Anyone that has Legendary Skill Hunter has all the elites and just needs a few more 100k to unlock all the skills from a skill trader. You just need the money.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2007


Personally i would rank one Protector over Legendary Skill hunter/Treasure Hunter as Protector is a measure of skill and SH/TH are a measure of how much cash you can farm

Do we really want another title we have to pay for??

I realise people will say unlocking in PvP then buying with Tomes costs nothing but as people keep buying my Tomes for over 1k easch (?!?!??) i have know idea how you would ever make enough Tomes to unlock every skill and it would force PvE'ers into PvP which i rarely like to play.

Sometimes after AI is annoying me i go have a round or two of AB but after hearing all the 'owned' and 'n00b' calls i feel AI are much nicer to know than some PvP'ers. Especially Touch Rangers they realy annoy me as they are my counter and they glote about it. I dont glote when i kill a caster as i'm mostly thier counter, but touchers seem to glote 9/10 times

Sergeant of Marines

Sergeant of Marines

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


[트두므s], Guild Leader


/Not signed, remember I think you can still buy that off the GW store to unlock all skills, so it would just be a waste of a title IMO...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

i like this title. i would be happier if they made the elite skill title account based, but having a title that shows I've unlocked every skill in the game would be nice.