Titles for elite areas.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

To preface, I like titles. I like titles a lot. I especially like titles that can't be bought, like the Cartographer, Protector, and Vanquisher titles.

With that in mind,I think there should be a title track available for some of the elite areas to reflect time spent killing residents and/or exploring there. I'm talking about UW, FoW, SF, ToPK, the Deep, etc. Maybe have it based on enemies killed in one of those areas, or number of quests completed in an area, or number of times entering an area, anything really. Have a high top tier, make it something that can't be bought, and make the title names something unique. This will encourage visiting/exploring some of these areas for reasons other than to farm ectos/golds/chests etc.

I'm particularly fond of Sorrow's Furnace, and think it'd be cool to walk around with a title similar to 'Sorrow Slayer' or 'Furnace Fighter' or something. More titles that can't be bought are always good.

P.S. I skimmed my first paragraph after writing this and thought it said something ineloquent at first. This was unintended but funny.

P.P.S. Please don't come here to post "I hate all titles!" or "We have too many titles!". You can start your own thread to discuss the state of titles and rarity thereof. This thread is to discuss this specific title idea.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


For normal mode...

Have protector titles for elite zones, once you complete all quests inside them.

I.e "Protector of Sorrows Furnace" or "Protector of the Fissure of woe".

For hard mode...

Have a guardian title for completing all quests in HM, and vanguisher title for killing all creatures in the zone in HM.

I.e "Guardian of Sorrows Furnace" and "Vanquisher of Sorrows Furnace", etc etc!

Would that do you?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Nah, too generic and bland. Need more unique sounding title tracks. Have some options for people who want to pick a favorite or cool sounding title. We already see it with the Lucky/Unlucky titles, a lot of people wear the "Charmed" or "Tragic" over all the others just because they think it sounds cool. Plus we need titles that don't require obscene amounts of gold to complete.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Too small areas to have a title.
Titles should be at least 'region wide'.

You can increase sunspear anywhere in Elona, for example.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

I think you missed the point of these titles, especially if you are comparing it to the sunspear title. With the recent farming changes and the drop in price of ectos, many elite areas are going to see less and less visitors. These titles would give people another reason to visit these areas, and also to allow some diversity in what title people choose to wear. Afterall, players don't wear the Tragic title over all the other titles because it was harder to get or anything, they wear it because it sounds cool and is still pretty rare.

For instance, in Sorrow's Furnace we could have a title track based on points for each enemy you kill, different amounts for bosses or harder enemies and such. Then you could maybe receive bonus points for killing an enemy by luring him under one of those crushing piston things. Or maybe receive bonus points for clearing all the bosses or some such.

Another idea could be to add a NPC that would ask to see a certain item or drop that would be currently held by a random mob in the area. Maybe even give you a vague idea of its location.

The point is to encourage travel to these areas outside of farming for drops and ectos and such, since those are on the decline.