The basic idea being that we have a "bobby NPC" or "Mod Bobby"...
Now you have to give me credit for that! you would have one in each capital city through all 3 campaigns. They would walk around and basically observe chat logs and behaviour.
It could either be an NPC which a mod can choose to inhabit and control and observe through, or it could be a purely Mod controlled char.
Either way, you wouldnt be able to initiate conversations with it (i.e via Whispers). If they chose to speak to you, they could in the typical pink Mod text. But it would only be to tell to stop doing something or risk being banned.
It might occassionaly say something typically cockney, to keep in with Anets sense of humour. (Im from Newcastle, so dont ask me what your average Cockney says!)
I now this would add an aspect of "Anets watching you" to the game, but what stronger deterrant could you add to the game?
Its well known the best way to prevent people from breaking the rules or the law, is to have an obvious police/mod pressence. Who is going to spam the chat window, or say something inappropriate if they know a mod is, or could be, watching?
At the minute, we probably have mods who occassionally pop into outposts and cities and watch whats going on. But because we dont know their mods, they dont have any impact.
It would be alot more effective, if you saw a policeman character walking around and the spammers thought "damn....ok stop spamming now!!" It would even be a protective effort towards other risks ingame, like pedophiles chatting up young children, or people harrassing other players.
The fact is, Anet already watches everything we do. They collect data all the time on how we use your chars and what we say ingame, to try and catch botters and im sure mods spie on us all the time.
Would it really be so much worse to have an obvious administration pressence made clear in the form of a policemen or policewomen char?
The only issue I see is Anet would either have to employ new staff to man these characters 24/7, or they would have to pull staff away from other projects to do it.
But I think the benefits outweight the costs personally.
Plus if you have done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about.
I know alot of people are going to be anti "Big Brother" and think this is extreme, but can you honestly think of a better deterant to scare off spamming and abuse?
The bottom line is that asking for a mod to be constantly present in all capital cities, to catch people spamming or being offensive. Whether they be glammed up inside a policeman character, to hide their identity or not, would be Anet's choice.
But if people know a mod is there and watching, who can stick an instant ban on you. They will stop spamming and being abusive.