Small Idea I had to help pass the favor around a bit more.
Insteasd of having 1 continent to hold the favor for 5 time in a row, make it so it has to be taken away for the holding continent for atleast 5 turns, which ever country is holding it at the end of the 5 on win's
So lets say Europe is holding ( of course )
normaly, if an americain group comes in and win, they have to hold for 5 turns. But lets say Japan wins on the 3rd turn, they have to hold favor ect... Always five turns.
With this, the halls would have to be kept away for 5 turns from europe
so lets say scenario one
Europe (holding) -> Amercia ( 1wins) ->Amercia(2)-> Japan(3)->Taiwan(4)->America now has favor(5)
Lore wise, the gods do not reward the realm that cannot hold the halls for 5 turns, and instead those who were able to win the 5 round ( they did defeated the "best" team at the tim.
Pro: Halls switch more often
Con's: America wins four times in a row.....Korea swipes in and steal favor
So I'l try to put it as simply as I can, instead of keeping the hall five times for your self to get it, you have to keep 5 times away for the holding counrty, and the 5 winner gets it
HA consicutive victory