Originally Posted by Age
That is what happened to my tats and it is a big deal as you will have to buy the insignias to get back the energy lost.Btw they are now at 2.1K for a set of 5 you are looking at over 10K more like 11K.I expect they will still be going up.
Insignia in Chapters 1 and 2: they've come
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Why are you running radiant anyway? Especially on a monk?
imo +15 vs conditions or +health!
and I was kinda pissed about this update.
WHY!!! did i buy all that freakin NF ranger armor when I can inscribe my 15k DRUIDS WHY!?!?!?!?
Yeah, I've now got Ranger Ancient armour sitting in my inventory not doing anything because my 15k Drakescale has useful stats.
BTW: Radiant is generally the best - efficiency with skills in PvE is a lot more important than base survivability (unless going for survivor) mainly because PvE is so easy, no need for extra protection.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
BTW: Radiant is generally the best - efficiency with skills in PvE is a lot more important than base survivability (unless going for survivor) mainly because PvE is so easy, no need for extra protection.
or u could save like 8k and use better insignias......
but why in HELL would you want to do that!!!!!
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
wtf is pve.
or u could save like 8k and use better insignias...... but why in HELL would you want to do that!!!!! |
Doesn't work that way in PvP, duh. That's why I use the qualifier "PvE".
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Why are you running radiant anyway? Especially on a monk?
Originally Posted by Puebert
I am bothered by the "Lower-level collector armor pieces from Prophecies and Factions now support insignias. Level 20 collector armor does not."
I mean, this is great, but if you are going to apply insignas to lower-level collector pieces, why not max? I'd rather have it be both or neither. |
My Warrior isn't ruined at all as someone who was being very supportive on these boards was pming asking me if I had a -5 energy weapon.I don't normally have it on but some how my -5 sword was on my F1 key I usually have my Falchion of ebon of deathbane on there 15^50 being my favourite.I still would like to see the older <lvl 20 reverted back as to those who can't afford insignias right now on the purchase date just like clothing manufacture would do.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
What? What is better than extra energy? Extra life? Extra armor? What!? How is that better, because they cost less? If you're being attacked and you don't have enough armor, you should be trying to lose aggro. If you're being attacked and you have enough armor, then you should be trying to gain aggro. Simple, really.
Doesn't work that way in PvP, duh. That's why I use the qualifier "PvE". |
I can monk pve with a 25e e-denial energy set.
imo focus swapping is a good thing to learn. Why waste that extra 10k people are bitching about since the armor has been switch to insignia based armors when you can have much functional armor.
Andrew Patrick
It's my understanding that collector armor did not receive insignias because people could trade 5 collector items for the armor, and turn around and sell the insignia for a few plat. That would not have done wonders for the Insignia market. 
Also, collector armor is far cheaper than the armor you have crafted for you. Insignias are bonuses, and if you choose to spend the money on crafted armor, you are spending gold to have access to those bonuses. It's like paying a little extra for the larger engine option in a car.
It's unfortunate that some of the collector items lost a few mods, but if that’s the price to add insignias to Prophecies and Factions armor without endangering the economy or creating imbalance within it, wouldn't you say its a price worth paying?

Also, collector armor is far cheaper than the armor you have crafted for you. Insignias are bonuses, and if you choose to spend the money on crafted armor, you are spending gold to have access to those bonuses. It's like paying a little extra for the larger engine option in a car.
It's unfortunate that some of the collector items lost a few mods, but if that’s the price to add insignias to Prophecies and Factions armor without endangering the economy or creating imbalance within it, wouldn't you say its a price worth paying?
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
I can monk pve with a 25e e-denial energy set.
Andisa Kalorn
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
It's my understanding that collector armor did not receive insignias because people could trade 5 collector items for the armor, and turn around and sell the insignia for a few plat. That would not have done wonders for the Insignia market.
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
It's unfortunate that some of the collector items lost a few mods, but if that’s the price to add insignias to Prophecies and Factions armor without endangering the economy or creating imbalance within it, wouldn't you say its a price worth paying?
Originally Posted by ShadowsRequiem
phft only nubs need more energy(hint the sarcasm)
Maximum energy doesnt do anything, energy management does.
I have my monk, elly, and monk + elly heroes all equipped with +10ar while enchanted.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
BTW: Radiant is generally the best - efficiency with skills in PvE is a lot more important than base survivability (unless going for survivor) mainly because PvE is so easy, no need for extra protection.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
OK, but that monk with more energy and less health/AR is going to be doing a better job of keeping everyone alive, as long as they know how to stay out of harm's way. Are you saying you'd rather have less overall energy, energy that helps you perform your duties in a team, to have more health or armor? Do you die that much?
point is the heals don't get bigger if you have more Energy.
( could be an interesting mechanic for GW2

Ofcourse in PvP it's a dead giveaway that a monk is gonna draw fire. In PvE however... well screw "however", mob AI favours monks as target too. I actually think they choose targets based on AR and HP; that would make a monk in radiant armour a bigger target...
Now, sure, radiant isn't bad. In fact my ranger has worn druids ever since I could first get it a LA almost 2 years ago. And that's a class with some of the best e-management in the game... It's just that there are other options which are just as, in some cases more, viable.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
OK, but that monk with more energy and less health/AR is going to be doing a better job of keeping everyone alive, as long as they know how to stay out of harm's way. Are you saying you'd rather have less overall energy, energy that helps you perform your duties in a team, to have more health or armor? Do you die that much?
every skill costs the same amount and heals for the same amount no matter how much energy u have, and if you are constantly spamming skills when not needed (over healing etc.) then of course your going to need more energy.
I'd rather have much more armor for when I need it, and not some crappy energy which I can easily gain by focus swapping. Ever seen how much you can increase your energy pool? first might be 25e 35e 47e 62e
see wow! over 30 energy! and no way I dont have Radiants! I have more armor/health which makes me harder to kill, when I need it most in the clutch.
imo +15 vs cond chest over a crappy +3 energy anyday!!!
but I always pvp with my pve chars so yah
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Learn energy management. It comes from efficient use of skills as well. I've never run into energy problems in PvE at all since health armour was added, including hard mode and elite missions. Survivor outdoes radiant in every situation aside from 55 farming.
Skyy High
Can't believe people are crying that their 55 monks are ruined because of the loss of 1 energy from the headgear. Or, if you're upset because of the loss of your insignias...buy them back! It's not like you won't be able to earn the few plat back with your 55. They needed to be removed, or a lot of people would have gotten a lot of free insignias.
Just chill for a bit with the cries of how expensive armor has become. If you're using any insignia that's less than 500g, your armor just got LESS expensive; if you want an insignia that costs more than that, wait a week or so; insignias now drop in ALL chapters, which means that they're going to be flooding the market soon as the entire community starts getting them as drops. The end result: prices will probably stabilize roughly at the levels that they were at before this update, which will put even radiants at around 500-700g. They may even be less, what with the increased drop rate.
Just chill for a bit with the cries of how expensive armor has become. If you're using any insignia that's less than 500g, your armor just got LESS expensive; if you want an insignia that costs more than that, wait a week or so; insignias now drop in ALL chapters, which means that they're going to be flooding the market soon as the entire community starts getting them as drops. The end result: prices will probably stabilize roughly at the levels that they were at before this update, which will put even radiants at around 500-700g. They may even be less, what with the increased drop rate.
Well I for one am happy for this update! It was something a lot of people asked for and I am glad Anet manage to deliver this to us! Granted, there were some cons to this update for some users (as we all know) but all in all, its something great to have anyway. More choices is always good in my book. Thank you Anet!
Someone supplied the GW wiki link to the monk armour just now and I am quite impressed on how orderly it has become. It looked like the work of one user! Kudos to the person who did that!
Someone supplied the GW wiki link to the monk armour just now and I am quite impressed on how orderly it has become. It looked like the work of one user! Kudos to the person who did that!
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Learn energy management. It comes from efficient use of skills as well. I've never run into energy problems in PvE at all since health armour was added, including hard mode and elite missions. Survivor outdoes radiant in every situation aside from 55 farming.
I'm not just talking monks, here. I'm talking in general - all classes. Of course certain situations may call for a different insignia, but if you're going for a general insignia for armor you wear all the time - Radiant all the way. You technically don't need the extra energy like you don't need the extra health - but more energy can't hurt, and may even be useful - more health, not so much.
EDIT: I religiously put Survivor on my heroes, though, because they are dumb, as well. They die a lot, so yeah, keeps them alive a bit more. I don't die nearly as often, so I don't need it. Get it?
Personally... I stay clear of Radiant AND Survivor >_<
Unlucky Slayer
I would still like to know why ANet wants to force market based crap on us when it was fine the way it was before Insignias... (IE Factions Armor buying system).
Argue all you want about insignas being "better" since you can switch at will, but for people that DONT switch stats on their armor this market based crap is just putting extra cost into stuff a lot of us can barely afford as it is.
I said this once, but it would be much better off if ALL Insignias were a flat rate of 500g so that you dont have to pay pretty much double the armor cost just for the stat you wanted.
And while I'm on a mini rant about insignias and prices... Why not give more gold per quest reward to help the casual gamer. Like 1k gold for each quest would be nice and would help out the casual gamer which this Loot Scaling stuff failed to do.
Argue all you want about insignas being "better" since you can switch at will, but for people that DONT switch stats on their armor this market based crap is just putting extra cost into stuff a lot of us can barely afford as it is.
I said this once, but it would be much better off if ALL Insignias were a flat rate of 500g so that you dont have to pay pretty much double the armor cost just for the stat you wanted.
And while I'm on a mini rant about insignias and prices... Why not give more gold per quest reward to help the casual gamer. Like 1k gold for each quest would be nice and would help out the casual gamer which this Loot Scaling stuff failed to do.
While slightly off topic, adding higher gold rewards to each quest would only inflate the economy. The distinction between the haves and have nots would not decrease at all.
Stalwart insignia :x
Psychic Watch
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
It's my understanding that collector armor did not receive insignias because people could trade 5 collector items for the armor, and turn around and sell the insignia for a few plat.
It's unfortunate that some of the collector items lost a few mods, but if that’s the price to add insignias to Prophecies and Factions armor without endangering the economy or creating imbalance within it, wouldn't you say its a price worth paying? |
No. I for one was getting along just fine without overpriced insignias. The point is that this change should have been made without destructively altering existing items.
Originally Posted by Unlucky Slayer
I would still like to know why ANet wants to force market based crap on us when it was fine the way it was before Insignias... (IE Factions Armor buying system).
Argue all you want about insignas being "better" since you can switch at will, but for people that DONT switch stats on their armor this market based crap is just putting extra cost into stuff a lot of us can barely afford as it is. |
The "market based crap" is only crap because "everyone" agrees on the same crappy mod (Radiant) being the best and it ends up being the most expensive.
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
That is what I hated about this update.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Learn to kite.
So, yeah. Survivor pretty much owns radiant.
Whine whine whine, it's all that ever happens on these forums.
Anet listen to the crowd and change the inherent armors to insignable and yet again there's a load of crap.
It's never any good isn't it.
Boohoohoo, go cry to mommy ffs.
Anet listen to the crowd and change the inherent armors to insignable and yet again there's a load of crap.
It's never any good isn't it.
Boohoohoo, go cry to mommy ffs.
Originally Posted by Emik
Whine whine whine, it's all that ever happens on these forums.
Anet listen to the crowd and change the inherent armors to insignable and yet again there's a load of crap. It's never any good isn't it. Boohoohoo, go cry to mommy ffs. |
I think my eyes even started to bleed from the crap i read over there
I can understand that some people are upset with this, especially new people starting Prophecies from scratch will have problems getting insignias.
BUT for the wast majority of players this finally made the old Prophecies armors viable again.
Overall verdict = Good move.
BUT for the wast majority of players this finally made the old Prophecies armors viable again.
Overall verdict = Good move.
Originally Posted by Spazzer
If you're kiting, you're not getting hit, and thus not spending energy on heals (yours or your monk's).
So, yeah. Survivor pretty much owns radiant. |

Let me be a little clearer - if you're kiting well in PvE, you would know how to kite only enough to keep the dumb AI from attacking you any longer - not the entire battle. If you kite the entire battle, that's not kiting, that's running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. If you do that, you're dumb, and deserve to be wearing survivor. If not, if you're smart, you will be casting most of the time, and that extra energy can only help, not hurt.
How hard is that to understand? Really, it's PvE, not rocketscience.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
LOL, yeah, ok, makes sense.
![]() Let me be a little clearer - if you're kiting well in PvE, you would know how to kite only enough to keep the dumb AI from attacking you any longer - not the entire battle. If you kite the entire battle, that's not kiting, that's running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. If you do that, you're dumb, and deserve to be wearing survivor. If not, if you're smart, you will be casting most of the time, and that extra energy can only help, not hurt. How hard is that to understand? Really, it's PvE, not rocketscience. |
I think its a pretty good update, I kind of wanted this to happen lol.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
But even then, Hard Mode will introduce you to areas where you cannot lose aggro. Eternal Grove, Sanctum Cay, and any other area where you are forced to stay put while waves of enemies come at you, for instance.
Psychic Watch
Originally Posted by Spazzer
Wow, I guess people will try to find a reason to complain about anything.
While others will bend over and take anything shoveled out to them...
There is a legitimate issue here that needs to be dealt with.
Inherent mods on existing items should not be removed, and absolutely not removed if there is no way to replace them.
Originally Posted by Psychic Watch
That isn't the point. Why were inherent mods on EXISTING items removed, with no option to replace them? These existing items might already be infused, dyed, or have runes in them, WHY SHOULD THEY HAVE TO BE REPLACED?
No. I for one was getting along just fine without overpriced insignias. The point is that this change should have been made without destructively altering existing items. |
Skyy High
The only way that this negatively effected your preexisting armor - barring, of course, the 1 energy loss from collector headgear (which wasn't even there in the first place) - is if you are a 55 using low level gear. Or, of course, if you are content to walk around with substandard armor in the first place, in which case the loss of a few points of armor, energy, or health should be trivial compared to the fact that you are WALKING AROUND IN LOW LEVEL ARMOR. No excuse for it, and it's certainly not something that's going to be catered to.
For everyone else, this update makes it so we can use the mods we want on the armors we want, and we can change them at will. Furthermore, the prices for these insignias before the update were around 500g; give it a few weeks and the prices will stabilize at or below what they were 2 weeks ago. This crap about the armor change being detrimental or somehow destroying your armor is bull; we got a enormously beneficial update here, something that players have literally been asking for for months; we even got it retroactively applied to our existing armor, something I didn't expect to happen ever. But no, because it makes low level armor less desirable, it's a horror to behold.
For everyone else, this update makes it so we can use the mods we want on the armors we want, and we can change them at will. Furthermore, the prices for these insignias before the update were around 500g; give it a few weeks and the prices will stabilize at or below what they were 2 weeks ago. This crap about the armor change being detrimental or somehow destroying your armor is bull; we got a enormously beneficial update here, something that players have literally been asking for for months; we even got it retroactively applied to our existing armor, something I didn't expect to happen ever. But no, because it makes low level armor less desirable, it's a horror to behold.
Nemo the Capitalist
Originally Posted by Sante_Kelm
Wow...awesome...I was 50 gold away from getting my ranger's best chest piece and now I have to pay 1.8 platinum more. Thanks, Anet!