Can I Take Skill Points Back Once Used?
If I put points in, say, Blood Magic, then later find I prefer Death Magic, can I transfer the points, or is my choice permanent?
Olfin Bedwere
No you can switch them around.
Sam Katha
You have 24 refund point that can be used to lower an attribute by one each. This frees the attribute points to be used elsewhere. Refund points can be regained at a rate of one/250 XP
Originally Posted by TopGun
If I put points in, say, Blood Magic, then later find I prefer Death Magic, can I transfer the points, or is my choice permanent?
Attribute points are what you spend on attributes such as Blood Magic and Death Magic.
As already stated, you get one refund point every 250XP, to a maximum of 24 refund points at any time. You can use these to take points back out of attributes and then you can put them into other ones.
Gauwyn Vorec
To better explain... there is an up and down arrow beside each skill... you can transfer (place or remove) points using those arrows.