Guild Wars CCG
I wants to make a guild wars card-based game
I sent mail arenanet for licence info, but they aren't answer for me so now i stop that project, and i don't have enough pictures for it and i'm not very good in grapich :P This is one demo card:

basically everything that involves a cast time would basically suck in a card based version now wouldn't it?
The card based version dont have cast time like other CCG/TTGs. The spells dmg is reduced and its only can used by spell attrib based mobs. Ect Fire Ball only can used by Fire mage mobs, other type of mage cant use it. Mesmers ect can use spell traps (interrupt). If i got answer from anet is working more in the game engine

hum this looks kinds cool.... and you can use cast times in the magic the gathering uses suspend.
I see it playing like FFT.
I like to see a card based Guild Wars game, Guild Wars: Return of The White Mantle Deck or Guild Wars: Heros and Heriones Deck or Guild Wars: Realm of Torment Deck.
In Magic: The Gathering; You are the caster, you are the planeswalker.
Guild Wars is a group-oriented RPG. That doesn't translate very well to a 1v1 format.
Likewise, MtG doesn't necessarily thrive in 3v3 or 3HG formats.
Guild Wars is a group-oriented RPG. That doesn't translate very well to a 1v1 format.
Likewise, MtG doesn't necessarily thrive in 3v3 or 3HG formats.
no i know that, im saying the suspend could work the same way as casting..... also you know what i would think would be sweet as hell, if you were the caster like mtg BUT you choose a proff and secondary proff and thats they cards you use, like e/mo i could use ele and monk cards. ALSO i would like to see it where you FORM PARTIES lol, so its not 1v1, its 2v2 4v4 or 8v8. and since each person has their proffs you would make builds sorta like GW and work together
lol that sounds sweet as hell to me
lol that sounds sweet as hell to me
Heres my idea on how the game may work.
The object of the game is to slay all opponents.
Decks can be around 40+ cards and up to 8 of which may be Character cards that you have at the start of the game. It is recommended to bring dice and some writing tools.
Your deck will mostly be terrain, skill, weapon mods and attribute mod cards.
Before you start, shuffle your character cards. Both you and your opponent now draw your character cards after rolling a 6D each time to determine the order in which a character may take action (we both shuffle, then we roll to see who draws first each time we draw, and the order we draw them in, determines the turn order).
At the start of your game you deploy your character cards on a field no smaller than 12X12 in any space two spaces from your side of the field. Up to two character cards may be on the same space.
Draw 5 cards at the start of the game and one additional card each time one of your characters may move.
Skill cards may be applied to any character. Once a skill is a applied to a character that does not match the profession of the card, that character is now both professions (i.e. giving a monk cad to a necro will make it a N/Mo).
Like the real game, any character may have up to 8 skills and one of them may be an elite skill.
Each time an opponent's character is slain by one of yours, that character gain a level up to 20 and gains skill points to distribute for their attributes.
Each character has 100-500 hp scaling with level and 20-30 eng differing per class.
Dmg is sorted and dealt by armor types. Heavily armored characters have a +10% resistance to everything in terms of dmg that can be altered by armor. Caster armor has a -10% rating. And Leather armor takes normal dmg.
Terrain cards alter the field and may be placed anywhere and may be used when any of your characters may move. The main effect of terrain is to change elevation, though things like mud or lava effects other things as well.
For melee weapons to hit, the elevation difference may not be more than 5 and for ranged weapons the elevation difference may not be higher than 10 from the origin of the ranged attack (so a bow or wand may hit anything below it but nothing to high above it and melee weapons cannot hit anything 5pts above or below it).
Characters may not move from a space that is 5pts different from their last space.
Characters may move up to 3 spaces per turn unless a card states otherwise.
On your characters turn you may add one skill card to them.
Any character may use as many skills as they want per turn so long as they do not take more than 1sec total from their in-game counterparts. (so a mesmer may use up to 4 1/4 sec cast time skills).
Any skill that takes more time to cast before one second will continue on and will add one second to the cast time per turn (so if you cast power drain you can still cast meteor shower but it will not activate until 5 turns later unless your a mesmer).
Skill range mirrors its in-game counter part. The 1 is the effected space and the 0 is things out of range:
Adjacent-All targets in the target space.
Nearby-All targets 1 space away from the target space
Area-All targets 2 spaces away from the target space
Earshot-All targets 3 spaces away.
Long Bow-May target anything 4 spaces away.
Spirit-May effect/target anything 5 spaces away.
Maintained Enchantments-May be kept for anything up to 6 spaces away.
All ranged skills and attacks may be used on any target within earshot with the acception of certain assassin skills. Melee range skills must be on the same or adjacent space.
Dervish scythe skills and attacks may attack targets on the same space as the attacker and an 1 space away.
You may only see which skill an opponents character is using when one of your characters is currently targeting the caster.
When casting a spell, you must write its coordinates and its target on something and place it faced down on the table. When the skill activates you must reveal its target and the skill used.
The object of the game is to slay all opponents.
Decks can be around 40+ cards and up to 8 of which may be Character cards that you have at the start of the game. It is recommended to bring dice and some writing tools.
Your deck will mostly be terrain, skill, weapon mods and attribute mod cards.
Before you start, shuffle your character cards. Both you and your opponent now draw your character cards after rolling a 6D each time to determine the order in which a character may take action (we both shuffle, then we roll to see who draws first each time we draw, and the order we draw them in, determines the turn order).
At the start of your game you deploy your character cards on a field no smaller than 12X12 in any space two spaces from your side of the field. Up to two character cards may be on the same space.
Draw 5 cards at the start of the game and one additional card each time one of your characters may move.
Skill cards may be applied to any character. Once a skill is a applied to a character that does not match the profession of the card, that character is now both professions (i.e. giving a monk cad to a necro will make it a N/Mo).
Like the real game, any character may have up to 8 skills and one of them may be an elite skill.
Each time an opponent's character is slain by one of yours, that character gain a level up to 20 and gains skill points to distribute for their attributes.
Each character has 100-500 hp scaling with level and 20-30 eng differing per class.
Dmg is sorted and dealt by armor types. Heavily armored characters have a +10% resistance to everything in terms of dmg that can be altered by armor. Caster armor has a -10% rating. And Leather armor takes normal dmg.
Terrain cards alter the field and may be placed anywhere and may be used when any of your characters may move. The main effect of terrain is to change elevation, though things like mud or lava effects other things as well.
For melee weapons to hit, the elevation difference may not be more than 5 and for ranged weapons the elevation difference may not be higher than 10 from the origin of the ranged attack (so a bow or wand may hit anything below it but nothing to high above it and melee weapons cannot hit anything 5pts above or below it).
Characters may not move from a space that is 5pts different from their last space.
Characters may move up to 3 spaces per turn unless a card states otherwise.
On your characters turn you may add one skill card to them.
Any character may use as many skills as they want per turn so long as they do not take more than 1sec total from their in-game counterparts. (so a mesmer may use up to 4 1/4 sec cast time skills).
Any skill that takes more time to cast before one second will continue on and will add one second to the cast time per turn (so if you cast power drain you can still cast meteor shower but it will not activate until 5 turns later unless your a mesmer).
Skill range mirrors its in-game counter part. The 1 is the effected space and the 0 is things out of range:
Adjacent-All targets in the target space.
Nearby-All targets 1 space away from the target space
Area-All targets 2 spaces away from the target space
Earshot-All targets 3 spaces away.
Long Bow-May target anything 4 spaces away.
Spirit-May effect/target anything 5 spaces away.
Maintained Enchantments-May be kept for anything up to 6 spaces away.
All ranged skills and attacks may be used on any target within earshot with the acception of certain assassin skills. Melee range skills must be on the same or adjacent space.
Dervish scythe skills and attacks may attack targets on the same space as the attacker and an 1 space away.
You may only see which skill an opponents character is using when one of your characters is currently targeting the caster.
When casting a spell, you must write its coordinates and its target on something and place it faced down on the table. When the skill activates you must reveal its target and the skill used.
Jecht Scye
I thought about a CCG for Guild Wars some time ago, I had a pretty decent layout of the rules, but the coding and making of all of those cards would be such a pain in the butt.
If I was certain people would play it I might do it, but it was a heck of a lot of work when I sketched it on paper.
Found a card design from it:
Most of the card concepts did not have the same casts/recharges/energy values, or even the same effects as their Guild Wars counterparts. AoE skills did have a similar effect to what Lion's idea was, although the spaces for Creatures was only 4 instead of 7 like he shows. 7 would probably work better although the interface might get crowded.
If I was certain people would play it I might do it, but it was a heck of a lot of work when I sketched it on paper.
Found a card design from it:
Most of the card concepts did not have the same casts/recharges/energy values, or even the same effects as their Guild Wars counterparts. AoE skills did have a similar effect to what Lion's idea was, although the spaces for Creatures was only 4 instead of 7 like he shows. 7 would probably work better although the interface might get crowded.
Smurf Minions
Well you should be making something like attribute cards, like a fire spell can only be used if you have an elementalist attribute card. And something like energy cards fo 5-10-15 energy (quite much), it's a really nice id to make such a card game

Jecht Scye
I got bored, so I fixed the previous card up a bit:
Mistical miss
Hmm you could alter the recharge time by allowing the card often, or not often in a deck, say meteor storm could be in a deck twice, while reversal of fortune could be in a deck 10 times.
Jecht Scye
My original plan called for a place called "The Mists".
Whenever a card was used or destroyed it was sent to the mists. Players were allowed to have up to 70 cards in their deck. up to 3 skills of the same kind for normal skills, 1 skill of the same kind for elite skills. The Recharge time allowed players to resurrect a skill to their hand from the mists.
Whenever a card was used or destroyed it was sent to the mists. Players were allowed to have up to 70 cards in their deck. up to 3 skills of the same kind for normal skills, 1 skill of the same kind for elite skills. The Recharge time allowed players to resurrect a skill to their hand from the mists.

Jecht Scye
Am not! ....k, so I am a dork