What's your favorite Guild Wars sound?
BHA... It is like the ICBM of Guild Wars
The click sound from various stuff when the action is invalid. ( Using a hex on spirit etc )
Zeek Aran
Whoever posted yesterday to bring this thread back up... should be shot. Thread necromancy should be a bannable offense.
Only new threads get on topic posts from me. -.-
Only new threads get on topic posts from me. -.-
~ Dan ~
Definitely Essence Bond for me. The animation is cool too

The sound of a female monk dying.
savage vapor 33
The silence when I exit the game....
The theme music that used to play when Nightfall was the chapter that gave us a login screen.
Probably followed by Koss' voice. I think they got a good voice actor for that one. I'm waiting for a dialogue between Koss and Master Togo just so I can shake my head in sympathy to the actor behind Koss...
Togo sounds like he was hired at a comic book convention...
Probably followed by Koss' voice. I think they got a good voice actor for that one. I'm waiting for a dialogue between Koss and Master Togo just so I can shake my head in sympathy to the actor behind Koss...

deffently not the turkey noise that comes form rollerbeetles.
well this is an odd topic, thats probably why i cant think of any. the only music i can think of is the nightfall log on music and Mhenlo and togos voices
well this is an odd topic, thats probably why i cant think of any. the only music i can think of is the nightfall log on music and Mhenlo and togos voices
Cale Roughstar
Ughhh, I HATE the sound of rain beetles and (madness titans?). I will take my headphones off and put on my iPod if I go into an area with those guys because I hate it so much.
<3 the sounds of exploding barrels in Heart of the Shiverpeaks. Loved going for those chest runs. Ahhh the sweet sound of exploding barrels and dying oozes!
<3 the sounds of exploding barrels in Heart of the Shiverpeaks. Loved going for those chest runs. Ahhh the sweet sound of exploding barrels and dying oozes!
Beeb beeb
I like the sound of the "There is nothing to fear" shout.
Sound effects? All I can hear is random beeps and clashes when I turn my sounds on. And it taxes the comp like hell.
The sound of a female monk dying when I kill her.
Government Flu
The sound of clanking armor, which was added just prior to the release of Nightfall. Adds a nice touch of realism.
Tengu sqaaaak
1) Sound when you set a barbed trap. It sounds like a hunting horn.
2) That warrior death sound that was like, "DAAAOUUUULLLLEEEHHHH".
3) Corsairs dying.
4) Vizier Khilbron dying in Sanctum Cay (he made a sound like "rrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa").
5) Spirit Light, with all the tinkley sounds like water dripping.
6) The old Prophecies theme song. I MISS IT!
As you can see, I have a very...dark...nature, and love death sounds.
Oh, but I HATE the sounds Alesia made when she was hurt/dying. Not only did it notify me she was now up to 60DP, but it also sounded like she was giving birth to an Ettin.
2) That warrior death sound that was like, "DAAAOUUUULLLLEEEHHHH".
3) Corsairs dying.
4) Vizier Khilbron dying in Sanctum Cay (he made a sound like "rrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa").
5) Spirit Light, with all the tinkley sounds like water dripping.
6) The old Prophecies theme song. I MISS IT!

As you can see, I have a very...dark...nature, and love death sounds.
Oh, but I HATE the sounds Alesia made when she was hurt/dying. Not only did it notify me she was now up to 60DP, but it also sounded like she was giving birth to an Ettin.
Listen to the sound of a critical hit on a male necro. It'll make you fall over laughing.

max gladius
any sound right before error 7.... when the sounds all skips really fast then u get error msg.... ahhhh its so beautiful...
Getting hit by Energy Blast.
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
Whoever posted yesterday to bring this thread back up... should be shot. Thread necromancy should be a bannable offense.
Only new threads get on topic posts from me. -.- |

I like the woosh sound that Mending makes when it is cast. it reminds me of the Healing Springs in Prophecies.
Originally Posted by Gigashadow
The sound of a female monk dying when I kill her.
Olim Chill
1) The sounds of picking items up.
2) The trebuchet in the Fort Ranik mission.
3) Vampiric Touch (I wish Vile Touch sounded as cool).
2) The trebuchet in the Fort Ranik mission.
3) Vampiric Touch (I wish Vile Touch sounded as cool).
The sound of protective bond, have a listen to that it sounds really "clean"
I remember trying to get that +1 bonus for farming, that sound will be in memory for ever
I remember trying to get that +1 bonus for farming, that sound will be in memory for ever

I like the sound of Sprint and Rush (it's the same afaik). And I can't believe nobody mentioned Frenzy!
My girlfriend and I have an ongoing thing about the noises made by Sapphire Djinn when they die:
"Bunny ....... Yosh!"
She also pipes up from across the room: "Stop killing ponies!" whenever I run into a group of Stone Scale Kirin in Echovald.
Other jokes include the tendency of trolls to call me "Raoul" repeatedly.... and the absolutely hilarious sounds of my ranger's Dire Flamingo charging into battle (almost as cool as the Hyena pet).
Oh yes... and Kuunavang's roar. ^_^
I <3 Kuuny.
"Bunny ....... Yosh!"
She also pipes up from across the room: "Stop killing ponies!" whenever I run into a group of Stone Scale Kirin in Echovald.
Other jokes include the tendency of trolls to call me "Raoul" repeatedly.... and the absolutely hilarious sounds of my ranger's Dire Flamingo charging into battle (almost as cool as the Hyena pet).
Oh yes... and Kuunavang's roar. ^_^
I <3 Kuuny.
Fried Tech
Favorite Sound: The death of a cow (UW Aataxe)
Least Favorite: The click of a interupted skill.... ARGH!!!
Least Favorite: The click of a interupted skill.... ARGH!!!
The sound Mhenlo makes when he dies.
I hate him so very, very much.. I try and run in close when I suspect he's going to die, watch him try and cast Vigorous Spirit, and then enjoy the euphony of his dying cries
I hate him so very, very much.. I try and run in close when I suspect he's going to die, watch him try and cast Vigorous Spirit, and then enjoy the euphony of his dying cries
The music. It's fabulous.
fleeting stability
Arya Littlefinger
I like the sound of Essence Bond. Its so delicious
The squishy/scrunchy sound when a minion is raised.
Death By Ketchup
Shooting arrows, pew pew pew!

the sound the destroyers make
also air attunement

also air attunement
Bryant Again
The warrior has some pretty funny grunting noises.