Originally Posted by Evilsod
No you were basically complaining about the usual lack of AI and about how you made your build more about offence than defence so once you get DP you can't survive.
For eles/rit bosses, you KNOW they will wipe you. So, you need a sweeper-puller-tank. Ultra preprotted so he survices his pull, and the party can safely position themselves to, if they die, they are alone to do so. (Yes, people HAVE to be acoordingly positionned when facing those bosses to avoid mass wipe!). Any kind of disruption (generally Broad head arrow, but many other forms of disruption, especially KDs, are also powerful) is then really useful.
You have also to build acordingly to the ennemies. Bringing no disenchant in, say, areas where there are shiroken elementalists, is the best way to ensure a quick wipe from Sliver Armor.
I don't know people, Guildwiki is here to inform you on the mobs/boss you will encounter, once you know this, and plan your team accordingly, I find HM even easy. You've just not to make any error. And even if you do so, that only result in some DP. (That you remove through scrolls at the first death in your group).
I would advise, though, not to do HM with Heroes/henchies. That's why you find it difficult! Just find ONE pal, and the rest with heroes, and you will find HM ridiculously easy.