Hi just a quick suggestion . I would like to see guild stats at side of guild in allaince eg,
1. rank of guild
2. total members
3. date guild formed
4. gvg win/loss record
5. Halls wins
i think this would be an intresting and informative idea for alliance ,s what do you think?
show alliance stats
kev doppleganger
In this day and age you'd figure we would have it... Ya shouldbe done.
It would be good to be able to access more information about alliance guilds than how much faction they've farmed (which is a statistic that while useful, is only used by a small percentage of alliances and completely ignored by most).
Being able to see a guild's rating/rank etc would be nice, along with being able to at least see a list of online members (if not the entire roster). Some might argue this is too much information but I don't really see the issue. And just showing the online members doesn't really give away more information than an active alliance chat channel does.
Being able to see a guild's rating/rank etc would be nice, along with being able to at least see a list of online members (if not the entire roster). Some might argue this is too much information but I don't really see the issue. And just showing the online members doesn't really give away more information than an active alliance chat channel does.
savage vapor 33
I think Anet should implement 1-3. 4&5 might be a little private for the guild. But 1-3 should be general information.
1-2 would be nice, 4 would probably be implemented with 1. 3 is a little pointless. 5 is very impractical as they might not even do guild halls events even though they have members that win it 10x a night.