Allow us to zoom in and out on the compass map!
Why not let us zoom in and out on the compass map?
Simply so we can see where all the surrounding creatures are, at a longer distance. This would of best use in HM when vanguishing and you cant find those last few creatures.
I cant see any issue of making the game easier, because it wouldnt change a players technique. Most players (unless farming) try to avoid agro anyway, and most have a rough idea where creatures are after a few plays of an area.
It admittadly wouldnt provide information that most players dont already know, but it would add more tactics to the game and help vanquishing. Im not asking to zoom out miles, so we can see an entire island and every creature within 10 miles.
Only a few more feet!
Simply so we can see where all the surrounding creatures are, at a longer distance. This would of best use in HM when vanguishing and you cant find those last few creatures.
I cant see any issue of making the game easier, because it wouldnt change a players technique. Most players (unless farming) try to avoid agro anyway, and most have a rough idea where creatures are after a few plays of an area.
It admittadly wouldnt provide information that most players dont already know, but it would add more tactics to the game and help vanquishing. Im not asking to zoom out miles, so we can see an entire island and every creature within 10 miles.
Only a few more feet!
/signed. Totally, absolutely /signed
Kale Ironfist
Compass is designed to show enemies and relative ranges. Stuff like radar range would be skewed because some people might not be able to judge it properly if you could change the aspect ratio.
Plus, if its only a few more feet, be aware that the aggro circle is supposedly 88 feet in diameter (or was it radius?), so it likely won't be of much use for that extra few feet.
Plus, if its only a few more feet, be aware that the aggro circle is supposedly 88 feet in diameter (or was it radius?), so it likely won't be of much use for that extra few feet.
Originally Posted by Kale Ironfist
Compass is designed to show enemies and relative ranges. Stuff like radar range would be skewed because some people might not be able to judge it properly if you could change the aspect ratio.
Plus, if its only a few more feet, be aware that the aggro circle is supposedly 88 feet in diameter (or was it radius?), so it likely won't be of much use for that extra few feet. |
yeah sure, this will let me see enemies from much farther away
yeah sure, this will let me see enemies from much farther away
Won't happen, if anything, I'd expect them to limit what you can see from within Longbow range, not radar range. Why?
Die, and make sure you are not rezed. Now, click on a hero/hench, and watch through their eyes. They can only see things that are within their aggro range, not even things within Longbow range.
I know this because while Vanquishing Ruptured Heart, I was killed, and flagged my heroes/hench back to keep them from dying. As I tried to bring them back in to rez the 3 of us that were dead, I could not see anything until it was in aggro range.
Monsters cannot see you until you enter their aggro range (except things like Kournan Spotters). This gives us an advantage over them already. I personally would like to see line of sight used. If a creature is in aggro range, but behind a wall, they should not see you, and be able to attack, nor you see them and attack.
I am happy with things as they are, but I see changes making things 'worse' than they are, not 'better'.
Die, and make sure you are not rezed. Now, click on a hero/hench, and watch through their eyes. They can only see things that are within their aggro range, not even things within Longbow range.
I know this because while Vanquishing Ruptured Heart, I was killed, and flagged my heroes/hench back to keep them from dying. As I tried to bring them back in to rez the 3 of us that were dead, I could not see anything until it was in aggro range.
Monsters cannot see you until you enter their aggro range (except things like Kournan Spotters). This gives us an advantage over them already. I personally would like to see line of sight used. If a creature is in aggro range, but behind a wall, they should not see you, and be able to attack, nor you see them and attack.
I am happy with things as they are, but I see changes making things 'worse' than they are, not 'better'.
Radar range is set to the distance of maintainable enchants.
MagmaRed,Emik- Changing the view of the map isnt going to screw with the mechanics. If the map zooms out then your agro bubble should size in scale with the new view. Same thing with everything else that effects range.
Making an aspect of the game "easier" does not make it better. I see no reason to do this. People have gotten by fine as is.
Also, this would be very bad for PvP. You could spot a ganker or a split instantly or be able to tell the composition of an ememy team right at the start of a game.
Making an aspect of the game "easier" does not make it better. I see no reason to do this. People have gotten by fine as is.
Also, this would be very bad for PvP. You could spot a ganker or a split instantly or be able to tell the composition of an ememy team right at the start of a game.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Making an aspect of the game "easier" does not make it better. I see no reason to do this. People have gotten by fine as is. Also, this would be very bad for PvP. You could spot a ganker or a split instantly or be able to tell the composition of an ememy team right at the start of a game. |
Its purely to let you see better whats around you, or to find those last creaturs when vanquishing.
Sophitia Leafblade
The compass pretty much covers the range u can see on screen. The reason they appear as dots on the compass is because u can see (or hear) where they are.
I would accept it if it was zoomed out slighty more to fit it exactly to the range u can see (since its slightly short of that atm, a perminent change no zooming in and out) but no more than that. But there isnt really any problem with the compass as it it, it works. If it isnt broke dont fix it
plus as mentioned above it would cause problems in PvP.
The compass pretty much covers the range u can see on screen. The reason they appear as dots on the compass is because u can see (or hear) where they are.
I would accept it if it was zoomed out slighty more to fit it exactly to the range u can see (since its slightly short of that atm, a perminent change no zooming in and out) but no more than that. But there isnt really any problem with the compass as it it, it works. If it isnt broke dont fix it

Foes, Heroes, Henchmen and Players have FIXED view ranges.
You can't see anythng far waya from the radar, and if you zoom in the radar, you'll be missing many things...
There is simply no reason to do so.
You can't see anythng far waya from the radar, and if you zoom in the radar, you'll be missing many things...
There is simply no reason to do so.