Buff chest drops and nerf monster drops
1. Make monsters drop gold and purple less
2. Make the "mechant" price on gold and purple go up. Something like 500~800 for gold, and 300~500 for purple.
From what I see, the location of chests are scattered randomly across the map. This will make everything far less predictable, and a harder time for bots. On the other hand, regular human players won't get effected as much. This can also make chest runs more enjoyable (something that had been lost for so long).
2. Make the "mechant" price on gold and purple go up. Something like 500~800 for gold, and 300~500 for purple.
From what I see, the location of chests are scattered randomly across the map. This will make everything far less predictable, and a harder time for bots. On the other hand, regular human players won't get effected as much. This can also make chest runs more enjoyable (something that had been lost for so long).
Diddy bow
/Signed for incresing merch price on golds and purps but loot scaling made monster drops bad enough leave em alone >.<
Buff chest drop and prices.
UNnerf drop, drop is nerfed, since the last 2 patch, my farming loot got waaay lower, (50 mobs = 3 drops :S)
UNnerf drop, drop is nerfed, since the last 2 patch, my farming loot got waaay lower, (50 mobs = 3 drops :S)
Key andf Lockpick drops get increased. Currently, I refuse to buy keys as the money is typically wasted. Items I get from chests are rarely a rare skin, rarely have good stats, and if I sell them, I might make a small profit. However, I get farmore merchant sold items than player sold items, which makes the total expenditure a loss. If they lower the drop rates from monsters, they need to increase the key/lockpick drop rate so people who don't do chest runs will still benefit.
Key andf Lockpick drops get increased. Currently, I refuse to buy keys as the money is typically wasted. Items I get from chests are rarely a rare skin, rarely have good stats, and if I sell them, I might make a small profit. However, I get farmore merchant sold items than player sold items, which makes the total expenditure a loss. If they lower the drop rates from monsters, they need to increase the key/lockpick drop rate so people who don't do chest runs will still benefit.
Kool Kirby
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Key andf Lockpick drops get increased. Currently, I refuse to buy keys as the money is typically wasted. Items I get from chests are rarely a rare skin, rarely have good stats, and if I sell them, I might make a small profit. However, I get farmore merchant sold items than player sold items, which makes the total expenditure a loss. If they lower the drop rates from monsters, they need to increase the key/lockpick drop rate so people who don't do chest runs will still benefit. |
agree with this
Originally Posted by lightblade
1. Make monsters drop gold and purple less
2. Make the "mechant" price on gold and purple go up. Something like 500~800 for gold, and 300~500 for purple. From what I see, the location of chests are scattered randomly across the map. This will make everything far less predictable, and a harder time for bots. On the other hand, regular human players won't get effected as much. This can also make chest runs more enjoyable (something that had been lost for so long). |
Has anybody ever noticed that chests seem to be easy to find when you dont have any keys, but seem to be well hidden when you do? Might just be me, but some of the anti-farm scripts i've herd of in GW are no less strange...
Mob drops are already terrible. They don't need to be nerfed anymore.
I always say this. The base prices should be:
- Before being identified, fixed prices regardless of their stats:
*Common: Blue or White. 1 gold.
*Uncommon: Purple. 5 gold.
*Rare: Gold. Always 3 upgrades. 10 gold.
*Unique: 0 gold (Can't be sold) Their names are not show until identified. Instead, the skin name is show, like this:
:: Unique Tetsubo Hammer >-Identify-> Vera.
That way bots that do not identify can't get cash form drops. And we put some thrill and fun in getting unique drops.
- Once identified (level 1 drop..level 20 drop):
*Common: 1 upgrade (blue) or no upgrades (white). 5..100 gold.
*Uncommon: Always 2 upgrades. 50..250 gold.
*Rare: Always 3 upgrades. 100..500 gold.
*Unique: Always fixed modifiers. 0 (Can't be sold, only for trade or give away)
Chest drops are Ok as their are, they depend on 'chest %'.
- Before being identified, fixed prices regardless of their stats:
*Common: Blue or White. 1 gold.
*Uncommon: Purple. 5 gold.
*Rare: Gold. Always 3 upgrades. 10 gold.
*Unique: 0 gold (Can't be sold) Their names are not show until identified. Instead, the skin name is show, like this:
:: Unique Tetsubo Hammer >-Identify-> Vera.
That way bots that do not identify can't get cash form drops. And we put some thrill and fun in getting unique drops.
- Once identified (level 1 drop..level 20 drop):
*Common: 1 upgrade (blue) or no upgrades (white). 5..100 gold.
*Uncommon: Always 2 upgrades. 50..250 gold.
*Rare: Always 3 upgrades. 100..500 gold.
*Unique: Always fixed modifiers. 0 (Can't be sold, only for trade or give away)
Chest drops are Ok as their are, they depend on 'chest %'.
What so they program their bods to ID and we can't get max wisdom :P
I was doing Catacombs of Kathandrax tonight. I started out with 6 lockpicks, 3 more dropped and ended with 1. Out of all the chests that I opened (10 ) I only got one gold item and even with a 50% chance of retaining my pick they broke all but two times. Granted, it's a 50% chance, but for that run I retained 20% and what I did get was a ton of crappy purple items. I would have been better off just selling the picks.
So yeah, I'm all for buffing chest drops.
So yeah, I'm all for buffing chest drops.
Buff chest drops, remove Loot Scaling imo.
I'm not thinking straight...botway will come in lol.
I'm not thinking straight...botway will come in lol.
Before the disaster of HM insane gold drop rates combined with lootscaling greatly reducing gold coming into economy chestrunning was quite profitable. Breaking even from buying keys was easy and most often there was a profit.
The mentioned above economapocalypse caused the quality gold item drops to be worth 200-500% less, decent stuff sellable before at around 5-10k is now in most cases straight merchant food.
So we have tons of worthless golds around, mostly coming from overfarmed HM mobs + much less cash farmed to pay for them.
And 1 thing remains unchanged :: key prices!
(lockpick price was calculated from basic key prices and would be perfectly fair before the HM+LS update)
Now the solution to the problem isn't as simple as "buff chest drops, nerf monster drops".
1. NM monster drops are fine, not abusable, not undermining value of golds/mods.
2. HM is the problem - gold items aren't affected by loot scaling and possible to be farmed in huge quantities (10-20 per hour), also by bots. How to solve it?
Apply lootscaling to HM gold drops? A massive lot of players who enjoy solo farming who hated the lootscaling would hate this even more.
Reduce the general HM drop chances for golds? Players who play the game in groups, like vanquishers will hate this. Nerfing just sucks.
3. Chest drop quality is very fine by itself, both in NM and HM, rarities of chest contents were thought up well. The problem is they're worth much much less than they should be, because of the HM+LS economic catastrophe.
Now how to buff chest drops to make them more worthwhile?
Increasing chances for gold items won't help at all and would further decimate their value.
Increasing the merchant value of golds could be a good solution, but increasing value of only those which dropped from chests would be even better.
Any other way to buff chest drops? Maybe introduce some possible new valuable drops to all high-end and HM chests, more stuff alike the Elite tomes (which are the last things that hold some value).
And how about simply reducing key/lockpick prices? A minus 15-20% would be reasonable, but not more, or simply merching the golds could turn into a clear profit (with help of titles reducing lockpick and salvage breaking).
The mentioned above economapocalypse caused the quality gold item drops to be worth 200-500% less, decent stuff sellable before at around 5-10k is now in most cases straight merchant food.
So we have tons of worthless golds around, mostly coming from overfarmed HM mobs + much less cash farmed to pay for them.
And 1 thing remains unchanged :: key prices!
(lockpick price was calculated from basic key prices and would be perfectly fair before the HM+LS update)
Now the solution to the problem isn't as simple as "buff chest drops, nerf monster drops".
1. NM monster drops are fine, not abusable, not undermining value of golds/mods.
2. HM is the problem - gold items aren't affected by loot scaling and possible to be farmed in huge quantities (10-20 per hour), also by bots. How to solve it?
Apply lootscaling to HM gold drops? A massive lot of players who enjoy solo farming who hated the lootscaling would hate this even more.
Reduce the general HM drop chances for golds? Players who play the game in groups, like vanquishers will hate this. Nerfing just sucks.
3. Chest drop quality is very fine by itself, both in NM and HM, rarities of chest contents were thought up well. The problem is they're worth much much less than they should be, because of the HM+LS economic catastrophe.
Now how to buff chest drops to make them more worthwhile?
Increasing chances for gold items won't help at all and would further decimate their value.
Increasing the merchant value of golds could be a good solution, but increasing value of only those which dropped from chests would be even better.
Any other way to buff chest drops? Maybe introduce some possible new valuable drops to all high-end and HM chests, more stuff alike the Elite tomes (which are the last things that hold some value).
And how about simply reducing key/lockpick prices? A minus 15-20% would be reasonable, but not more, or simply merching the golds could turn into a clear profit (with help of titles reducing lockpick and salvage breaking).
mystical nessAL
Peoples would be RICH from it. Just simpley buy keys worth 600gp and get golds worth 800gp. You get a insane amounts of money + decent title + easy as hell.
I would prefer the golds / rares chance of drop will increas depends on the area. For a start, please, drop a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing max dmg weapons on doa. Second, make purples able to RARELY have max dmg mods.
I would prefer the golds / rares chance of drop will increas depends on the area. For a start, please, drop a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing max dmg weapons on doa. Second, make purples able to RARELY have max dmg mods.
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by lightblade
1. Make monsters drop gold and purple less
2. Make the "mechant" price on gold and purple go up. Something like 500~800 for gold, and 300~500 for purple. From what I see, the location of chests are scattered randomly across the map. This will make everything far less predictable, and a harder time for bots. On the other hand, regular human players won't get effected as much. This can also make chest runs more enjoyable (something that had been lost for so long). |
The Only Way to bring botting to a minimum is to increase the total revenue of players across the board while not increasing any costs to players. It is a basic function of supply and demand. When they increase supply such that their ceases to be a demand for ebay gold then you will no longer see bots. But too many players want their selfish power/ego trips of having the 1337ness sword they purchased with their ebay gold while they lie through their teeth about having gotten on their own merit. For the One or Two players that actually did get anything on their own merit this other gross of players stand out. And no, I will never accept any alternate ratio: the majority of players (especially established ones) have what they have from ebaying, using exploits, and using nerfed advantages. But then do not want any way for new players to be able to catch up - so they can feel their economic power as overlords.
I am totally opposed to this. Chests are crap. Chests have always been crap. Chests are not worth buying keys for. If you made chests profitable in this way it would be very simple for any programmer to exploit. This would be a highly bottable situation. The chests spawning at random does not matter. All you would have to do is set the bot to run a certain distance, and key [;][space]. then scan for item. It would be simple enough the bot could scan for drop afterward and move a few meters to do it again. If run by a sweatshop worker would be even faster and more efficient.
As a fairly wealthy player that got that way from farming, I was against the farming nerfs. I'm not an elitist who wants everyone else to be poor. I would like to see new players have the same opportunity that I had to gain wealth.
Any facts behind your claim that the majority of wealthy players E-bayed, or is it just your own personnal bias? And .... "people told me" is not a fact, just a personnal observation of a small percentage of players.
Any facts behind your claim that the majority of wealthy players E-bayed, or is it just your own personnal bias? And .... "people told me" is not a fact, just a personnal observation of a small percentage of players.
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by quickmonty
As a fairly wealthy player that got that way from farming, I was against the farming nerfs. I'm not an elitist who wants everyone else to be poor. I would like to see new players have the same opportunity that I had to gain wealth.
Any facts behind your claim that the majority of wealthy players E-bayed, or is it just your own personnal bias? |
My "nerfed" exploit was that the Ettins used to drop a lot more rare pauldrons, and the price of runes was a lot higher at the time. Is that an exploit? No! I made use of what was legitimately available at the time. Read my post again. I stated that I was against the nerfs and wanted everyone to have the same opportunity that I had.
Personally I know of no one who has ever purchased gold from E-bay. Using your extrapolation can I then say that it is a fact that no one has ever E-bayed? No. Because it is bad reasoning and not a fact.
On topic: I agree with the idea of chess buffs, but not mob drop nerfs.
Personally I know of no one who has ever purchased gold from E-bay. Using your extrapolation can I then say that it is a fact that no one has ever E-bayed? No. Because it is bad reasoning and not a fact.
On topic: I agree with the idea of chess buffs, but not mob drop nerfs.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Too many have told me, "I don't have time for that crap. I just buy my gold." Or the equivalent statement. And where one is willing to admit it 10,000 are not going to bother.
More of a supply at demand thing for me though, so I never really had money I just had the ability to get it when I needed it.
However as I am doing an intership for the last 4 months, I no longer have the time; so when I saw an oppertunity for easy platinums, I jumped on it.
I didn't get any money though, I got my account hacked instead...

<= dumbsh/t
I got it back in December and all my armor was sold, now I need money even more than before but won't buy gold again anytime soon.
(I did farm enough to get 1K armor and runed headgears for my necro)
/end rant
I do not think this would work for people who do not do chest runs.(including me)
Unless you increase the drop rate of keys and lock picks.
But as rare skins should stay rare, theres a bigger chance shop food will drop and shop food is always worth less than the lock pick, and probably less than the key too.
Yeah my opinion on the loot right now is that I don't mind the loot scaling stuff, as I always use H/H and it hasn't bothered me. It doesn't affect gold drops (never seen a difference, in fact I have seen more golds since with the same amount of casual playing time).
But, it would be nice to actually GET something for the golds, around 1k each would be nice, at least to promote me to get more skills and buy lockpicks and the such. They are rare enough so as not to break the "economy", and baselining rare weapons merched at 1k would not shift high-end gear prices really. Maybe 1k is too much, but 100-300 is too little from my casual perspective.
Buffing high end chests would be nice too, as well as making keys/lockpicks drop more. That would be nice
. But I would prefer the golds we do get be worth more to merches.
But, it would be nice to actually GET something for the golds, around 1k each would be nice, at least to promote me to get more skills and buy lockpicks and the such. They are rare enough so as not to break the "economy", and baselining rare weapons merched at 1k would not shift high-end gear prices really. Maybe 1k is too much, but 100-300 is too little from my casual perspective.
Buffing high end chests would be nice too, as well as making keys/lockpicks drop more. That would be nice

Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by quickmonty
My "nerfed" exploit was that the Ettins used to drop a lot more rare pauldrons, and the price of runes was a lot higher at the time. Is that an exploit? No! I made use of what was legitimately available at the time. Read my post again. I stated that I was against the nerfs and wanted everyone to have the same opportunity that I had.
Personally I know of no one who has ever purchased gold from E-bay. Using your extrapolation can I then say that it is a fact that no one has ever E-bayed? No. Because it is bad reasoning and not a fact. On topic: I agree with the idea of chess buffs, but not mob drop nerfs. |
Further, you again confuse points by not paying attention. You state:
My "nerfed" exploit was |
A friend's son once was dressed as Robin Hood at the Renaissance Festival. He met another little boy dressed as Robin Hood and stated, "I'm Robin Hood." The other little boy said, "I'm Robin Hood." My friend's son said, "Great! Let's go get the Sheriff." But he had no trouble sharing the role of hero, etc. In GW we have the opposite behavior from players. The majority feel that there must be superior castes with superior equipment to show what their worth is. Instead, they are worthless. And so long as the economy is run as it is they will remain worthless. The true worth of persons is not in what they take, or have that others do not, but in that they first take care of themselves and then take care of their society to equal measure. (This does not mean give them the fish, but help them to be able to fish and as We fish.)
I Is Special
/signed for buffing chest drops. As of now, there is no point in opening chests except for the title, because you are going to lose most of the gold you put into buying keys to get crappy purples in return.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Your assumption is that the toilet paper that buys gold will always brag about it. Everytime someone says, "O, cost is never an issue. I can get any amount of gold I need any time;" That is a red light. When they tell you they see nothing wrong with the 7 billion dollar a year tax evading industry of selling virtual gold and items; That too is a red light. (Number taken from NPR broadcast of interview with IRS agent concerning virtual economies and governmental concerns.)
Further, you again confuse points by not paying attention. You state:, disolving the separation I made between exploit and advantage. And while you may wish others to have equal access to improved opportunity the majority of 1337ers are too selfish and egotistical to do so. Their life revolves around their virtual feeling of superiority. A friend's son once was dressed as Robin Hood at the Renaissance Festival. He met another little boy dressed as Robin Hood and stated, "I'm Robin Hood." The other little boy said, "I'm Robin Hood." My friend's son said, "Great! Let's go get the Sheriff." But he had no trouble sharing the role of hero, etc. In GW we have the opposite behavior from players. The majority feel that there must be superior castes with superior equipment to show what their worth is. Instead, they are worthless. And so long as the economy is run as it is they will remain worthless. The true worth of persons is not in what they take, or have that others do not, but in that they first take care of themselves and then take care of their society to equal measure. (This does not mean give them the fish, but help them to be able to fish and as We fish.) |
Have a nice day.