Have you Ever Dreamed About Guild Wars
A few GW related dreams, but I really cant remember too many details. I know in one of them I had the skill bar in the bottom of my dream and was casting different skills in a normal real life dream. If I remember right it was some sort of ranger/mesmer combo which is additionally weird because at the time I was usually playing my necro or monk.
Willow O Whisper
i'm getting nightmares of my survivor dieing

Seeing a roller beetle in the Panda-skin.... which afte I listen to panda related music.
I dreamt once about playing in an alliance battle....
.... with a twist.
Imagine the scene... You're charging through an Alliance battle with your friends.... then this guy in a yellow suit shows up.... looking all weird and not quite fitting in with the game... and then he yells out: "ZA WARUDO!" ... and the screen flashes inverted for a moment before re-wiping to greyscale... and everything is frozen but the guy. He remarks: "Toki wo tomare" as he hurls bundles of daggers straight at you, and they stop in the air before you....
Time restarts... and there is a splash of numbers as your group's health drops significantly...
... and then the shadow... expanding around the group....
....... and a steamroller falls on you......
.......... with the yellow guy on top....
Erm... yeah.
Mass AoE death... sorta like that Celestial Storm skill Elementalists get from Kuunavang.... but faster.
Yes... I dream about Guild Wars.... but my Jojo's Bizarre Adventure dreams always pwn my Guild Wars dreams... ^_^;;
.... with a twist.
Imagine the scene... You're charging through an Alliance battle with your friends.... then this guy in a yellow suit shows up.... looking all weird and not quite fitting in with the game... and then he yells out: "ZA WARUDO!" ... and the screen flashes inverted for a moment before re-wiping to greyscale... and everything is frozen but the guy. He remarks: "Toki wo tomare" as he hurls bundles of daggers straight at you, and they stop in the air before you....
Time restarts... and there is a splash of numbers as your group's health drops significantly...
... and then the shadow... expanding around the group....
....... and a steamroller falls on you......
.......... with the yellow guy on top....
Erm... yeah.
Mass AoE death... sorta like that Celestial Storm skill Elementalists get from Kuunavang.... but faster.
Yes... I dream about Guild Wars.... but my Jojo's Bizarre Adventure dreams always pwn my Guild Wars dreams... ^_^;;
i dreamt i deleted my main monk character. then to figure out my loss of items and effort in game...thank god it was a dream
(dreamt is the only word in the english dicationary that end in MT)
i dreamt i deleted my main monk character. then to figure out my loss of items and effort in game...thank god it was a dream
(dreamt is the only word in the english dicationary that end in MT)
Giga Strike
i think i had a dream once where my monk was in the echovald forest and the HUD was up but he was moving around like he was me.
i guess i associate that character with myself.
i guess i associate that character with myself.
Lord Mendes
I have only had one gw related dream, even though I generally play guildwars until about 3 in the morning, only to wake up 4 hours later. I completely forgot what was happening in that dream (my dreams usually involve all sorts of weird and random unrelated crap), and the only reason I remember is because I told my friends the next day.
I did have a dream about counter-strike last week (even though I haven't played the game in over a year) and I remember getting shot in the shoulder and waking up. Any psychoanalysists want to explain the significance of getting shot in your dreams (not the first time it has happened to me).
I did have a dream about counter-strike last week (even though I haven't played the game in over a year) and I remember getting shot in the shoulder and waking up. Any psychoanalysists want to explain the significance of getting shot in your dreams (not the first time it has happened to me).
One time I dreamt the game was balanced...well we can all dream can't we...
I had a dream that I was on American Idol in the finals and that I was singing a song and did the warrior dance emote as part of my performance. The crowd went WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xe Maul
No. If you do I'm pretty sure you're addicted.
Originally Posted by Xe Maul
No. If you do I'm pretty sure you're addicted.
Last week I dreamed about a build and tried it out in the morning, yesterday I dreamed my monk reaching 28 months age (when actually its 15 months). Its cool

I dream that my survivor is going to die *again*, keeps me up at night =(
lol. get off the pc and do something else besides playing guild wars. that's what i do anyway. it really bothers me whenever i dream of a specific computer game. i remember the time when i was so hooked on morrowind that i used to dream about it frequently. good thing call of duty came out, so i was side tracked a little and got some diversion.
oh yeah i dream about naked female elementalists in pre-searing all the time
yeah i have. i spend a lot of time on gw, so it occupies my mind.
Originally Posted by cellardweller
Not so much dreaming about guildwars, but I do often dream with a GW HUD and interact with the dream world using the 8 skills down the bottom.
wow go get laid or something.....
Wow, I love the ignorance of the people who say "Do something else" If you even interact for only a split second with something, you have the possibility of dreaming about it. You have countless number of dreams during the night, but only remember a tiny fraction of them. I'm sure someone can get actual statistics about REM and crap, but I don't care to.
So, for all you people saying "get a life" get an education please. Just you POSTING about Guild Wars allows you to dream about it, so please, less ignorance.
But yes, I too have dreamt about it, after doing about 150 chests in one day, I had the craziest CR dream, where there was like 5 different types of chests in one zone, and they were all different colors, and had crazy cool drops (like the sephis sword) but alas, i have no sephis sword.
So, for all you people saying "get a life" get an education please. Just you POSTING about Guild Wars allows you to dream about it, so please, less ignorance.
But yes, I too have dreamt about it, after doing about 150 chests in one day, I had the craziest CR dream, where there was like 5 different types of chests in one zone, and they were all different colors, and had crazy cool drops (like the sephis sword) but alas, i have no sephis sword.
Baroness Scarlett
in my dream i didn't play gw in long time and when i came back i had to make a new character and i only could choose between being a nurse and something else i cant rem, i was sooo mad i didnt want to be a nurse in a sexy uniform!
I dreamt about my necro, as in she was in real life and together we killed everyone in the village and my necro was spamming minions in real life, for once the flesh golem appeared very scary, as i rendered it real fleshy and smelly, thats the part that stayed with me up until now and its been a year ago.
I to had nightmares about my survivor sin being dead, she's nowhere near legendary but im getting there.
I to had nightmares about my survivor sin being dead, she's nowhere near legendary but im getting there.
No can't say I have ever dreamed about GW in anyway.
Has anyone ever dreamt they were actually in the game instead of playing it?
Has anyone ever dreamt they were actually in the game instead of playing it?
Yep I have.
One of them was about Searing Flames, I was using it and thought I had T3h 90d1y p0w3r2. When I woke up I remembered i didn't have it on my ele, so i had an urge to go and cap it, which i did.
One of them was about Searing Flames, I was using it and thought I had T3h 90d1y p0w3r2. When I woke up I remembered i didn't have it on my ele, so i had an urge to go and cap it, which i did.
I have dreamt I was at my PC playing GW, never dreamt thatI was actually in the GW game though.
Holly Herro
I dreamt I was in it once.I dreamt some random gave me 1000k for no reason..then I woke up and said a few words..
When i was working on the second tier of my survivor title, i had nightmares about my character dieing
There was another where devona died, and dropped a green hammer...

There was another where devona died, and dropped a green hammer...