Guild Wars as A Real Time Strategy? My little ideas...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Ok, this is going to be long....
Also, I've taken liberties on ideas from other games.
Also note that the material/money spending/gaining will probably have to be tweaked to make it balanced.

A RTS version of the very popular game, Guild Wars.
Why? It might be fun?

Anyway, I don't really have any other rational than that. Anyway, I'm going to "try" to explain how the set-up would work.

First, I shall list out what every RTS basically has:
1) A main or starting building
2) A base
3) Some way to get resources/money
4) Units
5) Victory or defeat

Alright. Let's start with the starting building and the base.
1) Starting building:
Alright, so, you start out with a guild hall and 4 "guildsman". So in this situation, the guildsman will basically be the peons or workers.
The guild hall itself can have a maximum of 10 units inside for safe keeping.

2) A base:
The guildsman can build buildings! What a surprise. Anyway, there would be two building categories. Primary buildings, and the defense buildings.
yeah, Primary build would consist of:
Abbey of Light - monks
Warrior Academy - warriors
Giant Crypt (o0oo0o0o0o0 scary) - necromancers
Archery Range - Rangers
Temple of the Spirits - ritualists
Arcane Archives - mesmer
Dojo (yeah, kind of bad, doesn't relate at all, but I got to give it a name)- assassins
Leadership Academy - paragons
Temple of the Gods - dervish
House of Elementals - elementalists
Guild Forge - weapon/upgrade
Supply Depot - increase unit cap (I know, I'm taking some liberties from "Star Craft")

So the places like the Abbey will "make" monks, and so on. The Guild Hall cannot be built, but if it's destroyed, it can be repaired. Just like in "Company of Heroes".
Then the Guild Forge will mainly be the upgrading place for the Guild. Upgrade, yay, new equipment. But, if you get an upgrade, creating a unit with the upgrade will cost more, I will explain that later. Also units on the field must be sent to the Forge and you pay some odd number to upgrade each one. You can have an auto-set by if units go near the forge, they upgrade.

Defensive Buildings:
Keep - Will have one ranger in it as a default
Watch Tower - just to keep an eye on things
Then uuuh... need some more?

Okay, the Guild Hall is a nice building, it'll generate +200 gold per minute.
But, if it were to be destroyed, it'll generate none until it's FULLY repaired.
There'll be "capture/territorial points" where your guys have to capture a little flag stand and it'll give you crafting materials which you'll need for making armor, weapons, etc.
Okay, that seems lame, so now, the better part of making money.
In Guild Wars, we do quests. In this game, you can set up teams to go do quests.
As long as your guild hall is still up, you can send teams out on quests. Note that this will take units that you have and will send them on a quest.
Here's how the quest works:
Go to your guild hall, and select the "Quests" button thingy...
A window will pop up listing the possible quests ranging from lvl 1 to lvl 20 quests. Each quest will have a reward to it, such as 100-5000 gold for say.
So, you can enlist a team of 1-8 units to the quest. The lower level quests will not yield as much money as the high level quests would. Also the MINIMUM time for a quest to be completed will be 2 minutes. So no matter how many people you send, if it's already at 2 minutes, you won't be saving any time.
Anyway, the time will be based on what classes you have in your group, and what level they are. We can all safely assume that a lvl 1 will never finish a lvl 20 quest. So then, the time can be like.... 400 hours. Then the classes, if you have more healers than fighters, the quest would take longer since your team would lack power. If you have like a 7:1 ratio of fighters vs. healers, the quest will take longer since your team will lack the healing. 5:3 would be the best in this case. Healers are powerful in their healing, and you got lots of attack power. 4:4 would work too, but depending on the quest level, it can go either way, this applies to the 5:3 ratio as well. Also the time will be based on how many skills each unit has. I'll explain later about the cost of units, but if a unit has only 5 skills, that unit won't do a quest faster than a unit with 8 skills. I wish I could base the length off the builds, but we all know that there can be some crazy builds that might work with bots. So evaluating by builds can be bad.
Then the money, a level one quest would reward like 100 gold. If that quest is done in 2 minutes, you've gained 50 gold per minute. For you do a quest that rewards 500 gold. If you do that in 5 minutes, you earn 100 gold per minute. Do take note that the more quests you do, the more money you'll get faster.
So basically the window will show:
The quest (I don't think a description of the quest would be required...)
The reward (money, crafting materials, etc)
The time it'll take to do the quest.
The units that you can apply for the quest (this will only show the units within the vicinity of the Guild Hall)

Also, along with quests, at the bottom, there'll be a tab call "farming" woohoo. This can be considered as a "long quest". Basically farming will yield more money than quests. But it will be a long wait for one run to be completed. Let's say that most quests on average take 5-10 minutes to complete and they yield 500-2,225 gold on average. Farming will take 15-35 minutes and will yield 5,000-30,000 gold. Also there'll be a farming option specifically for materials. This will yield money, but just not as much, but you will get materials. Also you get to choose which type of materials you want to major in. So if you want to focus on Iron ingots, the majority will be iron ingots. But we all know that if each material run took 20 minutes, you'll never get the materials to make your army. So each run will take 5-15 minutes. Then it'll yield 100-1,000 gold and then a total of 50-350 materials. A majority of them, which should be 48% will be the focused material, then the rest would be random materials which you can still use. You won't get rare crafting materials from the random pile, you'll have to focus on getting them, but only 12% on average will be that rare crafting material.

The last way of making money is by killing units in battle. There'll be random monster spawns and each monster will drop an amount of gold depending on its level. Also you can get gold too from killing enemies. But the gold will only be counted after 2 minutes the foe has been dead for (got to give a chance for a res before the timer's out).

Now, we all want units!
Each class will be built from the specific builds listed above. At each place they will charge you gold and materials for the unit.
Each level will cost 15 gold.
Each skill for the unit will cost 25 gold each. If you want to switch them, you'll be charged 40 gold for each one. If you're just adding more, say from 4 skills to 7 skills, you'll be charged 27 gold for each one (yes, just two more gold). Elite skills will cost 80 gold for each one and will cost 90 gold to switch them. You will not posses any elite skills until you do a quest in the quest window to go cap a specific skill. This "quest" will take 2-7 minutes on average for each elite skill based on level, and party.
Then, for the armor... The very-low class armor (lvl 1-5) will cost 100 gold plus the materials. The low class armor (6-12) will be 250 gold plus the materials. The medium class armor (7-18) will cost 375 gold for plus the materials. Then the high class armor will cost 500 gold plus the materials.
Runes then will cost... minors, 30 gold each. majors, 40 gold each. superiors, 50 gold each. vitae and attunement will both cost 20 gold each. Low level units cannot wield higher level armor.

When making your unit, you can select "templates" of the skills and armor you want for them. It's suggested you make the templates before you start the game, like in the... menu... But you can make them in-game as well. The templates will be saved. If there's an elite skill in one but yet you haven't unlocked it for the current game yet, it'll just be a blank.

Guildsmen will just cost 150 gold each.

So now, you made your units. As we all love the "grouping/armies" in Real Time Strategy games. You can do that here too! But, the maximum party size will be EIGHT units, HAHAHAHHA. The units will prioritize healing and defending their party members before the allies around them.
So then, you send out your guys. They fight, goody!
You can have resses in-battle. So res, yay. But, you have to res your guy within two minutes or he's gone FOREVER! And you'll have to make another one. So don't lose them, or you'll be losing lots of money!
In the interface, it'll show the unit's health as a red bar with numbers, then energy as blue. Also it'll show if the unit is hexed, conditioned, and if it has a morale boost or death penalty, etc., just like in our game =D. There can be some more details though.

Note that your guys have levels. For every 15 monsters that spawn that they skill, they go up a level. If the monster is below the unit's level, the skill will not count for leveling. If you kill 5 units of another player (enemy), that unit will level up as well.
Also there'll be death penalties and morale boosts. Each time a unit dies, it gets a 10% death penalty instead of 15%. Then every 10 kills, the unit gets a 2% morale boost; this is the only way to get rid of DP, every 10 kills.

Just to make it more fun, you can manually control a unit. So then the interface will change to the style that we currently have in Guild Wars. But there'll be a tab to switch back to command mode. As always, you'll probably have a considerable advantage vs. the bots, but keep in mind then that the rest of your units may not have much tactics since you're not leading them anymore. Also if any other event at your base were to happen, you may not be there to do something. So it's suggested you don't play as a unit for too long.

ADDED: Aligning with a Faction
I can't believe I forgot to add this, I was thinking about it a lot when I was typing this up, but it just slipped out of my brains.
Anyway, if anybody is familiar with Company of Heroes, there are "doctrines/companies" to choose from. Each one having special abilities.
Well, it'd be cool to apply that here too.
Here are the Factions you can align with:
If you align with ascalon, you get two abilities. Storm Caller - All units in the range (will be labeled by a circle) will have 100 less health for 60 seconds. And the second one is, Ascalon Vanguard - You get 5 elite troopers. Each being level 23. One monk, 2 warriors, 1 ranger, and one elementalist.
If you align with kryta, you get two abilities. White Mantle - You get 5 elite troops. Each being level 23. One monk, 2 warriors, 1 ranger, and one elementalist. And the second one is, Mursaat Intervention - You get a level 24 Mursaat Mesmer, this is powerful enough as is with Spectral Agony.
If you align with the luxons, you get two abilities. Siege Turtle - You get a siege turtle, enough said. Artillery Strike - all enemy units inside the label circle shall be blown to bits... Actually it'll be like 20 shots total, but in one designated spot. But do keep note that the artillery doesn't always have to land in the circle...
If you align with the kurzicks, you get two abilities. Juggernaut - You get a juggernaut with a little bit of buffing, enough said. Protection of (that one kurzick hero...) - All of your units gain +30 armor for 60 seconds.
Canthan Elite:
If you align with the Canthan elite, you get two abilities. Imperial Elite - You get 5 elite troopers. Each being level 23. One monk, 2 warriors, 1 ranger, and one elementalist. Royal Guard - You get 3 elite troops. Each being level 25. One monk, and 2 warriors.
Sun Spears:
If you align with the sun spears, you get two abilities. Call of the Sun Spear - all units have the attributes of a level 20 (so a level 5 can imitate a level 20) for 60 seconds. If a unit is already level 20, it deals +10 damage and spells cost -2 energy. Sun Spears - You get 5 elite troopers. Each being level 23. One monk, 2 warriors, 1 ranger, and one elementalist.
Kourna: I have no idea what the hell they do.
Vabby?: I have no idea what they do either.


You win if you destroy all of the enemies builds and guildsman.
You lose if you lose all of your buildings and guildsman.

There shouldn't be a need for a new graphics engine for this game. Just use the one for Guild Wars.

Okay, okay, I want to say more. But I believe I got the important stuff down, though it may be a little bit disorganized.... So please, scrutinize this and put down your thoughts!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007



Warcraft (RTS) + Guild Wars = This!

I would love to see an RTS based on this game!

The building of units is rather lengthy and is susceptible to rush. I dont think leveling should be so involved with the way characters work.

Here are some things I think can improve this idea:
-Guild Halls have Warrior, Ranger and Monk classes already unlocked at the start.
-Guild Halls must own land, think of it working like the Zerg's Creep in Starcraft. You many only build on the "creep" and certain units and structures may only attack/work on the creep.
-Building specialized structures (such as statues of the gods) for a certain class gives it benefits such as multiple attributes and ways to use it (like a grave yard for death magic and a morgue to learn how to MM or catacombs with an aqueduct for Water Eles).
-Much like the Guild Hall itself, each class specific structure has its own sphere of influence in which other structures for that class may be made.
-Specialized classes (assassins, dervish, ritualists and paragons) must have both corresponding core class structures within the same sphere of influence (Grenth and Lyssa statues next to each other give you the option to make an assassin training ground).
-Multi classing may be done by having units pray at the main structures for the desired class. To balance this, the main build of the primary class takes priority over "skill usage" and only a select few builds may be used.

Hope this helps!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Very interesting...
But now that you mentioned it, I did leave out the gameplay.
But eh... I thought you guys could catch on somehow.
But I do like OhCrapLions's idea.

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

Ok, well, I didnt read the whole post, but the concept sounds fun.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hmmmm.... I missed a Giant part of this thing.
I shall update it. The thing is about aligning yourself with some "faction". Read above, if I updated it... yet...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

I like this idea. I feel crafty.