Hypothetical Question
I was just thinking about something that I couldn't come up with an easy answer to.
Hypothetically speaking, in PvE how many skills slots would you be willing to give up to have a second elite on your skill bar? I know not all elite combos would be equal, but in general if it were possible how many skills do you think a second elite would be worth?
Hypothetically speaking, in PvE how many skills slots would you be willing to give up to have a second elite on your skill bar? I know not all elite combos would be equal, but in general if it were possible how many skills do you think a second elite would be worth?
It depends on the elite I think.. Most of them suck imo. So I vote 0-2. It also depends on the prof. I sure wouldn't mind running Elemental Attunement along side another ele elite though
Or even ZB with RC on my monk. Now that would be nice.

0, cause it doesn't matter in pve at all, and you could put as many elites on heroes as you wanted until they fixed it.
Edge Martinez
Was thinking about this yesterday when looking at Martyr. I wouldn't give up any skills though. System is fine as is.
If you need a 2nd elite for your build to work, you're doing the wrong build. If you COULD have a 2nd elite, it should be 2 elites, and 3-4 other skills.
Sidheyuna Aetheris
I wouldn't give up any skill slots....but I might consider bartering my firstborn child.
EDIT: Or a kidney. There's a reason we've got two, you know. It's a lil like stashing cash under the mattress.
EDIT: Or a kidney. There's a reason we've got two, you know. It's a lil like stashing cash under the mattress.
I would give up 2 slots. After all, most elites just function as 2 normal skills rolled into one, with a small boost on top.
Laharl the Angel
Glyph of Renewal + Shadowform anyone?
Edit: doesnt really have to be @16 with that combo i guess... : )
Edit: doesnt really have to be @16 with that combo i guess... : )
Already happened:
[skill]Echo[/skill] + [skill]Mending[/skill]
I think it's a bug, but don't tell Anet. They might nerf it. Then make less loot drop for some reason.
[skill]Echo[/skill] + [skill]Mending[/skill]
I think it's a bug, but don't tell Anet. They might nerf it. Then make less loot drop for some reason.
Zaganher Deathbane
None. The system is fine as it is. Adding another elite in the current skill bar will be broken and will cause unbalanced to the game I mean PVE is relatively easy so why make it easier?
They use to have skill rings and amulets (beta). But I do not remember whether or not elites were available... I do remember that you could use the ring/amulet to add a ninth skill of any profession to your skillbar.
Originally Posted by Selket
and you could put as many elites on heroes as you wanted until they fixed it.
There used to be LOTS of bugs with the hero system, so it wouldn't surprise me if you could give 8 elites to a hero
If that extra Elite was Spoil Victor .... on top of Spiteful Spirit.... possibly some ... otherwise probably none.
Much as I reckon an Assassin's Promise AND Moebius Strike or Temple Strike build would be obscenely shiney... I would still need the rest of the skill-bar.
Much as I reckon an Assassin's Promise AND Moebius Strike or Temple Strike build would be obscenely shiney... I would still need the rest of the skill-bar.
I wouldn't want to give up any skills for another elite... but I would be willing to give up my elite for more skill slots.