Guilds of Creegus Alliance



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hounds Of Creegus


First and foremost we believe in honor, integrity and just having fun. This is a game and should be played as such.

My Ingame name is Jerhyn Soen. I am the leader and co-founder of the guilds of Creegus.

We have 3 guilds currently. The Hounds of Creegus(HoC), the Divinity of Creegus(DoC) and the Stalkers of Creegus(SToC). We have been around since the begining of the original Guildwars. We have had our ups and downs, but one thing to note is that we are not going anywhere and we are here to stay.

We are currently recruiting for the Hounds of Creegus guild. Which is the main and first guild in our alliance.

You can find our website at to be honest I havn't updated it lately since we primarily use our forums which can be found at

We are primarily a PvE guild, however we don't neglect PvP. I myself like to e

All levels and players are welcome. However we are mostly in the -8 timezone. We don't tolerate rude, mean or dishonest players and thus eject them as we find them.