Damage/Weapon Damage/DPS calculator.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


Maybe this format will be more acceptable to the mods to post here as an attachment and as a zip that you take the *.exe from..... and perhaps because all the basic stuff I wanted to do with it is done now.

I thought this would be rather useful, especially for this forum.

All the damage is based on the formulas from here.

Has tabs to calculate the following:

Raw Damage: Just enter a damage number and see what the actual damage would be based on all the modifiers such as sundering, armor, and customization. It's basically just the straight formula.

Weapons: Pick a weapon from the list, and based on the attribute level, AL, and other modifiers it'll give you the range of damage that the weapon can hit for with those stats. Also includes a separate "Critical" hit function to see what it would critical for with the specified stats.

DPS: This is average DPS - what DPS you can expect to get on average. I just figured the average damage a weapon would do based on the stats, the number of attacks it would make in a certain amount of time (default is 1000 seconds) - yes it does figure in critical hits and their damage, as well as the Sundering with a chance based on the slider.

TRU-DPS: This actually does the exact same thing as GW itself - calculates every single attack separately for how many attack could be done by a weapon in a given time. Also includes the critical chance and sundering chance (if applicable.) Depending on your machine and the interval this one may take a second or two to calculate. If you hit this multiple times you'll notice that it nicely matches up with the way the average DPS was calculated - especially if you set the interval to the maximum, where it's off the average no more than 0.10 DPS (at least what I've noticed.) Mainly I point this out to show that using average damages and average DPS works well and is actually the best number to use for "definitive" DPS of a weapon. Hitting this multiple times shows how widely it can vary though, especially when you shorten the duration to combat times of 20-30 seconds (but still average out to *gasp* the average DPS. )

Many may be surprised by the results.

I programmed this in visual studio.net, source code is available upon request.

Constructive criticism and suggestions for additional features/ways to make it better are welcome - esp bug reports.

Known issues:

Have not yet figured in double strikes or critical strikes for Daggers. It's a low priority though since Daggers are so far below all other melee weapons in terms of DPS.

I don't have a formula for weapon attributes above 12, so I just statically set the modifiers for 13-16 based on the chart on the guru formulas page linked to in the beginning of the post - which I'm sure are off a little bit.

No Bows are included - I don't really see anyone caring about DPS of bows, but if I get enough requests for it, I'll put them in.

Critical Hit % may be a bit... off. Only formula I found was on the Guildwiki page on criticals based off someone's test of over 8000 hits. It matches nicely with the numbers for the low and high attributes, but the middle it deviates by a few %. If someone has a better formula for it I'll be happy to plug that one in again.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Very nice Isil`Zha. Thanks!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

RA, reporting you

Oh dear...uh, this doesn't work. It runs, but it gives the wrong answer. I wish I could tell you why.
Sure, send me the source code.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


Err, what isn't the right number? Got to be a bit more specific.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


Sorry about taking so long to reply, I was off on vacation for a week.

Anyway, I found the problem, it was stupid really... and I know why. I had gone in to add something and decided against it in both of the DPS calculation areas... and accidentally removed the part that adds vamp damage onto a critical attack.

All the sundering was already working correctly though. I also changed the interface of the DPS tabs for the Sundering. The new version will be up within a few minutes of this post, at the same link above.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Legion of Sacred Light


damn this looks pretty helpfull ^_^
does it also add stuff like conjure flame or spirits strenght?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


No, but I do plan on adding a tab where you can add skill damage into the attacks.

I don't know if I'll ever do DPS with skills, that's a hell of a lot of work... but I may start doing it - it'll just take me a while.

Also, you may want to re-download it as I just updated the attachment with a new version to fix a problem where vamp damage wasn't being applied to critical hits when figuring DPS, and I changed the interface slightly for the DPS tabs.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Legion of Sacred Light


what language are you programming in?
i dont know a lot about it though :P but i might be able to help somehow ^_^



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


Visual Studio Basic.NET 7 is what I'm using.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Legion of Sacred Light


isnt that the thing in word?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


uhh, no... it was 9 CDs.... (including all the extra stuff.)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Hoser Down[HD]

hmm quite interesting. Hopefully someone will have the info on the crits

Lady Callingwell

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Lightning Strikes Twice [LST]


I've made an excelsheet out of which you can find data for attribute levels over twelve and my own interpolation of crit results.

Dagger mastery's dual strike actually is very improtant, dagger dps gets highest of all weapons at 14 attribute level. The chance of dual striking is 2*[dagger mastery]/100, only when using nonattack skills (attack skills are governed by whether or not it is a dual strike).



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


Oh right, I still need to go back in and add double strikes in. And what formulas did you use for that excel spreadsheet?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Look above you!

Knights of Apathy


*Raise minion*


A year later and I finally started working on it again. Fixed some previously unknown issues that resulted in the numbers being a little off, including:

Not rounding the numbers up when I should.

Improper calculation of damage modifiers (IE: +20%+15%) Had them calculating as adding together, when they don't stack that way. For example, 20% and 15% was being counted as +35%, instead of +38% ((damage * 20%) * 15%)

Critical hit damage was based on an old theory that they were calculated off the true value of Sqrt(2). Now uses the proper value of 1.41 (144%.)

I realized my debugging console had some interesting statistics, so I dressed it up, added more statistics since I was in it, and am including it as a feature now. (It was still in the code, just commented out.)

I still haven't gotten around to figuring in double-strikes on Daggers for DPS calculations, but as before I just don't care too much to... If someone has the formula for it, I'll put it in for the next update.

Let me know if there are any other errors.