We are the Legion of Doom ( LOD/Kurzick). We lead an alliance of 6 guilds and we are looking for more active large guilds to join us. The LOD members total arround 95 atm, and we are extremely active.
Alliance activites:
We do daily elite missions runs usually in HM, that include Urgoz, the Deep, DoA, UW, FoW, and Tombs. We usually run a full alliance team and very rarely do we need (or allow) pugs to join us. We offer an alliance vent (2 servers) and an alliance TS (3 servers).
Alliance Rules:
we are really simple and laid back, we dont have a lot of rules and reqs. Just keep the alliance chat clean, no spamming for help or spamming wts/wtb on the alliance chat. And try to stay as active as possible and join alliance activities
Thing we dont care for:
Faction farming, we could not care less if ur total factions was a big fat zero. After a brief period in our history when we used to agressively FF to the degree of owning tanglewood and vasburg, we reach a realization that FF kills the fun in the game and now we dont do that any more.
In conclusion:
If Elite missions is what ur guild likes and if u guys have a decent number of active players (~20), Plz feel free to pm me in game for an invite to our alliance.
My IGN is Oujo Tenshi
Legion Of Doom (LOD), Elite PvE alliance recruiting more active guilds
romeus petrus