Yes, I want to change my hair sometimes.
I'm perfectly content with not being able to change height, name, face etc once they are set in character creation. I'm dont even need to change hair color. We should, however, be able to wear our hair different from time to time.
It would be nice to have a little toggle at login screen that allows you to access hair styles from across campaigns, for the ones you have. You could only change the style and nothing else. You could do this at the login screen anytime you like.
Why? For me, some armor choices simply look better with certain hair styles. In other cases, maybe on character creation there wasnt a hair style available that you liked better until a new campaign came out. For me, I simply want to see something slightly different occasionally. I dont see anything wrong with a bit more play on character looks post character creation. This would add a little bit.
Hair salon
Aera Lure
Try using search, it seriously saves clutter.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Stormcloud
Try using search, it seriously saves clutter.
At least I try before I make any topic. Sorry this is a repeat.
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
At least I try before I make any topic.
"Try" reading the stickies before posting.