Plea to artists: say no commission queues!
The problem of people "camping" art threads for commissions has recently been raised, and I think it's about time somthing was done! :P
Firstly, I'd just like to say that running a commission thread is commendable thing to do, it means that artists are rewarded for their efforts, with recognition, exposure and of course, cash. However, it has got to the point recently where every single art thread posted, is "zerg rushed" by ravenous art lovers hungry for personal commissions. Most recently of all, this has reached new extremes, where people will be posting in art threads with little more than "baggsie my commission (if you are doing them). As an artist, there is a very simple way to stop this behavior, and one which will not only make your life easier, but also more productive
Just say no to commission queues!
That's right, completely disregard the time at which someone has posted a request for a commission. So what if they posted first, does that mean they want the commission more than the person who posted second, does it mean their picture will be more fun to work on? Of course not, they were simply lucky enough to get in their before anyone else.
I speak from experience, when I say that a far more interesting approach, is to get an idea of what kind of picture a person wants and then see if that meets with your requirements as an artist. It may be that you have drawn 5 female necros, and you want to draw somthing else for a change, so why not simply take a male ranger commission. Or perhaps you are short on cash, and someone is offering a hefty bonus if you take on their commission. We're in an artists market here, you can afford to be choosey!
Now this may all sound rather selfish, and in favor of the artists, as opposed to the commissioning customers, and it is. However, artists who are working on subjects that engage them will produce FAR better results, they will also enjoy themselves more, and be less likely to suffer from "commission burn out" as many, many artists here on guru do.
Also, this would make the people looking to get commissions spend a little more time and thought on what they want from their commissions, and that can only be a good thing. After all, a character is more than a head plus armour and weapon combo, though saddly, I think some people don't realise that.
So in summary: Say no to commission queues! It will lead to better work by artists, and in the long term, happier commissionees!
Firstly, I'd just like to say that running a commission thread is commendable thing to do, it means that artists are rewarded for their efforts, with recognition, exposure and of course, cash. However, it has got to the point recently where every single art thread posted, is "zerg rushed" by ravenous art lovers hungry for personal commissions. Most recently of all, this has reached new extremes, where people will be posting in art threads with little more than "baggsie my commission (if you are doing them). As an artist, there is a very simple way to stop this behavior, and one which will not only make your life easier, but also more productive
Just say no to commission queues!
That's right, completely disregard the time at which someone has posted a request for a commission. So what if they posted first, does that mean they want the commission more than the person who posted second, does it mean their picture will be more fun to work on? Of course not, they were simply lucky enough to get in their before anyone else.
I speak from experience, when I say that a far more interesting approach, is to get an idea of what kind of picture a person wants and then see if that meets with your requirements as an artist. It may be that you have drawn 5 female necros, and you want to draw somthing else for a change, so why not simply take a male ranger commission. Or perhaps you are short on cash, and someone is offering a hefty bonus if you take on their commission. We're in an artists market here, you can afford to be choosey!
Now this may all sound rather selfish, and in favor of the artists, as opposed to the commissioning customers, and it is. However, artists who are working on subjects that engage them will produce FAR better results, they will also enjoy themselves more, and be less likely to suffer from "commission burn out" as many, many artists here on guru do.
Also, this would make the people looking to get commissions spend a little more time and thought on what they want from their commissions, and that can only be a good thing. After all, a character is more than a head plus armour and weapon combo, though saddly, I think some people don't realise that.
So in summary: Say no to commission queues! It will lead to better work by artists, and in the long term, happier commissionees!
I 100% agree to that. One thing I would say to all the commissioners (including myself): Just take your own sweet time doing whatever commission you feel like doing at that moment. I will try to adapt the method suggested by grey after i finish my current waiting list (provided there's anyone else interested in my ugly work =P)
Note to self: don't camp new commissioner threads anymore.
Note to self: don't camp new commissioner threads anymore.

Shanaeri Rynale
I kinda agree GF, it puts pressure on everyone. Pressure on the artist to do plough on regardless, and pressure on the comissioner to expect updates.
I don't think it's selfish at all. I would rather have a No Shan I don't think your comission is my style. than be on a queue for ages and then the artist loses interest.
So yup, no to comission queues. Starting after all mine are done - ROFL.
I don't think it's selfish at all. I would rather have a No Shan I don't think your comission is my style. than be on a queue for ages and then the artist loses interest.
So yup, no to comission queues. Starting after all mine are done - ROFL.
Yeah, it sounds like a good idea. I'd also encourage artists to explain what kind of commission requests they prefer working on (whether it's commissions with a specific theme, or amount of details/ideas the artist thinks should be supplied by the commissioneer), that should hopefully make it easier for both the artist and client to be satisfied with the work.
And yeah, I'm using Echo what what Shan said. They should finish their current commission queues before starting to use a new system
(well, unless their queue has become so gigantic it would take months to finish it)
And yeah, I'm using Echo what what Shan said. They should finish their current commission queues before starting to use a new system

Mistical miss
I've seen people placing flags a lot recently, though I think its a clear way of showing you like the art, it may indeed pressure the artist. However, some artists seem to be ok with that. I prefer doing it the way greyfox does, but I think all artists are different on that.
So in short: Have all artists do what they like best
So in short: Have all artists do what they like best

@ GreyFox- I have the utmost respect for your talent and the manner in which you run your commission thread. You have explained very clearly how you want things done.
I also respectfully disagree with your opinion regarding what you think other artists should do. The reason is sort of an assumption that they are not capable of saying no, of deciding what is it they want and how they want to do it. Their needs might not be like yours. To generalize and request that others do like you do, or like you feel it should be done is... I can't think of the word.
I look at these threads on a daily basis, and what I see is artists that are capable enough of making their own decisions. Some of them clearly state that they are not taking commissions. That might not stop people from camping and hoping to get some art from them, but that's all that is, we HOPE, we recognize the fact that we like the artists talent enough to be willing to make some type of exchange, in most cases GW gold. The fact that we camp does not force anybody to do anything.
Some artists *skip* campees, they just felt like drawing something else, and that's perfectly ok with me. They state they will draw as they feel like it.
Some artists have a limit they will put on the virtual waiting line so that they don't feel like they have a huge commitment that they can't fulfill. That's perfectly ok.
Some artists take a break because real life kicks in. That's something I believe nobody has ever complained about. One thing most art seekers have is patience and understanding. The last thing I want is to burn out or rush anybody.
Some artists that are not taking commissions and have people camping, all of a sudden open their commissions and set the start cue on that last post where they say they now take 5 commissions, first 5 posters.
I just think to generalize how you feel it should be, because it works for you, is wrong. I post here under the impression that every single artist is perfectly capable of setting their own rules, their own limits, and how they want to do things.
I'll tell you what I have a HUGE problem with, is people undervaluing artists, not realizing it takes time to draw, and complaining about prices, or whining that they are too poor, or not keeping their side of the agreement. I have a huge problem with new artists that don't know what to charge, and offer to draw for free and people hover all over them because they want a freebie, instead of advising the new artist that they can make gold and buy in game things they might want. That their time and their talent is worth a lot more than FREE.
So unless an artist requests that people don't camp or place virtual flags on their threads, I will continue to do so. It is MY way of saying :"I think you are very talented, I LOVE your work enough that I am willing to PAY for it, and I hope that one day I can have a small token of your talent".
I also respectfully disagree with your opinion regarding what you think other artists should do. The reason is sort of an assumption that they are not capable of saying no, of deciding what is it they want and how they want to do it. Their needs might not be like yours. To generalize and request that others do like you do, or like you feel it should be done is... I can't think of the word.
I look at these threads on a daily basis, and what I see is artists that are capable enough of making their own decisions. Some of them clearly state that they are not taking commissions. That might not stop people from camping and hoping to get some art from them, but that's all that is, we HOPE, we recognize the fact that we like the artists talent enough to be willing to make some type of exchange, in most cases GW gold. The fact that we camp does not force anybody to do anything.
Some artists *skip* campees, they just felt like drawing something else, and that's perfectly ok with me. They state they will draw as they feel like it.
Some artists have a limit they will put on the virtual waiting line so that they don't feel like they have a huge commitment that they can't fulfill. That's perfectly ok.
Some artists take a break because real life kicks in. That's something I believe nobody has ever complained about. One thing most art seekers have is patience and understanding. The last thing I want is to burn out or rush anybody.
Some artists that are not taking commissions and have people camping, all of a sudden open their commissions and set the start cue on that last post where they say they now take 5 commissions, first 5 posters.
I just think to generalize how you feel it should be, because it works for you, is wrong. I post here under the impression that every single artist is perfectly capable of setting their own rules, their own limits, and how they want to do things.
I'll tell you what I have a HUGE problem with, is people undervaluing artists, not realizing it takes time to draw, and complaining about prices, or whining that they are too poor, or not keeping their side of the agreement. I have a huge problem with new artists that don't know what to charge, and offer to draw for free and people hover all over them because they want a freebie, instead of advising the new artist that they can make gold and buy in game things they might want. That their time and their talent is worth a lot more than FREE.
So unless an artist requests that people don't camp or place virtual flags on their threads, I will continue to do so. It is MY way of saying :"I think you are very talented, I LOVE your work enough that I am willing to PAY for it, and I hope that one day I can have a small token of your talent".
Jeff Highwind
I agree wholeheartedly with grey, despite being guilty of this myslef. Flagging artists would be like going to the front of a line in mcdonalds to say "oh I'd like to order somthing later."
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
Flagging artists would be like going to the front of a line in mcdonalds to say "oh I'd like to order somthing later."
actually I think what it means is..." Oh I love your food, you are not open, but I'm just going to wait here until you do because your Big Mac is delicious, and when you open I will place an order with a diet coke and french fries"
actually I think what it means is..." Oh I love your food, you are not open, but I'm just going to wait here until you do because your Big Mac is delicious, and when you open I will place an order with a diet coke and french fries"
Kayleen Ajzurion
I understand and agree somewhat with Greyfox on the matter, but might I ask what is flagging/camping? I have a vague idea but I'm not 100% sure
Thanks in advance ^^

Thanks in advance ^^
I don't really mind it. I like knowing that I'll have something new to work on for a while. I'm still learning and tweaking my style, so I tend to like going in order and not just skipping over people because I don't have much info. It helps me out by offering a challenge that can improve my work. Sometimes there are screenshots that don't show much detail, so as an artist I make the decision to either make something up or do some research, and that's a learning experience. When I get a picture of a character, even if it is in great detail, and there is no description or hints to what objects might belong with that character, I make the decision based on only vague impressions what things to use to fill out the person. That's also a challenge. But it's a good challenge.
I truly to appreciate Mistical miss stopping by to comment on all my work. Sometimes a bit Simon Cowell, but never wrong. At least she gives me the criticism in manageable bits instead of tearing apart my entire technique. Each time I have a little bit more to watch out for on the next and each time I learn something new (rather than having to sit down and reevaluate my whole style).
I really keep a list as more of an assurance. To myself and to the buyers. It says, "Yes, I have heard your request and I intend to do something about it, so make preparations."
I'm probably the poorest($) player in my guild. I love the game, but I go for very long periods of time having at most 5k on me. I don't farm, I don't run, I don't do anything to make much more money than I get from doing missions and quests or making my usual rounds. I can't afford my own work
But that's another thing I want to be able to do as an artist. I want to encourage less wealthy players who truly love their characters and have taken the time to develop stories and personalities to get a portrait of their wonderful digital person that they can be equally proud of.
In the future I'll probably divide my work into a higher priced style like the work I do now and a more affordable sketch work, but I also keep a list for the people who were interested in the original deal so they know I'm not going to demand something else on short notice.
I do think my current first 5 is a strange number...but so far I haven't seen any requests that I don't eventually want to get to. As quick as I work, I won't cut my list down shorter than 3 just so people can be ready, but because of your request, I probably will shorten it. The people I already have listed are safe from any new deals.
I truly to appreciate Mistical miss stopping by to comment on all my work. Sometimes a bit Simon Cowell, but never wrong. At least she gives me the criticism in manageable bits instead of tearing apart my entire technique. Each time I have a little bit more to watch out for on the next and each time I learn something new (rather than having to sit down and reevaluate my whole style).
I really keep a list as more of an assurance. To myself and to the buyers. It says, "Yes, I have heard your request and I intend to do something about it, so make preparations."
I'm probably the poorest($) player in my guild. I love the game, but I go for very long periods of time having at most 5k on me. I don't farm, I don't run, I don't do anything to make much more money than I get from doing missions and quests or making my usual rounds. I can't afford my own work

In the future I'll probably divide my work into a higher priced style like the work I do now and a more affordable sketch work, but I also keep a list for the people who were interested in the original deal so they know I'm not going to demand something else on short notice.
I do think my current first 5 is a strange number...but so far I haven't seen any requests that I don't eventually want to get to. As quick as I work, I won't cut my list down shorter than 3 just so people can be ready, but because of your request, I probably will shorten it. The people I already have listed are safe from any new deals.

I think that artists here are perfectly capable of making a decision of how they want to do it, but GF definetly has some valid points. I'll just echo myself from the thread where it all started.
I think that the best thing a person can do if they are interested to find out if an artist does commissions or not is as simple as this:
Ask if he/she does commissions, then the artist can say yes/no, and once it is completely clear that the artist is doing commissions, then people can get in line or whatever the artist decides should be done.
The whole camp/flag system is a pain in the ass, because even if the artist hasn't said yes to do commissions you might still end up number 7 in the line even though you are the first person to see the response.
But if you want an honest chance of getting in front of the line you need to a) be really lucky and see a thread that says "Doing commissions", and be the first to respond in it, or b) plant your flag before everyone else in a thread where you have no idea whether commissions are being taken or not.
Basically, what my suggestion to fix the problem is, is to somehow make the flag-system unused, or make it useless. Artists could say: "I'm not taking commissions from people who just flag. Once I say I'll take commissions, I'll do the requests as they come" just for an example.
Ask if he/she does commissions, then the artist can say yes/no, and once it is completely clear that the artist is doing commissions, then people can get in line or whatever the artist decides should be done.
The whole camp/flag system is a pain in the ass, because even if the artist hasn't said yes to do commissions you might still end up number 7 in the line even though you are the first person to see the response.
But if you want an honest chance of getting in front of the line you need to a) be really lucky and see a thread that says "Doing commissions", and be the first to respond in it, or b) plant your flag before everyone else in a thread where you have no idea whether commissions are being taken or not.
Basically, what my suggestion to fix the problem is, is to somehow make the flag-system unused, or make it useless. Artists could say: "I'm not taking commissions from people who just flag. Once I say I'll take commissions, I'll do the requests as they come" just for an example.
@Dont Mess WithMe:
I too, work under the assumption that artists will work as the see fit, and in the manner they think will suit them best. I actually also agree with you, in that a flood of commission requests in a thread is more flattery than anything else.
Above all, the reason for this post, was just to was to get artists thinking about different ways they could run commissions.
I too, work under the assumption that artists will work as the see fit, and in the manner they think will suit them best. I actually also agree with you, in that a flood of commission requests in a thread is more flattery than anything else.
Above all, the reason for this post, was just to was to get artists thinking about different ways they could run commissions.
I just hope people see there are other ways of doing things - my method may not be to everyone's tastes, and I don't propose everyone works as I do. I suppose really all I'm saying, is that artists shouldn't feel they have to run their commissions on a linear commission line basis, unless of course, they feel that will bring out the best in their work. Personally, I don't feel it does. Hence my oppinionated original post ^_^
So perhaps to make this thread less of a personal rant, and of more use to the art community, how about artists and commissioners put their heads together and come up with some interesting concepts for running a commission system.
Critera, waiting times, themes, numbers of people, community polls, art trades, seperate threads for posts, personal pages for commission display...
That's just a few things off the top of my head, but how could we all work together to make life better for the creators and consumers of art?

While many artists are comfortable saying no, I know many artists are also afraid to "please themselves". So while I don't think everyone should necessarily do as Greyfox suggests, I'm glad he did suggest it so that the ones most likely to burn out trying to please others will realize that they will have support if they adopt a different approach. It's very easy to think "if I say no, all the people who love my art will turn their back on me!".
Personally, I reeeally like the way you do it Greyfox. If I were to do commissions, that would be my approach as well.
Personally, I reeeally like the way you do it Greyfox. If I were to do commissions, that would be my approach as well.
GreyFox, you really do have a good point. I've noticed a lot of this happening around here (and also know this from experience in other places too). It would be nice to change the system a little, to something that allows everyone who wants a commission an equal chance of getting it, but also giving the artists freedom to choose how they work. It's always kind of sad seeing a talented artist have a burnout because they take on too much. And I know what I'm talking about... just had burnout last autumn from overwork and school, which kept me from drawing anything except compulsory work for nearly six months. It was awful.
I quite like my own system here though.... I have a waiting line, and then pick three people at a time who I promise to do commissions for. The other people can wait, knowing that I will let them know when I'm available again. Still, I wish there was some way to arrange my waiting line a bit too... it feels bad to put people on the waiting line and not knowing if I ever have time to do all of them.
I'm all open for suggestions on how to organize commissions better.
I kind of liked the way you do it now, where you ask people to write about their characters and then you pick whoever inspires you the best. That kind of system would definitely be something that would also work for me, if I ever started taking more detailed commissions. It would really let us artists see who really loves their character and is willing to put a little effort into seeing them drawn.
I quite like my own system here though.... I have a waiting line, and then pick three people at a time who I promise to do commissions for. The other people can wait, knowing that I will let them know when I'm available again. Still, I wish there was some way to arrange my waiting line a bit too... it feels bad to put people on the waiting line and not knowing if I ever have time to do all of them.
I'm all open for suggestions on how to organize commissions better.

Morag D
personally, I don't have a problem with people flagging my thread
I mean, every artist should do what he or she likes / can get along with best. plus, not everybody has a reputation as you have, meaning there are people who want to work their way up to the top by dealing with every customer who'd like a picture and not only those that appeal to the artist - and I don't think this is a bad thing. I've had 5 rangers out of 7 commissions, and I don't even very much like rangers. but that doesn't matter. for me, it's a chance to improve, and although I'd prefer female casters to male rangers/warriors, I do what people like me to - first, because it forces me to draw stuff I normally wouldn't do (and thus practice), second, because I like challenges. Third and most important: Doing whatever a customer wants you to is as much an approach to art as doing what you want to do. Commissions is work, meaning I get paid so I don't have to farm - plus I prefer drawing to farming
for my ultivmate individual artistic fulfillment I don't charge
everyone to his liking, I always say.

I mean, every artist should do what he or she likes / can get along with best. plus, not everybody has a reputation as you have, meaning there are people who want to work their way up to the top by dealing with every customer who'd like a picture and not only those that appeal to the artist - and I don't think this is a bad thing. I've had 5 rangers out of 7 commissions, and I don't even very much like rangers. but that doesn't matter. for me, it's a chance to improve, and although I'd prefer female casters to male rangers/warriors, I do what people like me to - first, because it forces me to draw stuff I normally wouldn't do (and thus practice), second, because I like challenges. Third and most important: Doing whatever a customer wants you to is as much an approach to art as doing what you want to do. Commissions is work, meaning I get paid so I don't have to farm - plus I prefer drawing to farming

everyone to his liking, I always say.
Mistical miss
I mainly draw whoever I like whenever I like :P (thats mostly because my thread isn't that much of a commission thread :P) Sometimes people kindly request, and sometimes I feel like doing that
... apart from that, Art trades ftw!, I like doing art trades :P so they have priority.

Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
I too, work under the assumption that artists will work as the see fit, and in the manner they think will suit them best. I actually also agree with you, in that a flood of commission requests in a thread is more flattery than anything else.
Above all, the reason for this post, was just to was to get artists thinking about different ways they could run commissions.
That is exactly my assumption, I think a lot of newer artists see the flood of commissions, and just start at the start, and work onwards. It seems a logical thing to do after all, and if you are starting out and looking to draw anything, for anyone, it's not such a bad way of doing it. However, I do believe that a lot of the time, newer arts will not have the confidence to just say no, they will take the list as it stands, and work through it from start to finish.
I just hope people see there are other ways of doing things - my method may not be to everyone's tastes, and I don't propose everyone works as I do. I suppose really all I'm saying, is that artists shouldn't feel they have to run their commissions on a linear commission line basis, unless of course, they feel that will bring out the best in their work. Personally, I don't feel it does. Hence my oppinionated original post ^_^
So perhaps to make this thread less of a personal rant, and of more use to the art community, how about artists and commissioners put their heads together and come up with some interesting concepts for running a commission system.
Critera, waiting times, themes, numbers of people, community polls, art trades, seperate threads for posts, personal pages for commission display...
That's just a few things off the top of my head, but how could we all work together to make life better for the creators and consumers of art?

/SIGNED 100%
Nothing wrong with being opinionated, at least I hope, 'cause I know I am. *coughs*.
Believe me, I too worry that new artists will not have the confidence to ask for a fair price, and I more than often have expressed that concern in their threads... DON'T LOWBALL YOURSELF!!. You are talented, people are complimenting your art. Some artists, that are extremely talented, *coughs-ravensong-coughs* charge a measly 10k for a piece, and although I want to shake him, all *I* can do is make sure that when I pay him, I go well beyond what he requested. Food for thought maybe? If you know that an artist might be asking a low price out of lack of confidence, fear they might be asking for too much... instead of jumping on the *bargain* pay them a fair price.
Maybe after we get some good ideas down, new artists will see the different choices they have as to how to run their threads. I will still though, assume, they are capable to say NO, NO thanks, NO sorry, can't do.
After reading this thread, and another one with a new artist, for a very short while I sort of felt the flames below me, BUT I know how I have treated artists, I know how much I have payed, and I am quite comfortable with it.
Some say I get to plant my flag first all the time, lol, I wish. I think I managed first once or twice, I may be sitting on a lot of threads, where I am patiently waiting and hoping to make it on the list sometime. If it happens, excellent, if it doesn't that's fine too, I will simply enjoy looking at their work. I will continue to farm, sell, and save so I can pay a fair price for a little token from all the very talented people out there.
I can see a valid point to not wanting the artist to burn out or for them not to enjoy doing their drawings. What I would not like to see is from a list of (example) 100 people the artist just goes through the list and picks out either the commissions he/she likes best or the ones that are offering to pay twice the price just to move to the front.
What if you went to your local hardware store just to buy a hammer and the 99 people behind you were buying cabinets to remodel their kitchen. Would it be right for the store to have you stand to the side and wait because the people behind you were buying more stuff worth more money?
I feel the best way to work commissions is for the artist to say in his/her first posting whether they are just posting for critique or if they are opening for commissions.
They could limit the commissions to guarantee only the first person or first 3 people will get their drawing done.
As far as pricing goes I have seen great drawings priced at 10k and very simple sketches priced at 40k. It is up to the artist to price their work but you have to find that middle ground. Charge too much you lose customers, charge too little you get overwhelmed. This is why I like the ones that offer levels of service. 10k for a sketch, 30k for a B&W, 50k for color and so on. The way I believe is the worst to run your prices is to just ask for tips, this will just lead to you being under paid.
Though the way you run your thread is your choice I do not feel I should have to put on a song and dance number just to get the artist to notice me above the rest.
What if you went to your local hardware store just to buy a hammer and the 99 people behind you were buying cabinets to remodel their kitchen. Would it be right for the store to have you stand to the side and wait because the people behind you were buying more stuff worth more money?
I feel the best way to work commissions is for the artist to say in his/her first posting whether they are just posting for critique or if they are opening for commissions.
They could limit the commissions to guarantee only the first person or first 3 people will get their drawing done.
As far as pricing goes I have seen great drawings priced at 10k and very simple sketches priced at 40k. It is up to the artist to price their work but you have to find that middle ground. Charge too much you lose customers, charge too little you get overwhelmed. This is why I like the ones that offer levels of service. 10k for a sketch, 30k for a B&W, 50k for color and so on. The way I believe is the worst to run your prices is to just ask for tips, this will just lead to you being under paid.
Though the way you run your thread is your choice I do not feel I should have to put on a song and dance number just to get the artist to notice me above the rest.
I've had a follow-up idea from my post; I was thinking of ways to charge realistic prices, and still make it so that poorer folks still have a shot at something cool for a character they really like. It's not to simplify the work, but instead to occasionally hold a sort of reverse contest. Instead of having a buyer post a contest for ZOMGold (but in return ensuring LOTS of instant artwork), the artist would hold a contest asking people to prove how much their character means to them and the winner gets his/her picture done.
That way artists who get scolded for not asking enough can feel better about offering affordable options to those who really need/deserve it.
That way artists who get scolded for not asking enough can feel better about offering affordable options to those who really need/deserve it.
Originally Posted by tommarrow
I think it is perfectly acceptable for an artist to work for the highest bidder. I think it's the artists decision whether or not they want to work purely for the money, or for some other artistic goal. It's for that reason, that I like it when commissioners offer a detailed background and "pitch" on their characters, because it gives the artist somthing to work with, some basic criteria they can use to select commisions, rather than just a set of armour. Afterall, if all someone is offering is a generic character, and someone else is offering the same generic character +2x the amount of gold, why should the artist choose the first person? Simply because they had a faster internet connection and posted first?
Though the way you run your thread is your choice I do not feel I should have to put on a song and dance number just to get the artist to notice me above the rest.
That is, of course, your choice, but with so many people jostling for commissions, I think it is reasonable to ask the commissionee to spend a little time convincing the artist that their image is worth taking on. I think what it boils down to, is that I believe people who really want commissions, should have to do a little work themselves, if they want an artist to spend many hours of their time and love on an image. The fact of the matter is, there are far more people wanting commissions, than there are people producing them, thus artists currently have the oppertunity to select commissions they feel will suit them best - be that in terms of earning quick cash, or offering particular artist challanges. It's a sellers market, as they say. I just hope artists realise it ![]() kenichiukiya
Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
Imagine if you will, that a new artist starts a commission thread, I can guarentee that within the day, at least 5-10 people will have replied to it requesting a commission.
Well I didn't get that many people for my commission thread (even up to now).
![]() I have been watching this part of the forum for more than half a year now and yet i just started my commission thread last week. I am a new wannabe-artist offering commissions and seeing all those great works by everyone here, I swear to improve my drawing skills by offering commissions. For now I'm adopting the waiting line system just because i want challenge. People come in and ask me for commission of their character, and they only provide screenies without a story. Then I would imagine and work out a scene where I think suits the character best. This will push my limits and I always find myself drawing things I've never done before (like Perynne's ranger and 'soon-to-come' Mistical miss' ranger). I think this is a good way for me to improve and I don't think anyone will have problem with it. About the price, as I'm still new I do not know how much the people around here appreciate my work. So atm I'll just let them decide what to pay me and I'll work out a reasonable price in the near future after I finish my first batch of commissions. I do state in my thread that I needed precious time and energy to do all these commissions so I asked people to be patient and pay a price they think suits best, and I have no problem with it. I WILL KNOW WHEN I'M UNDERPAYED, and so may be after this first batch, if anymore commissions come in I will ask for a specific price. Just some thoughts from a new commissioner. ![]() Torikae
I completely agree with a lot of what you're saying, especially with regards to artists as insanely talented as yourself
![]() However, whilst I agree that it's unfair to make people wait a long time just because they view the forums less frequently, I don't think it's any more fair to make the people who jump in there first wait instead. So what if they can't afford to pay me much, or I don't much like the look of their character, or they want something a bit boring? I'm sure that doesn't mean they'll appreciate their picture any less than the next person. I agree on the bidding analogy in a lot of respects, also, but I think it depends a lot on how the artist views their own art, and the process of drawing for others. For those who see it as a business; a means of earning gold, then it applies, most certainly. It's important to get the best result for the time spent. For me, though, I don't draw to earn gold, or challenge myself artistically - Those are nice bonuses. I find the best part of giving someone a picture isn't getting paid, but hearing that they like it and are grateful for the time and effort I spent on it. I grin like an idiot whenever someone leaves an "omgIloveit" response in my thread - that's what makes it worth the effort, to me, no matter how much they paid me, or how much grief the picture caused me in the making ![]() In your example of: "Afterall, if all someone is offering is a generic character, and someone else is offering the same generic character +2x the amount of gold, why should the artist choose the first person? Simply because they had a faster internet connection and posted first?" Why should the artist choose the second person? Simply because they are richer? Vast over-simplification, I know, but I guess whichever one is chosen, it's unfair in some way on the other. Filling their requests in the order they're received seems fairest to me, as no matter how much persuasion people can give, I don't feel I really have the right to decide who 'deserves' something more than the next. Personally, I wouldn't dream of asking commissioners to /persuade/ me to draw their character anyway. I'm just not good enough to ask that of people. I'm flattered that anyone is willing to pay me for my work at all! ![]() As usual, I've rambled uselessly around my point ^^' I think what I'm trying to say is, I completely agree with everything you're saying with regards to your own and many other people's commissions - I just don't think it necessarily applies to everyone in the same ways ![]() Knightsaber Sith
Say yes to commission queues!
So, if one guy is the first to see an new artist's thread but doesn't have some interesting idea for the pic, he might never get a pic done? His first submission was passed over and all subsequent submissions as well 'cause other people that just found the thread had a better idea of what they wanted. I think first come, first served is the best. Set a limit on how long the queue is if you're worried about burning out, and don't accept any "reservations" 'til you open the queue again. It seems more fair to me, so everyone can get a chance if they wait. Personally, I think this guy's queue setup is ideal *Alexiel*
Completely agree =]
I too, think Babaroga's commission setup is on of the best around. He's clearly put a lot of thought into how best to please his customers, the art fans in general, and himself as an artist
![]() StarrTheInsane
That one is pretty good, but I do also like your idea for how much in-depth information should be added by the buyer (you pitch). It's a good set of description ideas.
Marty Silverblade
Hmm, I personally am annoyed by people who camp art threads and 'plant their flag'. It makes no sense to ask so hungrily when they haven't even been mentioned. If you're looking for a commission and they haven't been mentioned, try and get in contact with the artist and ask. I think it's rude how some people say 'you haven't mentioned commissions but I'm first anyway'.
I know when I start my thread in 'hopefully' the next few days (2 assignments due soon, the thread might have to wait until the weekend), anyone who plants their flag will be ignored, and possibly not get a commission later on, even if I decide to take them. I'm going to do things my way, and if you're going to be rude, screw your commission! StarrTheInsane
Well, that's like with mine, I originally only mentioned that I might do commissions. I actually fully intended to if I got a decent response. After a couple people showed interest in it, I went ahead and started. I didn't do the first person first, because it was more of a "give me a heads up if you do..." than a request. I went ahead and saved them a spot near the top pending further communications from them. Certainly if I didn't hear back, I would disregard and continue with the others.
I certainly am willing to do extra work once the picture is finished if someone tips and has special requests. Something like, "Hey, this is more than you are asking, could you change the background?" or anything else to tweak the picture so it's perfect for them. Of course in the wake of this thread, I've changed my policy a bit so that happens less. I'd like to make sure that I get enough information before I begin to create something that is accurate and specific to that character the first time, but that also means it's going to take me a bit longer to complete the initial piece (so charging a reasonable price is a bit easier). Despite being scolded, I don't feel my original price was too far off-base. Seeing some of the work that grey and babaroga have done for the prices they ask, I can honestly say that my size and resolution (and time it takes me to finish those) could be increased alot in future work. Rainbird
Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade
Hmm, I personally am annoyed by people who camp art threads and 'plant their flag'. It makes no sense to ask so hungrily when they haven't even been mentioned. If you're looking for a commission and they haven't been mentioned, try and get in contact with the artist and ask. I think it's rude how some people say 'you haven't mentioned commissions but I'm first anyway'.
I know when I start my thread in 'hopefully' the next few days (2 assignments due soon, the thread might have to wait until the weekend), anyone who plants their flag will be ignored, and possibly not get a commission later on, even if I decide to take them. I'm going to do things my way, and if you're going to be rude, screw your commission! I hear ya! ![]() ravensong
There is awful alot of text in this post and didnt have patience to read it all,but i read grey_fox`s first post and i must say I agree with most of the things!
I mean, I dont have anything against flaging but I agree about that artist could choose which to draw to prevent boringness. For example my last list was almost all female characters wich was very dull. But then again it isnt very fair to customers. Darcy
The artist can always ignore unsolicited flag posts and direct the commissions by stating his/her request. Tell posters that you are interested in taking two commissions for warrior singles or three commissions on 4-person groups. This would not only limit the commission line, but give the artist the ability to work on pictures that allow them to perfect their style and keep up their own interest.
An artist is not a manufacturer. Although most have work that puts bread on the table, it's not usually their favorite type of work. When things deteriorate to doing only cookie-cutter drawings, their art suffers. So, each artist needs to explore the options to ensure that the first excitement of people wanting your work does not change to being a burden of uninteresting jobs. Moa Bird Cultist
Gonna stick my neck out and say I agree. I've got a huge amount of respect for the artists who take their time to draw our characters. However, I don't have the time to camp the forums and jump an art thread as soon as it appears and as such, I usually miss the boat when and where the artist decides to offer commissions. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation either. Also, everything Grey says about it being not fair on the artists is true as well. Art isn't easy, it isn't manufactured, as Darcy said and it most definitely isn't something you can demand from a person or force out of them.
Also, I need to set the record straight on something that's been bothering me. Ravensong, I apologize for making your life massively difficult with regards to my second commission. I should have just let you do your thing and for that, I'm sorry. Thats all. Verdura Mindcatcher
I've gotta disagree with Grey here.
The people who take comisions know what they are getting into. I really don't think it's fair to be overlooked if you have a "boring" character or a character the artist doesn't want to draw. I think the whole point to the thread is a result of certain people always claiming a comish even when the artist is unsure if they are even going to take comisions. (You know who you are) If that is the case, then why do the rest of us have to face these kind of changes? I'll admit I jumped the gun once becuase I learned if we don't act fast we might miss out. I'm just adding my thoughts here. I personally like the queue and have no problem if an artist takes awhile in doing thier art. Like Sith said at least with Queue's we know we are going to get a chance. Without Queue's you might never get a chance. Unlucky Slayer
While seeing Grey's way of doing everything is good for the awesome art he puts out. I dont think every artist should do that, because not everyone thats looking to get art can bust out that much information about their characters even if they play them all the time. Sometimes the consumer just has a small idea that they hope the artist they choose to draw that idea for them comes out the way they are thinking, the great thing here is that every artist meets or exceeds these expectations.
As for doing stuff for free and the whole getting undercharged bit... If the artists want to do stuff that way let them. Not everyone needs nor wants the money in game. Not calling some of the artists greedy, but it does look that way sometimes. ![]() But in the end I do think that, to prevent block, the artist should take their time and do what they are inspired to do at any given time even if it comes not in the order of the comissions. Most of us dont really mind waiting. (I've waited nearly six months for a piece.) I'm in no rush to get quality work. ![]() I dont know if what I said makes sense, but I think it does to me. =P lyra_song
I think its all up to the artist.
Personally i turn down boring stuff...If it doesnt challenge me or give me an opportunity to do something fun/original, i wont do it, regardless of if you were first, or offering more money. Xenrath
Personally speaking I think it's a bit of a shame this part of the forums has basically become Commission Central as it is... I hardly post anymore but liked to look in this section to check out videos, comics and so forth (and posted plenty of my own in the past) yet those seemed to have been dwindling and the WTS Commission threads have been increasing quite a bit in number... no doubt there are talented pictures but I don't bother looking through those threads.
I don't see why there can't be a commissions section in the Ventari Sell section, after all these are trade/services. Oh well, just my personal opinion anyway. Mistical miss
I think it well belongs here in the nolani academy forums
![]() ![]() And as for vids and comics, there haven't been many new comics around lately, just one which is still on the latest page.. The comics were from some time ago, and well, threads keep up with time, its better to have new stuff to look at every week, than to keep the same movies/comics on the page... And cats' videos are awesome ^^ I highly recommend watching those ! As for the on topic: I'm guilty for delaying art I don't like to do aswell ![]() Babaroga
I realy think this is useless thread.
Don't get me (too much) wrong, but if a certain artist can't deal with his "troubles" and "campers" by himself, then, a word my friend, bug off! Pressure is something you have to get used to, and eather work with it, or don't work at all. greyf0x_f0x
I don't see why there can't be a commissions section in the Ventari Sell section, after all these are trade/services. Oh well, just my personal opinion anyway.
| You know what... I think you might be on to somthing! Think about it, why not have every artist just post their commission thread in the "services" section of ventari's. Then let them have another thread here that they use to display their art and link the two. That way, everyone still gets to look at the pretty pictures, and the art threads can be kept clean of "zomg! comison now plz kthxbye!" A degree of seperation between art and business ![]() Unlucky Slayer
If you're really looking for a split between the business and the show, why do it in sales... There's a bunch of people that wouldnt even bother going there for the commissions. I know I wouldnt.
If we can get it set up, I wouldnt mind having a child board for this section specifically for commissions. (The business end.) That way you wouldnt have to bend to the will of the sales rules (too strict for art imo) And would still have the seperation that is kinda needed. Pushing it to sales would just drive away more people than it would help bring in. =/ |