I am what some people might call a farmer in Guild Wars. I have been playing Guild Wars for about 10-11 months now and I own all 3 games. I am concerned about dropping prices, and innocent players getting banned when stuff like this is going on right in Tyria.
Please go to the link below, click on free, and enter the activation code given to download my video. I have named it Guildie Python and the Bot Parade and it is a parody of the witch burning segment of Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, meant to entertain and alert Arena Net to the extensive problem of botters.
Feel free to spread the word
Downloads: 24
Youtube Views: 15
There is now a Youtube video of this, the quality sucks, but you are able to read it if you make the video smaller
Granite Citadel Botters Video, please watch
Black Ops Ranger
Malice Black
D/L a video from an unknown person..that won't get much love here.
You'd be better off posting this on Youtube, not only are people very skeptical of downloads. They're also very lazy.
Just what we need... yet another thread on the bots in Granite that Anet don't care about...
Black Ops Ranger
I tried Youtube already quality sucks so much you cant read anything
but I am tryiing to fix that
but I am tryiing to fix that
The link is safe...it's pretty funny, it's just too slow
Toilet Oni
Originally Posted by Aera
The link is safe...it's pretty funny, it's just too slow
Black Ops Ranger
There is now a Youtube video of this, the quality sucks, but you are able to read it if you make the video smaller