Abilities at a glance:
High Physical Damage+Mental
Can Cause Multiple Conditions Fast
Can Strip Allies of Hexs
Hexs armour and Damage(seperatly)
Can Morph (similar to dervish but all skills and abilities are disabled for duration)
Non-existance of active self healing, weak passive healing only.
Low armour
Sacrifices Hp a lot
Enchantments last only 50% as long, Outside healing is reduced 20%
Thats the "on the go" look at the Agoniser now lets get more in-dept to my concept
The Agoniser Revels in all kinds of Suffering, Capable of dealing large damage over time and some support to allies.
-For Skills/bosses
Bosses Glow: Grey/white
Skills: white Background with Grey images
(not set in stone this isn't i am a little unsure what colour to use. )
Stats at Level 20
Hp 480
Energy 25
Pip(en) = 3[varies a lot: read ]
[2base with +1 pantaloons = 3]
Innate -20% to outside healing and Enchantments only last half as long.
Agony Eater - Every time an ally or Enemy within earshot (white aggro circle) becomes afflicted with a Condition, Gain 5 hp per two ranks of Agony Eater and 1 Energy per 4 ranks(effects gain 50% bonus if Nearby) Also Every time an enemy within Earshot becomes hexed, Gain 1hp per rank of Agony Eater and 1Energy per 8 Ranks of Agony Eater(effects doubled if attacking)
(at Rank 16 Agony Eater you would get +40HP +4EN per condition suffered [+50% if withing "nearby" Range{then would be +60HP and +6EN}] and you would get +16HP +2EN if within Earshot of someone being Hexed[Effects are only doubled if you are attacking the hexed target{+32HP +4EN}])
4second Cooldown per heal
[might need a nerf on that one, looking at it now its a bit strong, if people think its too strong i will half it]
(Whew, i hope u can read that.)
Torture Mastery
Increases skills with Torture Weapons [Flail, Dual Spike hammers, Spike Shield{only increase offense of torture shields, without the proper shield skill the sheild is useless for defence}]
Body Twisting
Manipulation of Conditions and reversal of small amounts of damage +Morphing
Mind Bending
Strips allies of hexs and hexs enemies with one or two shouts
Contains strong moves, with steep penalties for using them
(also is the skill used for Agoniser-specific sheilds)
General Medieval Torture Weapons,
Flails/Maces(1handed) (used with large Spiky Shields)
Spike Hammers(2 handed like daggers)[not so sure about these might wanna go for something a little cooler depends what u think ]
Made to look dark and evil looking
Weapon Names:
Bloodguard(shield), Blacksmiths Spikes(hammers), Facesmasher(flail)
Flail = 1.5sec attack time
Hammers = 1sec attack (lower damage)
Sheild = Reactive attack(5damage for every block and a 5% chance to inflict 20 damage regardless of armour[close combat only ofc])
Armour sets
Max 65 armour
Guilt Set
+50hp -5EN
+10En 65AL -20HP
Semi-metal and semit-leather Armour IE: leather shestpeice with a small Steel plate on it, i might get a drawing or an image form somewhere later.
NB all skills end affects will be counted as you haveing lvl 16 in all Skill lines
SKILLS//Type | Energy | Cast Time | Recharge Time\\
Agony Eater
Foe's Face PainSkill | 10e | 1s | 20s
For 4-12 Seconds any new Conditions on Enemies Nearby have their Durations increase by 10%-40% (max 5seconds)
Foe's Heavy SpiritSkill | 15e | inst | 30s
For 2-8second any enemies Casting Hexs within Earshot have their casting speed increased by 50% but their durations increase by 20%-10%
Allie's Bloodlust Shout "Blood Is Money!" | 5e
Sacrifice 8% hp
1-4 Allies within earshot have Bleeding removed and those remaining times are Transferred onto any nearby enemies, if there are no nearby enemies then those allies gain +3HP regen for 5-20 seconds
[This is as much as i am writing for now, i just wanna see what peopel think so far, i will write more when my hands recover from sooooo much typing ]
Concept Class: Agoniser
Jonn Shadowstalker
I like the skills and idea....
But it all seems just a little too creepy. I mean, torturing people to death? Literally? Even the Necro doesn't go that far.
Other than that, I like.
But it all seems just a little too creepy. I mean, torturing people to death? Literally? Even the Necro doesn't go that far.
Other than that, I like.
placebo overdose
like shadowstalker said seems a little morbid and grim for a game like GW remember some yougins play otherwise still seems a little fresh in base continue working but maybe think of a different primary atm it would be abused more then SR(pre nerf) in pvp