Discussion: Brainstorming for a more rewarding pve experience..
hello sardelac,
so, i was in uw last night with my guild and we killed everything up to the smites, then cleared a bit more, then we went back to the reaper in labyrinth and took the unwanted guests quest. i myself was having fun and all but.. what's the reward here? i mean cmon 10k xp? halfway thru the quest i kinda felt down that even tho this quest was fun.. it was not so rewarding.
so why not make repeatable quest give a little something extra? how about each repeatable quest gave you a SMALL part of a bigger reward? that would make me wanna play repeatables again! and i know that DoA, has this system up to some extent.
what could this reward be? how could we make it gives a little more meaning to all those pve quests almost noone cares for?
my sugestion is the following: how about for each quest completed, you get 1 quest reward point (wich we'll call "quest reward points" from now on), redeemable at a quest reward npc a la ATS, i mean it would certainly make pve a bit more meaningful.
now dont misunderstand me, i dont mean an npc that will give u EXACTLY the skin and mods u want, but, something along these lines:
Randomly skinned unid <weapon type> .......... 5 quest reward points (each weapon type will be a different selection, just skipping all that writing for each weapon type)
Special PvE quest reward armor .......... 10 quest reward points a piece (this should open a sub-menus allowing u to select a specific piece)
Minor Rune of <attribute> .......... 3 quest reward points
Major Rune of <attribute> .......... 5 quest reward points
Superior rune of <attribute> .......... 10 quest reward points
<rare material> , Stack of 5 .......... 25 quest reward points
There, that looks Reasonable, now note that each and every quest should reward 1 quest reward point, this should make all those quests in fow, uw, and surrows furnace, look a lot more attractive huh?
Final thoughts :
with GW:EN coming now in late september, we have 18 NEW DUNGEONS, to explore and if all of those are meant to be played, they should include a bit better reward for those who cant afford to buy a lockpick each time they go into an explorable area/mission, i was thinking to myself about The Dungeon trailer at ign, woooow that looks great! but if the rewards are the same? srsly, whats the point?
so, i was in uw last night with my guild and we killed everything up to the smites, then cleared a bit more, then we went back to the reaper in labyrinth and took the unwanted guests quest. i myself was having fun and all but.. what's the reward here? i mean cmon 10k xp? halfway thru the quest i kinda felt down that even tho this quest was fun.. it was not so rewarding.
so why not make repeatable quest give a little something extra? how about each repeatable quest gave you a SMALL part of a bigger reward? that would make me wanna play repeatables again! and i know that DoA, has this system up to some extent.
what could this reward be? how could we make it gives a little more meaning to all those pve quests almost noone cares for?
my sugestion is the following: how about for each quest completed, you get 1 quest reward point (wich we'll call "quest reward points" from now on), redeemable at a quest reward npc a la ATS, i mean it would certainly make pve a bit more meaningful.
now dont misunderstand me, i dont mean an npc that will give u EXACTLY the skin and mods u want, but, something along these lines:
Randomly skinned unid <weapon type> .......... 5 quest reward points (each weapon type will be a different selection, just skipping all that writing for each weapon type)
Special PvE quest reward armor .......... 10 quest reward points a piece (this should open a sub-menus allowing u to select a specific piece)
Minor Rune of <attribute> .......... 3 quest reward points
Major Rune of <attribute> .......... 5 quest reward points
Superior rune of <attribute> .......... 10 quest reward points
<rare material> , Stack of 5 .......... 25 quest reward points
There, that looks Reasonable, now note that each and every quest should reward 1 quest reward point, this should make all those quests in fow, uw, and surrows furnace, look a lot more attractive huh?
Final thoughts :
with GW:EN coming now in late september, we have 18 NEW DUNGEONS, to explore and if all of those are meant to be played, they should include a bit better reward for those who cant afford to buy a lockpick each time they go into an explorable area/mission, i was thinking to myself about The Dungeon trailer at ign, woooow that looks great! but if the rewards are the same? srsly, whats the point?
like it
I have lots of quests in my log but as i have enought skill points for Skill Hunter and don't need the XP they just sit there and i can't get up the effort to do them
I have lots of quests in my log but as i have enought skill points for Skill Hunter and don't need the XP they just sit there and i can't get up the effort to do them
Does sound like a good concept, but its so open to abuse. You'd have to remove such rewards from alot of quests. I mean the Forgemaster + Defend + Restore can be done in about 30-40 minutes with a good team.
I'd rather they just gave us a bit more gold upon completion of these quests. I mean the old Tyrian quest reward items were a good idea, but 99% of them were so shit you'd merch them straight away, even if you were a new player.
And tbh i think more players would be happy if they just removed the frigging Loot Scaling.
I'd rather they just gave us a bit more gold upon completion of these quests. I mean the old Tyrian quest reward items were a good idea, but 99% of them were so shit you'd merch them straight away, even if you were a new player.
And tbh i think more players would be happy if they just removed the frigging Loot Scaling.
Gimme Money Plzkthx
/signed for something along these lines for quests and maybe even missions, but.... No rare skinned weapons/armor, this would kill the economy further. The reward point reqs you have listed there are REALLY low, they'd need to be a lot higher. Can't do that on rare mats either, kill pricing... runes are already dropping like mad so it doesn't matter. Of course, whatever the reward is, the price on it will drop to nothing in about a month due to the quest reward system, thus making the quest reward system worthless...
rewards of some nature are a good idea, but this has been suggested a few times before, for the titan quests and other such simialr things that only reward xp,
many like it, but nothing seems to be in the works
many like it, but nothing seems to be in the works
mazey vorstagg
Just like william said above. In proph the hardest quests at the end of the game (SF and Titan's quests anyone?) get you nothing more than XP which you don't need.
Just like william said above. In proph the hardest quests at the end of the game (SF and Titan's quests anyone?) get you nothing more than XP which you don't need.
edit: ok so adjusted the price on rare materials, 25 seem ok?
Also, Do you guys think it's reasonable to have a platinum reward included? if so, how much and for how much quest reward points?
Also, Do you guys think it's reasonable to have a platinum reward included? if so, how much and for how much quest reward points?
UW and FoW are both open ended in that theres no "end" compared to DoA/Deep/Urgoz. Theres also no collectors for drops there!!
The system DoA has is definitely more rewarding in the long run, than the excessively large amount of XP you gain in FoW/UW
How about you get points each time you beat the game in HM with bonus? Nice long mission based grind.
There should be more incentive to quest, to pug, to do missions.
The rewards should be in GROUP effort, not solo.
The system DoA has is definitely more rewarding in the long run, than the excessively large amount of XP you gain in FoW/UW
How about you get points each time you beat the game in HM with bonus? Nice long mission based grind.
There should be more incentive to quest, to pug, to do missions.
The rewards should be in GROUP effort, not solo.
sounds great, a lot of the quests rewards HELP but dont do much in the long run, even if they stack.
Kool Pajamas
Quest reward points sounds like a nice idea. More gold rewards would be good too, especially with the new loot scaling. Item rewards are also nice. Those quests in the beginning of NF from the dye trader, rune trader, etc..., those were nice quests. I think i said nice too much.
Love this idea
Love this idea
Every time i lag
would me make playing uw =)
would me make playing uw =)
Always loved questing in UW
this might mean i'll be able to find a team!
Always loved questing in UW

Finally will be able to find a team (Other than bot, Solo SS/SV, 55Monks LFG)
Finally will be able to find a team (Other than bot, Solo SS/SV, 55Monks LFG)
Yeah that was kinda what i was thinking ichigo!
. it's like, all u see nowadays, is dual or solo farming these areas, i really believe a system like this would help groups a lot !