I for one am fed up of people in Ra and especially Ab spending there entire time in a benny hill chase - so a new mesmer skill is needed!
10e 2c 10r
For 7 seconds, whenever target foe enters a stance that target is knocked down and that stance is cancelled.
10e 2c 10r
For 6 seconds, the next time target foe enters a stance,that foe is knocked down that stance takes an additional 10...47 seconds to recharge.
Id like to see a assasin dash out of that!
CS: Prattfall
Mr. G
Kale Ironfist
Looks like what you want is [skill]Mark of Insecurity[/skill]. Alternatively, snare them and/or knock them down. Or, if in AB, ignore them, and go do something else.
Mr. G
its not so much the whole "ZOMG RUNNEZ ANNOY ME" point of it, id just like to have a skill that amkes people fall flat on there face when they try to play hard defence..besides, who wouldnt want this on a GvG runner? ^^
Water Angel
water trident, burden, all slowing water spells, ward against foes,cripple,etc etc....that game have enough slowing stuff.and especially mesmers do.
largely enough for prevent from run a runner in ha relic map or gvg.or ta/ra.
learn to use what u already have before ask for more.
largely enough for prevent from run a runner in ha relic map or gvg.or ta/ra.
learn to use what u already have before ask for more.
Mr. G
this isnt about stopping runners, thats merely an advantage - I just thought it would be funny to see someone fall flat on there face if they used a stance
this isnt about stopping runners, thats merely an advantage - I just thought it would be funny to see someone fall flat on there face if they used a stance
Water Angel
ya but...i mean i see bad anet add a skill who have really no point cept see someone fall flat.
sure it would be fun but that apart...
sure it would be fun but that apart...