Breaths in the Mist [GusT] -- Newly established, and searching for members


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Broken Union


The Breaths in the Mist are a new D/C type Roleplaying guild that have been recently created, and are searching for rpers.

They are a guild based on defeating the opponents of justice, and making a fair profit in the process. They are currently seeking able-bodied and minded new members to help them in this pursuit, with the promise of adventure and reward; as well as wealthy contractors to offer potential work.

To find out more about the Guild in IC terms, read their Official Charter.

To find out about the Guild in OOC terms, read this page

To speak with the Guild's founders, in order to enquire about membership or request the Guild's services, contact ‘Rakk Endleslight’ or ‘Escreon of Mesyshen’ in game, ‘Escreon’ over PMs on here, or either of them via email ([email protected] or [email protected]).

Government Flu

Government Flu

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2007

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Paradoxa Zoloft Asylum [PXZ]


I'm sorry, but this story fails to entice me. The opening chapter shows no emotion involving your cliche ridden characters and quite personally, I'm offended you would use links to enhance your narrative. The premise of the story itself is somewhat sketchy and I would be hard pressed to find anything of value for you to continue here.

Perhaps you should try again, and use more depth to explain your surroundings and make use of some moments to explain character's thoughts, giving your fiction a greater depth, which it sorely lacks.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Aren't recruitment threads against the rules, anyway? There is already a thread here that you could have posted this in (instead of polluting our already cluttered forum further) that is already established. More people would read that than this thread.

I, too, am offended at the fact that you would not take the time to explain yourself here. Links just show that you are too lazy and uncaring of your endeavors to tell us about what you want to do.

Though I was taken aback by your links, I skimmed the pages that you had already established elsewhere. The first thing I noticed in your Charter is that I could not tell if you were writing in character or not. That is indeed a serious offense against the Roleplaying community. I also found the drawn out rules that were set in this document offensive. They are mostly about not killing whomever you are dealing with. Riddle me this: Who attempts to kill someone while Roleplaying? Unless they are at war or under the contract of a quest, no one kills for the hell of it (In-character Player-versus-Player excepted). To be honest, I found the second post in that thread more interesting than the first.

What I noticed in the second document, and that shocked me into dropping my jaw, is that you don't care if someone "goes outside the lore". Now, I won't try to say that you mean anything you don't, but, if this means that you would have someone joining the White Mantle when their comerades, people whom the character trusts and loves, are trying to kill them, that is offensive. However, if you mean that you don't mind that an in-character couple goes off and gets married or has a child in their travels, that I understand.

Besides that, this thread was zealous in it's attempts, though you did not go about it in the correct way.

Tally ho~!

(I'm slacking because this thing took me over fifteen minutes to write..)