So this is what I sugest.
In the southern Shiverpeaks, and only there, in all but Dreaghnough drift/ Dasca Demise and Icedome ( the area's are too small) every once in a while, a Drunken Dwarve will be found walking, or should I say stumbling around and bambling random phrase. ( like, no Mr rockhead, I have no blood in my alchool system/ I sweat to drunk I'm not Dwayna)
He will not apear on the radar, and you will not being able to see him by pressing Shift, you will literaly stumble onto him.
If He stumble on you during the middle of a fight, the Summit Dwarve will not appear until all enemies have been clear of the Drunken Dwarve radar, not to sudenly over welm the group.
When you approach him, A bad of Summit dwarve appear out of no where

What do they wan't, the drunken dwarf of course, he was found to be speaking to philty human

Your job is to rescue him.
Hes what gonna apend, when any of the party member enter withing aggro range, the Dwarve will apear, at the same time, to bar will apear. Similar to the one with the emperor in Raisu palace. One will be the health of the dwarve, and one for the mob. As you kill the mob, the red bar( mob bar) will go down, as the red bar goes the, the blue bar (drunken Dwarve) will have more and more degen.
The challenge here of course is to defeat the mob before the dwarve dies.
The red bar is the total health of the mob, the Blue bar is the health of the Drunken dwarve. The Drunken dwarve can not be healed while the blue bar is showing.
The mob will consist of 2 monks, 1-3 Mesmer, 1-3 necro, 1-3 warrior, 1-3 ranger and 1-3 elementist. There will always be atleast 10-12 enemies and atleast one of each enemies. And 1 random boss of random proffession.
The more mob shows up, the higher the chances are of getting better reward.
When the mug is defeated, you speak the dwarve, he will act like a living chest: He will drop 2 drops for each player, a random gold (or two depending how lucky you are

The rewards, one new green item.
Dwarven Mug: looks, excaly like the mugs sold at the merchant in Droknar.
Stats : 6 armor and +6 energy
Special Effect: When equip, your character act exacly has if he was affected by level 5 drunkeness until the Mug is unequip. This does not count toward the drunken title.
This is more for fun then anything else, not really worth to dedicate your self to farm (but I know some will) but very fun when you randomly find the litle fellow