How do you make a difference map


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I can't find the instructions telling how to make a difference map. I'm at 99.6% and am really struggling with the last. Can someone tell me how to make the difference map using Photoshop. I've done it before but forget how. -Joe


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Please, any help would be appreciated. Been wall hugging for days and can't find the last 0.4%. I created a high res stiched map and I'd like to do a compare on that too. map flipping isn't showing me anything. I know there were instructions here but I can't find the thread. -Joe



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


It's linked to here in Livingston's sticky, it's the 'LuXa' method. Essentially you layer both maps and photoshop can spot any differences. The problem is clouds and any imperfection of lining up register.



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

For future reference, map questions need to be refered to the mapping thread stuck to the top of each explorer forum.