Liars Cheats and Thieves is a PvE oriented Kurzick guild. We are looking to join a more active allaince that is Hard mode, Elite mission, and PvE focused but most importantly active.
We find our current allaince of (6 guilds with 250 memebers) is no where near as active as us and i can see disgruntled chatter in the guild chat about it.
For the most part we are 80% U.S. and canadian based with a few euro and australlian players.
We have limited our membership to players who are at least 16+ and mature. there is an exception to this with one player who is 14 that we have adopted as our mascott since he followed us from our old guild to create this one.
I am tired of joining alliances that claim to be active just to get guilds into their membership. in the last 2 months we have been in at least 7 alliance and every one of them has been a let down to say the least.
60% of our members have been on in the past 24 hours with 80% on in the last 3 days
Our peek playing times are almost 3 pm pst to midnight, on a weekend it is not uncommon to have 30+ members on at a time.
Most of the time we can front a full 12 man hard mode deep run, but when we can;t we look towards the allaince to fill the spots if they can... and we want an allaince that would do the same, asking us to fill in for them.
We have 7 officers who work as the leadership, although i am the guild leader i do not make any movemnts with the guild direction on my own. i only act upon what the majority of the guild leaders agree too.
Liars Cheats and Thieves was formed by 5 of the officers who use to be officers in their old guild. After an extensive period of inactivity by it's members, lack of recruiting and the guild leaders loss of intrest in the game, the 5 left to form thier own.
Because of our bad experinces with finding an active guild i am going to lay a few requirments on any allaince that would consider us fro recrutiment.
1) there must be at least around 200 players in the allaince already, the number of guilds is not as important to us as the number of active players.
2) There is no faction farming requirment ( we could give a crap about faction )
3) Guildies have minds of their own, holding a guild responsible for the actions or words of one of it's members is dumb. If a guildie gets out of hand let the guild leaders deal with it. I have kicked guildies before for verbal abuse of allaince members in alliance chat after repeated warnings.
4) We use and have our own private vent server... we prefer vents far superior sound quility over TS. We do not mind letting allaince members come on to use it when anyone in the guild is participating in anything with allaince members.
5) Tolerence, there are so many ways to get things done in this game, some good some not so good. Rather then berate someones build take the time to show them a better way or explain why in a kind voice that their build is flawed or has problems. the same goes with personalities, some players or more bosterous and louder than other players. this does not mean the are downplaying or showing off, ( well yeah it does happen, and everyone shows off now and then ), but recognize it for that and play the game.
I know that these demands ( more like needs ) might seem odd for a guild looking to join an alliance might have, but i am trying to avoid making it allainces 8, 9 or 10, We are looking for an allaince to call home.
Liars Cheats and Thieves has a ton of expereince and players to bring to any alliance that meets our needs.
the following describes what we do and what we are looking fro in it's players... it is the text we use for recruiting players when we recruit.
I can be reached here or in game as
Tippy toad
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Liars, Cheats and Thieves is a U.S and Canadian based PvE hard mode, Title maxing and farming guild that dabbles in PvP now and then. We are recruiting mature players around 16 or older. We are very relaxed and laid back and welcome everyone into the guild as long as you're not a begger, whinner, allaince spammer or an anal know-it-all... if you are a cool know-it-all then you're more than welcomed to join.
We are recruiting for both our core PvE group and our core PvP group
We offer the following:
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1) Full Hall
2) Cool cape ( honest it is, no lame skulls or flames for us )
3) Full 32 slot private vent server with high end voice codex
4) Full access to forums once registered.
5) Weekly planned events that sometimes actually get done
7) Monthly lame contest for in game gold.
8) Active 6 guild Kurzick alliance ( we are looking for another kurzick one now)
9) The guild leader is cool too..
what you wont get is:
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1) some lame ass guild leader demanding you faction farm
2) some lame ass guild leader asking for donations to help keep the vent server or website online
3) a bunch of noob players insisting they know more than you.
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To be honest we are just a cool bunch of laid back people who are glad to help out when we can and try to include guild members when possible in group activites and runs.
Our main current activities include farming UW, FoW, DoA, Vanqish runs, Hard mode missions, Title whoring ( i have 11 ) and anything else.
our long range goal is to have people say "Look, Liars took halls again," or when they see us as a guild group they say "Damn, look at that guild group They have 5 People Know Me's and 3 Legendary Skill Hunters."
We stronlgy recomend getting and using vent and coming online and getting involved with us in the game discussions. More gets planned and orginized in vent then on guild chat.
We welcome all into the guild; noobs, pro's, young and old... just send us an in game pm and well extend the invite...
if you want to view our website and forums to get more information about us you can use the following info to gain visitor access
site =
name = visitor
pass = liar
Although i have tried my best to explain who we are and what our goals are they can not replace the expereince of just coming into the guild and seeing for yourself who we are and what we do. Even if you are just thinking of trying us out or you're just not sure, just do it... you have nothnig to loose but my 100 gp, and there will be no hard feelings if you bail on us... you proved your coolness by giving us the chance to keep you as a guildie.
Tippy Toad
Reason One
Hey its Tomi
Vandin Sertal
Callo Riot
Bella Dottore
Large 90+ member guild looking fro large massivly active Kurzick allaince