Spamming - Lets pull together and discuss SOLUTIONS only

Spartan Link

Spartan Link

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

furthest country you can think of down south



a better way at trading without ppl having to spamm it over the channel?
maybe remove the trade channel and restrict the local channel to chat only?

and make a in game trader that can promote in a special trade menu what you are selling

like if your selling a item go to the trader enter what you are selling there and if ppl want to buy something from other players they can go there to check it out

have selection like

Enter your name
a box like trading to put the items you are selling with price you are selling atlimited to maybe the size of storage

see menu like normal trader but listed with other peoples name and they can click the person's name to see what they are selling

and trading will be like normal whisper the person and click the person to trade



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Perth, Australia

I suggested this idea before and here it is again:
Change the chat window so you can't use numbers in local chat, if you do, your message will be diverted into trade channel. So if you are trying to say "WTS sword, 15>50, 30hp [20k]" in local channel, your message will be diverted to trade channel for using numbers. It won't stop all spam but at least reduce the spam in local channel because many trade messages contain numbers such as 5k, 15>50, 20%. And few would bother spelling out fifteen over fifty which would also take up room. If you do want to use number in local not for trade purposes, write them out, its not hard.

mafia cyborg

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
disable copy/paste/uparrow in LOCAL chat only.
when changin chat window messege is reset (to avoid exploit)
end of ....nothing else needed.

Patrick Smit

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by Navaros
Yes, they do. Hardcore trade spamming is the only effective way to sell anything in Guild Wars. That's not the spammers' fault. Spammers do not "enjoy" spamming --- giving one's self a migraine via spamming one's own items for 5 hours trying to sell it is not fun. They do it because the game doesn't give them any other way to sell anything. That's plain and simply the game's own fault, not the players'.

"Punishing" spammers is ludicrous. Spammers do the community a service by actually bothering to participate in trade and subjecting themselves to much pain and aggravation by doing so (ie: giving themselves headaches from having to spam their item and read all the spam around their item constantly). Instead of just merching their items and then no one gets it and it might as well not have existed at all. Spammers should be given medals for subjecting themselves to this torture for the sake of participating with trade even though it's not really worth the agony it gives themselves, regardless of any profit spamming might bring.

Don't blame the players for inadequate game mechanics.

There is only one suitable & reasonable solution to spammers, and that is to put in an Auction House.
All scrap, posting your message once per -20-30 seconds will get your stuff sold too.

we don't want repeated messages like this:


moving all other normal advertisements down (NOI but this is what spamming is about, any other normal message is ok to me).

If you need to advertise for 5 hours using even spamming then you are doing something wrong. Spammers don't respect the right of other players to advertise their wares

The mechandising in game is far from perfect, but spamming ain't helping anyone



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


-increase party search character limit to chat line size
-add a ctrl+click item description to chat function like we have it with builds atm and limit it's use to trade channel & party window trade sections (items are already stored as data in memory, shouldn't be too hard to implement this)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


C A K E[YuM]

I'm probably gonna be flammed for this, but WoW has the trade channel span across all the capitols depending on your faction.

If the GuildWars' trade channel was to do this, spamming in the trade channel would become more viable than the all channel.

And as always, if you dont like the trade channel spam, just disable it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2007

Mistriven Guardians (Mist)


I'm amazed at the arguement that "We need to spam to sell our stuff"...

This site has threads for auctioning items, selling items, buying items and even price checking I'm sure other sites your crap there or merch/salvage it. There is no viable reason to spam, its against the EULA and just makes the game less desirable to play.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

Many people, I find, don't know about the Search function yet. If they don't know, how are they to 1) use it to sell goods or 2) use it to find goods? If you're a new player or a returning-after-a-hiatus player, you may not realize there is now a separate function for "LFG", trade and 'hiring' heroes/henches remotely. Clicking "P" on the keyboard in an outpost is nonsensical if you're searching.........

Trade spam in All Chat is now worse than before the new Search function went in! Trust lazy people to find a way to exploit even a simple restriction on "WTS"......

Trade spam is not the only problem. As mentioned before, you also have the attention seekers who just can't seem to shut their mouths in public. I was in NF (Kodash, I think) the other day when two players were involved in a little verbal tussle. When the more offending person was asked to please go to PM, they replied that they didn't have to - they were a member of the public and they were using public chat. Unfortunately, that puts the burden on the rest of the community to either put up with the vulgarity, kindergarten antics and generalized stupidity, to turn off All Chat, or to place the offenders on Ignore so their messages aren't seen. All because one or two individuals are potty-mouthed brats who refuse to play nice in the sandbox together.

Trade spam: implement a completely separate form of advertising, independent from Chat altogether. Auction house idea? Make it so. Take Trade out of the chat function altogether. Violaters lose their ranking/ability in the auction house function for XX time.

"Social" spam: filters only work so far, usually penalizing the rest of the players far, far more than the offender(s). From experience, reporting the worst offenders doesn't seem to do a lot of good - maybe there's simply too many of them, dunno. 'Shaming' some of the vulgar kids seems to work somewhat. Well, that or they simply map out to try and find another district where decent folk pay less attention to their childish ways.

There used to be a sort of timer on messages - I know that I used to get some sort of "it's too soon after your last message sent" type of message when I hit the chat button too soon. It can be very difficult to get a message line through, even without the spam, on some days in some districts in some outposts.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2007

[Oldschool Respect and Honour]

Great input thanks guys. It is good to know that the vast majority of us do not want to tolerate spam. Sadly its a small number of people who spam and think they should be allowed to; yet they are very vocal. Im glad that now we have met that with our own little bit of vocalness heh.

As you can see here (relevant excerpt pasted below), Gail and aanet do listen to us and that is incredibly encouraging.

Here's hoping that this renewal in attention to dealing with spam does start to cut down on the problem

[Dev Update] Chat Channels and Trade "Spam" -- 12 June 2007

As you know, we offer several types of chat options in Guild Wars. Lately, players have shared their concerns about the increasing problem of people spamming trade messages to the All Chat ("Local") Channel, instead of using the Trade Channel which is designated for that purpose. In response to that concern—which we share—we will be taking steps to increase our enforcement of the existing Rules of Conduct. As you are probably aware, spamming of any kind is strictly against the Rules of Conduct, but we are specifically concerned with those who are spamming the All Chat Channel. In order to encourage those with sales, purchases, and trade to use the designated Trade Channel instead, we will begin keeping records of the worst offenders, and those who spam All Chat with trade messages may have their accounts suspended. (You can find details on our policies and practices in our Conduct Breaches and Outcomes document.)

The Trade Channel is there for you, and we will not be taking action against those put their trade messages in the Trade Channel. You are free to go about your buying, selling, and trading messaging as you desire, as long as you keep it within the Trade Channel. (The use of a “spam bot”—like any bot—is still strictly disallowed, and we will action accounts that are found to be using them.)

This increased diligence towards trade spam in the All Chat Channel is not intended to stop trade – not at all! We fully encourage and support trade; that is why we have a channel completely dedicated to sales, purchases, and trades. This increased enforcement is designed to keep trade chat in the Trade Channel, and to help reduce the amount of spam in the All Chat Channel.

We thank you for your patience with this situation, and appreciate your support of the new initiative to improve the Guild Wars experience.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2007


Originally Posted by Bahumhat
I'm probably gonna be flammed for this, but WoW has the trade channel span across all the capitols depending on your faction.

If the GuildWars' trade channel was to do this, spamming in the trade channel would become more viable than the all channel.

And as always, if you dont like the trade channel spam, just disable it.
I agree. One of the main problems i have when trying to sell things in GW is that i can only sell to ppl in 1 dist of 1 outpost, wich limits the number of possible buyers.
One sollution could be improving the search function in some ways (the first already mentioned):
1) More space to write the offer. Currently, the size limit for the message is too small.
2) Make the Search [Trade] function universal for GW. This means i can put my offer in Kamadan american dist 1, and ppl from other outposts can see my offers (ie, a guy in ascalon german dist 1 could see it). This may even "mimic" a auction house. Maybe with a few changes in the inteface (so trades can be further categorized), i think this can be done rather easily. This will surely drop the spam rates, not only bcs u can only have 1 offer at a time, but u can sell for the whole GW community.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

I am in a transitional period.


Easy fix:
Step 1 - Disable trading outside of explorable areas (after 5 minute delay) and guild halls.
Step 2 - Limit any chat to once every 7 seconds.
Step 3 - Create an Island of Commerce (new town) in the Battle Isles (yes, you can battle for bargains there).
Step 4 - Anyone looking to buy and/or sell anything in the game can go there to trade from any GW chapter.
Step 5 - Eat a ham sandwich.

Ta da! Easy as pie. Sometimes I wish I was a game dev.

pork soldier

pork soldier

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

This is really classic, you totally dodged the "give people no reason to spam" solution and persist in trying to punish people into doing what you want.

I'm going to sum up your argument as "You will do what I want or you will be punished. No, I'm not interested in fixing the real issue. Let's come up with creative ways to punish people in the hopes that the dev's will like them."

Selling is broken, period. Spamming is a consequence of broken selling. Don't rail at the other players who show this to you, rail at the developer that refuses to fix it.

Originally Posted by Panacea
If we're talking about vending spam, you could always take a note from RO, and make it so that players can set up a store and idle their characters as merchants. Just put an icon over their head or somesuch to make note of their ... vendingness status...
Lineage 2 did this about 5 years ago - in the busiest selling city you could still stand around and chat. If that's not proof right there that interactive player to player selling = chat spam then there is no proof.




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

Muting them in Local Chat if they spam > All