How to make GW perfect again? Your thoughts and opinions.
Master Sword Keeper
1. Make seperate .CLASS files for PVP and PVE in order to modify skills. Nerfing a skill in PVP unbalances the effects of that skill in PvE. I'm pve through and through. PVP is for chumps. If you want to play PvP go play Quake 3!
(How many times do I need to say it?Because pvp'ers ruin it for everyone else)
2. Allow more Cash drops and ditch the loot scaling system. Newer players will quit and ask for refunds before lunch. (Resulting in a mid-franchise crash)
3. REMOVE THAT STUPID MONSTER RUNNING THINGY! ffs. trolls stay PUT! stay...STAY....STAY!!!!! *Throws keyboard at monitor* NUFF SED! ROFL
4. Hard mode? I love it! Problem: Hmm if monsters are lvl 26 and I'm farmin solo...Then why are the drops crap as hell? And why is it when I kill 15monsters (No exaggeration because I just got off the game to post here)
I get no drops. Not even cash. Anet oh ANET! C'mere!
*whacks Anet with a 2x4* Explain.
5. Remove Showing of Skills/builds. Players will not accept you if your skills aren't better or equivilating to theirs. In this factor please screw off the Showing of skills bar!
*Phew...What else can I grill yall about...hmmm oh yea.
6. Did I mention more gold incorporated into the game?
7. Unerf paragon's skills. Add more skills to that profession.
8. Decrease the dervish's atk power on the scythe. (eats a warrior without an issue) 9-41 is an over-statement. Needs to be around 17-35 warrior hammer.
9. Fix Leeching
10. Fix leeching some more
11. Disallow kiting
12. Repair the stances on the warrior because the ranger can easily acheive the same blocking ratio anyway. Lightning_reflexes and Whirling_defense
13. FIX the SR option on my NECRO.
14. Repair SF on my ele
15. Open the minion cap level to 15 instead of 10.
16. Give me 10k because I'm getting tired of playing hard-to-farm with anet thinking Im a bot because I'm wasting my time trying to farm an IDS.
There we go. Now everyone patronise me and say I'm a noob because you rather be a PVP'er and dis every PvE'er because you think you're all king of game. Those who actually post noob here...well you have no lives and I pity you. Go get laid and work a 60hr week job. Then I will bow to you...
(nah why should I?) NUff sed. There, there's some stuff to look at. Thos points were all reversed the day Nf came out. What happened to the good old Gw's days....Gone with everything else.
1. Make seperate .CLASS files for PVP and PVE in order to modify skills. Nerfing a skill in PVP unbalances the effects of that skill in PvE. I'm pve through and through. PVP is for chumps. If you want to play PvP go play Quake 3!
(How many times do I need to say it?Because pvp'ers ruin it for everyone else)
2. Allow more Cash drops and ditch the loot scaling system. Newer players will quit and ask for refunds before lunch. (Resulting in a mid-franchise crash)
3. REMOVE THAT STUPID MONSTER RUNNING THINGY! ffs. trolls stay PUT! stay...STAY....STAY!!!!! *Throws keyboard at monitor* NUFF SED! ROFL
4. Hard mode? I love it! Problem: Hmm if monsters are lvl 26 and I'm farmin solo...Then why are the drops crap as hell? And why is it when I kill 15monsters (No exaggeration because I just got off the game to post here)
I get no drops. Not even cash. Anet oh ANET! C'mere!
*whacks Anet with a 2x4* Explain.
5. Remove Showing of Skills/builds. Players will not accept you if your skills aren't better or equivilating to theirs. In this factor please screw off the Showing of skills bar!
*Phew...What else can I grill yall about...hmmm oh yea.
6. Did I mention more gold incorporated into the game?
7. Unerf paragon's skills. Add more skills to that profession.
8. Decrease the dervish's atk power on the scythe. (eats a warrior without an issue) 9-41 is an over-statement. Needs to be around 17-35 warrior hammer.
9. Fix Leeching
10. Fix leeching some more
11. Disallow kiting
12. Repair the stances on the warrior because the ranger can easily acheive the same blocking ratio anyway. Lightning_reflexes and Whirling_defense
13. FIX the SR option on my NECRO.
14. Repair SF on my ele
15. Open the minion cap level to 15 instead of 10.
16. Give me 10k because I'm getting tired of playing hard-to-farm with anet thinking Im a bot because I'm wasting my time trying to farm an IDS.
There we go. Now everyone patronise me and say I'm a noob because you rather be a PVP'er and dis every PvE'er because you think you're all king of game. Those who actually post noob here...well you have no lives and I pity you. Go get laid and work a 60hr week job. Then I will bow to you...
(nah why should I?) NUff sed. There, there's some stuff to look at. Thos points were all reversed the day Nf came out. What happened to the good old Gw's days....Gone with everything else.
Chicken Ftw
Originally Posted by Master Sword Keeper
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I've not had much of a chance to play the game until recently, I thought all this fuss about loot scaling was just another case of fans complaining about nothing, but damn. If you go out adventuring by yourself you won't find *anything*. I don't believe that the developers thought this was a good idea.
Most of the time I'm playing the game with two of my friends, but other than that, I don't enjoy teaming up with others. It's now impossible for me to just log on in the morning, or late at night, and just play a bit by myself.
Loot scaling, in my opinion, is the one thing that badly needs to be fixed.
Most of the time I'm playing the game with two of my friends, but other than that, I don't enjoy teaming up with others. It's now impossible for me to just log on in the morning, or late at night, and just play a bit by myself.
Loot scaling, in my opinion, is the one thing that badly needs to be fixed.
okay this is how in my opinion to fix a lot of stuff
1.Nerf dervishes YES I HAVE ONE TOO but I can also realize they are virtually invinsable.
2.Allow more Heroes in the party (have a test weekend to see how it works out they arent too much better than hench anyways besides choosing their skills)
3.For Hardmode at the end of the game allow more players cus Gate of Pain is litterally impossible (dunno how i did it) and even harder on hard mode.
4.Although I hate to admit it Recall needs to be nerfed as well it shouldnt allow u to poof back to someone who's name is grey (really far away)
make it into shadow arts and have a time limit to some what fix this and YES I HAVE A W/A & A/Mo FARM BUILD WITH RECALL.
5.I think NM drops should be back to normal and HM drops be an even higher percentage drop rate.(cus of all the extra work)
Couple of things to say against alotta people i need to explain stuff to
1.Reason I capatilized stuff was cus other places where i said stuff like this they said well u dont have one so how would u kno we should nerf ur stuff or osmethin retarded like that -_-
2.Assasins are FINE their lack of health compensates for their huge amounts of dmg in a short period of time.
3.For those of u who cant make money TOO FREAKIN BAD I'm just as broke as u are but if they change anything everything would probly spike in price will all that money floating around the same thing would happen again -_-
4.Yes Factions and Nightfall did screw up Guild Wars cant deny that..
5.I dont think guild wars was perfect back then either it was far from it and it still is we always want more so no game will be perfect although it was pretty darn good
1.Nerf dervishes YES I HAVE ONE TOO but I can also realize they are virtually invinsable.
2.Allow more Heroes in the party (have a test weekend to see how it works out they arent too much better than hench anyways besides choosing their skills)
3.For Hardmode at the end of the game allow more players cus Gate of Pain is litterally impossible (dunno how i did it) and even harder on hard mode.
4.Although I hate to admit it Recall needs to be nerfed as well it shouldnt allow u to poof back to someone who's name is grey (really far away)
make it into shadow arts and have a time limit to some what fix this and YES I HAVE A W/A & A/Mo FARM BUILD WITH RECALL.
5.I think NM drops should be back to normal and HM drops be an even higher percentage drop rate.(cus of all the extra work)
Couple of things to say against alotta people i need to explain stuff to
1.Reason I capatilized stuff was cus other places where i said stuff like this they said well u dont have one so how would u kno we should nerf ur stuff or osmethin retarded like that -_-
2.Assasins are FINE their lack of health compensates for their huge amounts of dmg in a short period of time.
3.For those of u who cant make money TOO FREAKIN BAD I'm just as broke as u are but if they change anything everything would probly spike in price will all that money floating around the same thing would happen again -_-
4.Yes Factions and Nightfall did screw up Guild Wars cant deny that..
5.I dont think guild wars was perfect back then either it was far from it and it still is we always want more so no game will be perfect although it was pretty darn good

Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
Right so recent updates has rattled a few cages and so have past ones . The main thing im annoyed at right now is the current state of the henchmen/hero AI and how anet ignore to fix it.
Has Anet actually made a public statement saying "we refuse to fix the bad AI in henches and heroes, go stuff yourselfs"? I hadnt realised they had!
Does this go along the same myth that Anet promised us new campaigns every 6 months?
I absolutely love it when players get annoyed just because the features they want changed or fixed, arent changed the second they ask.
You all seem to selectively forget how much work the staff have to do; fixing bugs, errors, banning players, checking for bots, creating new campaigns and expansions, creating whole new games, creating festivals, balancing skills all the time.
So you want them to put everything aside, just to fix the AI which isnt really a priority? You have PUGs, guildies and online friends to help with missions and quests if you really need to!
And quite honestly, the AI in heroes isnt that bad from my experience. Its not great, but its not awfull that you cant play the game. Just control them better!
Other aspects have priority with fixing, or do you want them to drop the development of GW:EN and GW2 just for you? Dont get me wrong mind, I accept there some issues that need fixing, which would be nice if Anet got around to them (such knowing who is doing HM and stopping NM players joining HM teams). But you have to give priorities and for the most party the game is great!
First of all, Guild Wars is great, not broken.
Some wishes tho:
Better rewards for quests (More gold, XP is not useful if you are level 20 with XX skillpoints already)
Fix leeching in Aspenwood
Some wishes tho:
Better rewards for quests (More gold, XP is not useful if you are level 20 with XX skillpoints already)
Fix leeching in Aspenwood
Halbarad Wolfson
Jaythen Tyradel
Originally Posted by Halbarad Wolfson
Search does work!
Wolfson, you get a cookie.
Aera Lure
Better rewards for replay of NM and HM missions.
Some sort of way to encourage people who have completed Protector, as well as possibly Guardian, to go back and replay missions on that same character. Once done, players usually wont go back to do missions anywhere given there is not an ample reward for doing so compared, frankly, to doing just about anything else in the game. I dont mean helping a friend or a guildie on something they are working on, as that is reward in and of itself, but rather when you see someone LFG in a mission town you've already completed. Might be nice if deciding to randomly help them would be as potentially fruitful as doing whatever else you might be aiming to do instead.
More frequent content updates.
Red herring I know, but hey, its the backbone to the PvE experience and the only thing that keeps people from farming until they get bored of doing that or pursuing titles. Too long between chapters and we could surely see content updates in the form of new quests and weekend story events etc in between. Moot point now as GWEN is the final chapter and coming out soon, but I hope Anet takes frequent content updatin to heart in the future.
Better team formation options.
With three continents worth of missions and two play modes (normal and hard), the infrequently used Party Search could use a buff to become a global way of finding people doing what you are. Sure, being in an active guild that is looking to do the same things you are accomplishes the same, but not everyone is so lucky. Even in a guild sometimes you cant find someone who has the time or desire to do a particular activity at the time you wish to do it.
Features supporting Hard Mode.
A way for people to tell in towns who is set to hard mode and who to normal mode. A way for people to know on party formation in town who is set to what. Once you are set to hard mode, it stays that way, ie, even if you go to your guild hall and back, even if you swap characters.
Kill the lag monster.
My connection is fine for the most part, sometimes a bit too laggy but playable, but every once and a while I experience lag spikes that would choke a horse and some of them happen at pretty inopportune times. A few friends I play with experience even worse than that sometimes they simply have to quit on the evening while we are trying to do missions. It seems to me to have gotten worse and also to be affecting more than just me, otherwise I wouldnt list it here.
Some sort of way to encourage people who have completed Protector, as well as possibly Guardian, to go back and replay missions on that same character. Once done, players usually wont go back to do missions anywhere given there is not an ample reward for doing so compared, frankly, to doing just about anything else in the game. I dont mean helping a friend or a guildie on something they are working on, as that is reward in and of itself, but rather when you see someone LFG in a mission town you've already completed. Might be nice if deciding to randomly help them would be as potentially fruitful as doing whatever else you might be aiming to do instead.
More frequent content updates.
Red herring I know, but hey, its the backbone to the PvE experience and the only thing that keeps people from farming until they get bored of doing that or pursuing titles. Too long between chapters and we could surely see content updates in the form of new quests and weekend story events etc in between. Moot point now as GWEN is the final chapter and coming out soon, but I hope Anet takes frequent content updatin to heart in the future.
Better team formation options.
With three continents worth of missions and two play modes (normal and hard), the infrequently used Party Search could use a buff to become a global way of finding people doing what you are. Sure, being in an active guild that is looking to do the same things you are accomplishes the same, but not everyone is so lucky. Even in a guild sometimes you cant find someone who has the time or desire to do a particular activity at the time you wish to do it.
Features supporting Hard Mode.
A way for people to tell in towns who is set to hard mode and who to normal mode. A way for people to know on party formation in town who is set to what. Once you are set to hard mode, it stays that way, ie, even if you go to your guild hall and back, even if you swap characters.
Kill the lag monster.
My connection is fine for the most part, sometimes a bit too laggy but playable, but every once and a while I experience lag spikes that would choke a horse and some of them happen at pretty inopportune times. A few friends I play with experience even worse than that sometimes they simply have to quit on the evening while we are trying to do missions. It seems to me to have gotten worse and also to be affecting more than just me, otherwise I wouldnt list it here.
Are you aware of something that the rest of us arent? Has Anet actually made a public statement saying "we refuse to fix the bad AI in henches and heroes, go stuff yourselfs"? I hadnt realised they had! |
We walk into the final chamber of rhinlon refuge , and stand at the stairs , they are flagged there . I pull one of the minor foes from the top , the eles charge at the drought , the flaged monks also rush in to heal then begin ressing in a sandstorm->Perfect AI im guessing.
Its just abit lame that when other games are pushing out fully functioning characters in full high defination with multi detailed responses and hundreds of lines of chat and numerous movement scripts and anet cant sort some low detailed very simplistic AI to do what there told .
Master Sword Keeper-> I agree with eevrything you say well most of it

Anet should organise their OWN forum in which they can ask the people to give their views on changes and such , then they could send out emails to alot of players to find their views . I agree that their should be some seperation within PvP and PvE as their two entirley different games , stuff that are overpowered in PvE may not be in PvP then they get nerfed and they become a non-used skill.
Personnaly I prefer playing with real people but most people dont like to listen/set up decent builds , so heros intelligence is a must aswell as henchmen.
I respect Anet with what they have done and have made a fantastic game played by the millions but even they must re-think some of their decisions some times for the greater good.
Originally Posted by darkknightkain
- Introduce offline mode before GW2 arrives.
- Increase loot drop quantity and quality, get rid of exceptions in loot scaling. - Remove player trading, everything must go through NPC traders. - Buff counters to skills instead of nerfing skills - Make a PvE counterpart of the ATS skin unlock system. |
B: Player trading is needed, it's how some people make money, the merchant gives me 300 gold for a sword that can be sold for 30k. Also I am able to BUY items that I want which a trade may not have.
C: Buffing a counter... thats like buffing paper, then buffing scissors, then buffing rock. Then repeat the process.
D: You dont need an unlock skin system in PvE, especially since the introduction of inscribeable weapons. If you had this option then your previous demand of better loot quality is useless as once it' unlocked you dont need to buy any more items.
And now onto my list of additions. Well thought out.
1: If the engine/game coding permits then once a char has finished Factions storyline may we please do away with this faction related NPC caper. I saved cantha...i've befriended kurzicks but because I have 1k more lux fact. they wont talk to me....seriously annoying. Not a big demand, but would be nice.
2: PvP AFK kick. If the engine/game permits then players in PvP who dont move, attack, cast a spell after 1-3 minutes should be kicked. (leechers etc)
3: Henchmen templates. By this I mean I click alesia add to party and then may choose 1-3 etc templates provided by ANET (not player). Sort of making them a semi-hero.
4: Please can we get the original black dye? Perhaps not replace it with current black, but bring back the original black dye and call it "Charcoal" or "Smoke Black" or something. The new black is too dark and basically kills the detail of your armor. Even black + white + black + black doesnt do the trick etc for some armor.
5: Guild name change. Ability to change guild name and tag. But restrict this ability to 1-2 times. Also charge us 1-10k. If the engine permits of course.
6: Runes stack in inventory please if its possible, it will shave off some room and boost storage for some.
7: Soul Reaping back to as it was, but no benefit from spirits. Possibly.
8: Inter-faction alliances. 3 Luxon guilds 4 Kurzick guilds in an alliance. At the top it would display Lux Fact. Kurz Fact. if the engine/coding allows this please.
9: How to make people want to re-do missions, add unique items to only that mission perhaps? Perhaps the gates of kryta mission if you kill a foe you get a chance to get a unique item, something with the effects of a holiday item but different name, icon. For later missions a proper green weapon or item? Just a suggestion, not a real "must have" thing.
10: More of what ANET has been doing, making and maintaining a great game...with a few bumps...and alotta happiness

P.S Charmable pet snail....snail gray

or a bunny >_> <_<
Things I agree with:
- add some reward for repeating missions:
Extra thought: reward based on the number of players that played a mission in a week. Give highest rewards on least played missions (like Hatchery or Eternal Grove).
- Better team formation:
Even in our HM guild, it's sometimes hard to find people to play a particular mission or vanquish an area. Don't know how to implement this, though.
- Other player trading:
I don't need the profit, but some people might be interested in some weapons I have. I could be spamming them for hours or put them on a site like guru.
Perhaps a feature where you can put an item (one at a time) up for sale for double merchant value and someone else can buy it for that amount.
I think someone would be very happy to get (for example) a +1 (20%) hammer grip for 50g.
The only change I don't agree with is the reversal of loot scaling.
For me, a non-farmer, this has not changed a thing for me and I was still able to get 15K armor on several characters and a partial Vabbi on my mesmer.
I've also never heard anyone in my guild complain a lot about this change and we started out as a farming guild (and some players still farm most of the time).
One more change that comes in mind, but needs some clever work is skill balance.
The thing I would like to see is A-net getting involved with some long time PvP players that do understand skill synergy (like Ensign) and work out the areas where the game is not balanced and how things could be changed.
This would result in some nerfs, some buffs and possibly some character redesign.
As a mainly PvE player I do understand that some changes (nerfs) will hit the PvE community, but in the end I think PvP balance would also benefit PvE.
The only backdraw about this is that the entire skill set would have to be analyzed, to see whether or not nerfs/buffs would generate other imbalances.
That's a lot of work and I think A-net can only do this by asking help from the PvP community.
I'm only mentioning the PvP community since the decision group should be small and PvP is more delicate to balance then PvE.
In PvE, more damage for less energy and with faster loading times is always better, since you know what to expect in PvE and AI is not very bright
You can't balance PvE because of this.
- add some reward for repeating missions:
Extra thought: reward based on the number of players that played a mission in a week. Give highest rewards on least played missions (like Hatchery or Eternal Grove).
- Better team formation:
Even in our HM guild, it's sometimes hard to find people to play a particular mission or vanquish an area. Don't know how to implement this, though.
- Other player trading:
I don't need the profit, but some people might be interested in some weapons I have. I could be spamming them for hours or put them on a site like guru.
Perhaps a feature where you can put an item (one at a time) up for sale for double merchant value and someone else can buy it for that amount.
I think someone would be very happy to get (for example) a +1 (20%) hammer grip for 50g.
The only change I don't agree with is the reversal of loot scaling.
For me, a non-farmer, this has not changed a thing for me and I was still able to get 15K armor on several characters and a partial Vabbi on my mesmer.
I've also never heard anyone in my guild complain a lot about this change and we started out as a farming guild (and some players still farm most of the time).
One more change that comes in mind, but needs some clever work is skill balance.
The thing I would like to see is A-net getting involved with some long time PvP players that do understand skill synergy (like Ensign) and work out the areas where the game is not balanced and how things could be changed.
This would result in some nerfs, some buffs and possibly some character redesign.
As a mainly PvE player I do understand that some changes (nerfs) will hit the PvE community, but in the end I think PvP balance would also benefit PvE.
The only backdraw about this is that the entire skill set would have to be analyzed, to see whether or not nerfs/buffs would generate other imbalances.
That's a lot of work and I think A-net can only do this by asking help from the PvP community.
I'm only mentioning the PvP community since the decision group should be small and PvP is more delicate to balance then PvE.
In PvE, more damage for less energy and with faster loading times is always better, since you know what to expect in PvE and AI is not very bright
You can't balance PvE because of this.
Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
1.Remove the AoE restrictions-> In Normal mode AI only run when there low on life , which doesnt really accomplish much just wastes more time having to kill them . In hard mode there should be no restrictions either , just because its soo hard . When the foes can spit out 300+ damage skills and maybe your just playing around with your heros/hench you want your skills to be fully useful and not just cause them to break. 4.Increase the ways to earn money. This so much isnt for myself as I have everything I need in the game but for other people I know this can be frustration. Theres very little options in how to make money , why not increase the value of the gold from quests/missions so people who just want to play through the game can enjoy it and get the rewards without having to farm for hours. My final note is why not just seperate PvP and PvE entirley , loads of skills are fair in PvE but unfair in PvP and they get nerfed because ANET changes things to make PVP fair without looking at PvE. If there was two seperate sets of functions then there wouldnt be a skills fair and unfair. |
I am so tired of ANet nerfing skills because they are abused in PvP, and the problem is that the skill was perfect for PvE. I don't PvP at all, and yet because a certain skill is too powerful in PvP, it gets nerfed for the whole game, ruining my enjoyment in PvE. I got so annoyed at another thread on this forum where they were all talking about which skills to nerf in the soon-to-arrive update. All the skills that posters wanted to nerf are skills I use in farming, but which are too powerful for PvP. If ANet nerfs those skills to stop PvP overkill, it ruins the game for my PvE experience.
Regarding money, we simply want more money. I personally have 20 plat in my account, and have never had more than this. But I want more. Why? Why not? Who cares if we're all running around with 2 million gold! Every game I've ever played, one of the things I enjoyed was being able to get lots and lots of gold. But now that is virtually impossible. I'm poor in real life, so it's nice to be rich in a virtual life.
One way to help get more gold is to un-nerf loot scaling. I have only been playing gw for several months, and it was exactly when I got my monk up to be able to solo farm that loot scaling was introduced. AAAGGHHH!!! I recognize that this is partly because of the bots, but a quick trip to any popular bot-farming location will reveal that loot scaling hasn't stopped the bots. So I feel that if one person can take on the mob of monsters that would normally take 6 or 8 players, that one person should be awarded all the drops.
And one way to help with this is to get rid of the AoE programming in Hard Mode. But I wouldn't complain about keeping this if the other things are done away with.
Lil David
This is just my Opinion but i think that it would be awesome to take full control of a henchmen(one at a time) when you are dead. so say like you are dead in the middle of a group of enemies you can take control of a warrior hench and keep those monsters busy while your helear rezes you.
You can use the henchmen skillz but that doesnt mean yoiu unlock them.
This could add a whole new level of strategy to guild wars
You can use the henchmen skillz but that doesnt mean yoiu unlock them.
This could add a whole new level of strategy to guild wars
This horse is the consistency of yogurt now.
Originally Posted by OhCrapLions
This horse is the consistency of yogurt now.
Mystic Cobra
Remove loot scaling. Done.
I miss some of the old ways too , like in beta when you could barrage with ignite arrows and kill the other team with a couple shots if they where close together
I do miss the old AOE, its almost worthless now in pve, pvp it still works as it did before though...
Theres nothing wrong with dervs, for every build there is a counter build or a weakness.
I like to play alone in pve sometimes and I should be able to !
If I could make GW perfect again , I probably would want to add to the game instead of trying to turn back the clock.
Things like if you left a pvp battle by clicking the map button you would get punished with neg faction, disconnect and quitting the game would not hurt.
There should be more areas other than towns where people can interact, maybe zones just outside of some towns with fast respawn and no loot of any real value (sorta like it is now )
The game engine can handle at least 4 parties in the same zone with npcs...
I keep reading about people wanting there mini pets to do something, how about mini pet battles in town, just random battles with no benefits, just flag your pet as hostile and it goes to battle, if it dies you just put it back in your pocket, if someone was creative they could even give each pet there full size counterparts abilities to make things interesting.
Last thing I would like to see is some kind of policing even if it was volunteers from the communitie, people that would actually be able to report people violating the terms of use. I know I can use ignore or turn off chat but why should I have to because of someone acting like a spoiled brat trying to get attention.

I do miss the old AOE, its almost worthless now in pve, pvp it still works as it did before though...
Theres nothing wrong with dervs, for every build there is a counter build or a weakness.
I like to play alone in pve sometimes and I should be able to !
If I could make GW perfect again , I probably would want to add to the game instead of trying to turn back the clock.
Things like if you left a pvp battle by clicking the map button you would get punished with neg faction, disconnect and quitting the game would not hurt.

There should be more areas other than towns where people can interact, maybe zones just outside of some towns with fast respawn and no loot of any real value (sorta like it is now )

I keep reading about people wanting there mini pets to do something, how about mini pet battles in town, just random battles with no benefits, just flag your pet as hostile and it goes to battle, if it dies you just put it back in your pocket, if someone was creative they could even give each pet there full size counterparts abilities to make things interesting.

Last thing I would like to see is some kind of policing even if it was volunteers from the communitie, people that would actually be able to report people violating the terms of use. I know I can use ignore or turn off chat but why should I have to because of someone acting like a spoiled brat trying to get attention.

Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
They will have a long list of jobs that need fixed and Im sure the Hench and Hero AI is on there. They might even be fixing it right now.
They simply dont tell us every, tiny, little project they are working on. If they did, then we would end up getting excited and start jumping to conclusions about what they will change or improve.
Example being Hard Mode - They mentioned they were implimenting "Hard Mode" and for months the forums were packed with speculation about what it would be and how it would work. It finally gets released and due to all the hype, most people felt let down.
Also remember how everyone winged about storage capacity for 2 years, but we never heard anything back from Anet about improving it. Then magically, out of the blue, a months ago they increased it drastically!
Anet, like most companies, prefere to release updates in bulk. Take the storage update for example, which came packed with several other tiny, major updates.
Anet most probably have the fixes to the AI all ready and waiting, but they have to wait for other things to get fixed first too. Its easier to release them all at once, then do them individually to ensure they dont have knock on effects elsewhere.
I expect they will save all major updates for GW:EN!
The game isnt that messed up, that its impossible to play using AI or due to other issues that need fixed. They may be frustrating, but their not unworkable.
Give them time, and I bet with the release of GW:EN, alot of stuff gets fixed or changed or improved.
1.) fix lag
2.) i also support the idea of HM districts
2.) i also support the idea of HM districts
After reading some more of these posts, I DO want to extend much gratefulness and thanks to ANET for many of the recent fixes. The extra storage is GREAT, the expandable skill lists are helfpful, etc.
Just wanted to say thanks for what the developers at ANet do! Even though there are a few things I want "fixed" or "reverse" GW is still by far the most fun game I have ever played. I always have things I wish were different about other games I have played, but since there were never any possiblility of having them fixed, I just played the game and enjoyed it...flaws and all. That's the kind of mentality we need to develop with GW. The problem, of course, is when ANet "fixes" something that was only broken in PvP, or destroys an aspect of the game that made it fun. But still, even without fixing (or reverting) anything, it is still the best game I have ever played, and want to congratulate ANet on a game well designed. I look forward to GWEN and GW2.
After reading some more of these posts, I DO want to extend much gratefulness and thanks to ANET for many of the recent fixes. The extra storage is GREAT, the expandable skill lists are helfpful, etc.
Just wanted to say thanks for what the developers at ANet do! Even though there are a few things I want "fixed" or "reverse" GW is still by far the most fun game I have ever played. I always have things I wish were different about other games I have played, but since there were never any possiblility of having them fixed, I just played the game and enjoyed it...flaws and all. That's the kind of mentality we need to develop with GW. The problem, of course, is when ANet "fixes" something that was only broken in PvP, or destroys an aspect of the game that made it fun. But still, even without fixing (or reverting) anything, it is still the best game I have ever played, and want to congratulate ANet on a game well designed. I look forward to GWEN and GW2.
I been away from pve for a while , i noticed a few anoying changes,some aren't so new.
1.Since 'factions' its mostly groups with heroes or henches, that can be fun too, but i remember having the most fun when prophecies started out when most people where looking for groups as it was originaly intended to motivate people to form groups wich was a big fun part in prophecies as compared to other online games, since factions and now in NF and especialy in Eotn i find myself forced to do huge exiting looking quests with heroes and henches, beautifull scenery and all but where is the fun gone? Sad for such a beautifull expansion i regret to say it gets boring.The party search window doesn't help much cause now it's mostly full of people selling their stuff.
2.I recently read up on this loot scaling, as i noticed something is wrong with the loot as compared to before, i made a new char, i found myself loosing all my old cash just to get a basic max.armor set,i'm just a poor monk now,do i have to become an expert in hard mode tech?
, taking the right amount of henches and heroes,know all GW special items prices,stand in Kaineng for hours to get something sold? get some more cash?
I didn't mind the monsters AI at least i got decent loot. And what happened to skills buying in pve?It's now 1k for a skill?And getting more expensive?I don't see how this helps new players?
1.Since 'factions' its mostly groups with heroes or henches, that can be fun too, but i remember having the most fun when prophecies started out when most people where looking for groups as it was originaly intended to motivate people to form groups wich was a big fun part in prophecies as compared to other online games, since factions and now in NF and especialy in Eotn i find myself forced to do huge exiting looking quests with heroes and henches, beautifull scenery and all but where is the fun gone? Sad for such a beautifull expansion i regret to say it gets boring.The party search window doesn't help much cause now it's mostly full of people selling their stuff.
2.I recently read up on this loot scaling, as i noticed something is wrong with the loot as compared to before, i made a new char, i found myself loosing all my old cash just to get a basic max.armor set,i'm just a poor monk now,do i have to become an expert in hard mode tech?

Originally Posted by Stormz
I been away from pve for a while , i noticed a few anoying changes,some aren't so new.
1.Since 'factions' its mostly groups with heroes or henches, that can be fun too, but i remember having the most fun when prophecies started out when most people where looking for groups as it was originaly intended to motivate people to form groups wich was a big fun part in prophecies as compared to other online games, since factions and now in NF and especialy in Eotn i find myself forced to do huge exiting looking quests with heroes and henches, beautifull scenery and all but where is the fun gone? Sad for such a beautifull expansion i regret to say it gets boring.The party search window doesn't help much cause now it's mostly full of people selling their stuff. 2.I recently read up on this loot scaling, as i noticed something is wrong with the loot as compared to before, i made a new char, i found myself loosing all my old cash just to get a basic max.armor set,i'm just a poor monk now,do i have to become an expert in hard mode tech? ![]() ![]() |
Wait what . . "casual" . . . "farming" . . .

1. Inscriptions worldwide.
2. Upgrade traders.
3. Ways for PvP characters to choose/change pets.
4. Ways to store multiple sets of armor.
Done. Perfect.
2. Upgrade traders.
3. Ways for PvP characters to choose/change pets.
4. Ways to store multiple sets of armor.
Done. Perfect.
* Remove PvE skills
* Remove comsumables.
* Remove title bonuses
thats about everything that needs to be done to make gw wortwhile again.
* Remove comsumables.
* Remove title bonuses
thats about everything that needs to be done to make gw wortwhile again.
Phoenix Tears
the perfect GW would have only account based titles, an account base HoM, a balanced HM, that don#rt forces players to play only with certain builds to have a slightly good chance for success. that allows 7 heroes...
a GW, that has alot lesser grind, which has no PvP Mode, you pvp only with your pvE characters, which get boosted all to the same level and strength, once enting pvp isles ...
that has no dumb 2 class system, which produces only wannabe professions.
more attributes per class, ability to max all attributes ,but still only 8 skills per bar...more and better thought out/ tested before implemented Skill balances
A better focus on that people want to PUg them more ... also making vanguishing more rewarding ..can#t be, that you have to search for weeks until you find people for doing vanguishing/dungons ingame ...
more such innovating custom gears like these gloves...make also destroyer boots ext.....but why not direct full sets of these things ..
id love to see a complete Destroyer and Chaos armor Set at least as new elite armors beneath FoW armor
make dungeons insta reachable through world map, once you made them in HM once at least, through the asura portal icon, so that this thign becomes finally a SENSEFUL USAGE, other then warping us only to a stupid outpost...
give a stylist npcs, that enable us to change hairstyles, faces of our characters for some money fee and then give us the chance to chosse from ALL faces, ALL hairstyles and ALL Hairy coloors, that are possible from ALL campaigns a player owns ... to that it becomes finally totally regardless from which campaign a character starts...
until now yxou get ever forecd to start ur character at campaign x, when you want your character to have face y and hairtyle z -.- thats stupid and shows only how half hearted the game was thought out this point
and lots of other points ..GW is far away from being perfect ...
a GW, that has alot lesser grind, which has no PvP Mode, you pvp only with your pvE characters, which get boosted all to the same level and strength, once enting pvp isles ...
that has no dumb 2 class system, which produces only wannabe professions.
more attributes per class, ability to max all attributes ,but still only 8 skills per bar...more and better thought out/ tested before implemented Skill balances
A better focus on that people want to PUg them more ... also making vanguishing more rewarding ..can#t be, that you have to search for weeks until you find people for doing vanguishing/dungons ingame ...
more such innovating custom gears like these gloves...make also destroyer boots ext.....but why not direct full sets of these things ..
id love to see a complete Destroyer and Chaos armor Set at least as new elite armors beneath FoW armor
make dungeons insta reachable through world map, once you made them in HM once at least, through the asura portal icon, so that this thign becomes finally a SENSEFUL USAGE, other then warping us only to a stupid outpost...
give a stylist npcs, that enable us to change hairstyles, faces of our characters for some money fee and then give us the chance to chosse from ALL faces, ALL hairstyles and ALL Hairy coloors, that are possible from ALL campaigns a player owns ... to that it becomes finally totally regardless from which campaign a character starts...
until now yxou get ever forecd to start ur character at campaign x, when you want your character to have face y and hairtyle z -.- thats stupid and shows only how half hearted the game was thought out this point
and lots of other points ..GW is far away from being perfect ...
Here are my two cents:
1. Make a new Arena for people who just like random brawling
2. Pump more servers into the newly popular arenas (AB, Aspenwood)
3. Upgrade the traders
4. Nerf the chances of getting rare items and add a few more into the game (minor economy fix, won't work incredibly well but it'll raise the value of a few items)
5. Make GWEN have a better plotline and a more in depth look at the new races and environment for gw2
6. (this is the big one)
Make just 1 more expansion pack, just a few people working on it in their spare time working on gw2. Not rushed, not a huge one, not crap in other words. And this time make it the big send off, MAKE A CAMPAIGN THAT GIVES GW THE SENDOFF THAT THIS GAME DESERVES AS WE LAUNCH INTO GW2, A BIG FINNALY.
1. Make a new Arena for people who just like random brawling
2. Pump more servers into the newly popular arenas (AB, Aspenwood)
3. Upgrade the traders
4. Nerf the chances of getting rare items and add a few more into the game (minor economy fix, won't work incredibly well but it'll raise the value of a few items)
5. Make GWEN have a better plotline and a more in depth look at the new races and environment for gw2
6. (this is the big one)
Make just 1 more expansion pack, just a few people working on it in their spare time working on gw2. Not rushed, not a huge one, not crap in other words. And this time make it the big send off, MAKE A CAMPAIGN THAT GIVES GW THE SENDOFF THAT THIS GAME DESERVES AS WE LAUNCH INTO GW2, A BIG FINNALY.
Malice Black
Rollback to 2005, and kick any nub that joined after Dec 2005. Problem solved.
Yes I'm biased..shoot me
Yes I'm biased..shoot me

Originally Posted by Theus
Factions is fine.
GuildWars went straight downhill after the release of Nightfall. |
Malice Black
GW went downhill after Factions.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Rollback to 2005, and kick any nub that joined after Dec 2005. Problem solved.
Hurrah! Yes I'm biased..shoot me ![]() |
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
which has no PvP Mode, you pvp only with your pvE characters, which get boosted all to the same level and strength, once enting pvp isles ... that has no dumb 2 class system, which produces only wannabe professions. more attributes per class, ability to max all attributes ,but still only 8 skills per bar...more and better thought out/ tested before implemented Skill balances |
A few fixes I think are due:
1. Reduce the regeneration on Mystic Regen and REDUCE scythe damage.
Having 20 regeneration and hitting well over 70 is so unfair in PvP. Nothing else compares.
2. Make Normal Mode drop better, and reduce lootscaling.
3. Take Kanaai Canyon and Ancestral Lands out of the AB map rotation. It is very unfair and a waste of time, as it either takes about 20 minutes to finish or 1 minute, most of the time 20 minutes.
4. Increase tome drops in Factions, NF, and EN Hard Mode. Prophecies seems to drop at a much higher rate, but the NPC groups are very unfair in Prophecies.
5. Give the Locked Chests in EN better loot. I've gotten nothing but Hand Axes and Longswords etc.
6. Reduce the effectiveness of Armor of Earth, Kinetic Armor, and all other Earth damage reduction/armor increasing skillls. Stoneflesh Aura is not enough.
7. Stop spamming the HoH wins, as they are no longer important to the game, only a PvP win.
8. Reduce the effectiveness of Blinding Flash and Blinding Surge, as one elementalist spamming this neutralizes an entire team in RA, even if the monk spams condition removal.
9. As said earlier, make dungeons better. A-Net overemphasized 18 MULTILEVEL DUNGEONS IN EYE OF THE NORTH (Horaaay, they are never done except with guild teams. Not PUGs.)
10. And finally, increase size of Charr Homelands. How do that many live in such a small area?!
1. Reduce the regeneration on Mystic Regen and REDUCE scythe damage.
Having 20 regeneration and hitting well over 70 is so unfair in PvP. Nothing else compares.
2. Make Normal Mode drop better, and reduce lootscaling.
3. Take Kanaai Canyon and Ancestral Lands out of the AB map rotation. It is very unfair and a waste of time, as it either takes about 20 minutes to finish or 1 minute, most of the time 20 minutes.
4. Increase tome drops in Factions, NF, and EN Hard Mode. Prophecies seems to drop at a much higher rate, but the NPC groups are very unfair in Prophecies.
5. Give the Locked Chests in EN better loot. I've gotten nothing but Hand Axes and Longswords etc.
6. Reduce the effectiveness of Armor of Earth, Kinetic Armor, and all other Earth damage reduction/armor increasing skillls. Stoneflesh Aura is not enough.
7. Stop spamming the HoH wins, as they are no longer important to the game, only a PvP win.
8. Reduce the effectiveness of Blinding Flash and Blinding Surge, as one elementalist spamming this neutralizes an entire team in RA, even if the monk spams condition removal.
9. As said earlier, make dungeons better. A-Net overemphasized 18 MULTILEVEL DUNGEONS IN EYE OF THE NORTH (Horaaay, they are never done except with guild teams. Not PUGs.)
10. And finally, increase size of Charr Homelands. How do that many live in such a small area?!
I've been playing guild wars for about 12 months (not that long) the things I find annoying that I think should be fixed are the following.
1. Hard Mode: Nice idea but frustrating. I personally, have had a lot of trouble with it. People on here usually post and say "you need to change your build" or "you just suck" etc etc... My hero's run very good builds, are all runed up, and have good weapons. I also run decent builds on my characters as well. The problem is the Henchmen. Within 10 seconds of attacking a group of monsters they are all dead. I think (like the monsters in HM) the henchmen need to be buffed as well or at least made smarter somehow because they are crap. Or just let us use 7 heros. Why are we still forced to use henchmen anyway? Also I hate that you are FORCED to play Hard Mode if you wanna max your allegiance titles which I think is unfair for casual players.
2. Title Grind: Now I realize that it shouldn't be easy to get titles but some of them are just stupid. For instance Luxon and Kurzick titles. I'd like to use some of those PVE only skills but because my rank is so low the skills don't really perform all that well. Unfortunately, there is basically no way to quickly earn faction other then mind numbing fff runs. Sure you can AB but unless you win the faction gain is pathetic.
3. The Economy: Not much to say except broken...for a casual player there is no way to make money to get anything remotely good. A friend of mine has GW:NF she plays only a couple times a week and wants to get Vabbian Armor for her necromancer. You think she will ever be able to afford it just following the storyline and doing quests (which is how she plays, titles have very little meaning to her)? The answer is no she wont ever get that armor unless she farms or does some vanquishing in hard mode (two things she probably wont wanna do). I just think the quest and mission rewards should be much higher. 200 gold for getting masters on a mission is pathetic...what the hell is anyone going to buy with 200 gold? You can't even buy an expert salvage kit with 200 gold!
1. Hard Mode: Nice idea but frustrating. I personally, have had a lot of trouble with it. People on here usually post and say "you need to change your build" or "you just suck" etc etc... My hero's run very good builds, are all runed up, and have good weapons. I also run decent builds on my characters as well. The problem is the Henchmen. Within 10 seconds of attacking a group of monsters they are all dead. I think (like the monsters in HM) the henchmen need to be buffed as well or at least made smarter somehow because they are crap. Or just let us use 7 heros. Why are we still forced to use henchmen anyway? Also I hate that you are FORCED to play Hard Mode if you wanna max your allegiance titles which I think is unfair for casual players.
2. Title Grind: Now I realize that it shouldn't be easy to get titles but some of them are just stupid. For instance Luxon and Kurzick titles. I'd like to use some of those PVE only skills but because my rank is so low the skills don't really perform all that well. Unfortunately, there is basically no way to quickly earn faction other then mind numbing fff runs. Sure you can AB but unless you win the faction gain is pathetic.
3. The Economy: Not much to say except broken...for a casual player there is no way to make money to get anything remotely good. A friend of mine has GW:NF she plays only a couple times a week and wants to get Vabbian Armor for her necromancer. You think she will ever be able to afford it just following the storyline and doing quests (which is how she plays, titles have very little meaning to her)? The answer is no she wont ever get that armor unless she farms or does some vanquishing in hard mode (two things she probably wont wanna do). I just think the quest and mission rewards should be much higher. 200 gold for getting masters on a mission is pathetic...what the hell is anyone going to buy with 200 gold? You can't even buy an expert salvage kit with 200 gold!
Originally Posted by Darkside
I've been playing guild wars for about 12 months (not that long) the things I find annoying that I think should be fixed are the following.
1. Hard Mode: Nice idea but frustrating. I personally, have had a lot of trouble with it. People on here usually post and say "you need to change your build" or "you just suck" etc etc... My hero's run very good builds, are all runed up, and have good weapons. I also run decent builds on my characters as well. The problem is the Henchmen. Within 10 seconds of attacking a group of monsters they are all dead. I think (like the monsters in HM) the henchmen need to be buffed as well or at least made smarter somehow because they are crap. Or just let us use 7 heros. Why are we still forced to use henchmen anyway? Also I hate that you are FORCED to play Hard Mode if you wanna max your allegiance titles which I think is unfair for casual players. 2. Title Grind: Now I realize that it shouldn't be easy to get titles but some of them are just stupid. For instance Luxon and Kurzick titles. I'd like to use some of those PVE only skills but because my rank is so low the skills don't really perform all that well. Unfortunately, there is basically no way to quickly earn faction other then mind numbing fff runs. Sure you can AB but unless you win the faction gain is pathetic. 3. The Economy: Not much to say except broken...for a casual player there is no way to make money to get anything remotely good. A friend of mine has GW:NF she plays only a couple times a week and wants to get Vabbian Armor for her necromancer. You think she will ever be able to afford it just following the storyline and doing quests (which is how she plays, titles have very little meaning to her)? The answer is no she wont ever get that armor unless she farms or does some vanquishing in hard mode (two things she probably wont wanna do). I just think the quest and mission rewards should be much higher. 200 gold for getting masters on a mission is pathetic...what the hell is anyone going to buy with 200 gold? You can't even buy an expert salvage kit with 200 gold! |
AB isn't that bad if you can devote or get a good guild team though. I'm at 1.3M title faction, and most of that was before the update where 5k faction donated = 10k title.
Its all strategy. Feel free to PM me ingame if you need help and are LUXON. (Kurzies, u just do ur mobbing thing).
Chris Blackstar
I say we reset all the skills that have been nerfed back to there original function then reset fame for all players, then permanantly close HA.
Originally Posted by Darkside
3. The Economy: Not much to say except broken...for a casual player there is no way to make money to get anything remotely good. A friend of mine has GW:NF she plays only a couple times a week and wants to get Vabbian Armor for her necromancer. You think she will ever be able to afford it just following the storyline and doing quests (which is how she plays, titles have very little meaning to her)? The answer is no she wont ever get that armor unless she farms or does some vanquishing in hard mode (two things she probably wont wanna do). I just think the quest and mission rewards should be much higher. 200 gold for getting masters on a mission is pathetic...what the hell is anyone going to buy with 200 gold? You can't even buy an expert salvage kit with 200 gold!
I can't complain about being paid for completing missions either, that's what most surprised when I went over from prophecies to nf. Is anything you should be rewarded for completing the missions in prophecies.
Hi Im new to game ( and the forum
) . And I have a very simple suggestion how to boost the game's economy. The most simple thing is to add an Auction House ( i know ANet said well get AH in GW2 but the faster the better)
Theres only one thing that bothers me about the AH - the max price( which can be fixed by removing the money cap ) it can be put to 100 platinum , which means if you have very rare weapon and want more , you should try to sell it in the Trade Channel. The AH will give the new players some starting price of the items which will be good for people who dont have any money ( like myself )

Theres only one thing that bothers me about the AH - the max price( which can be fixed by removing the money cap ) it can be put to 100 platinum , which means if you have very rare weapon and want more , you should try to sell it in the Trade Channel. The AH will give the new players some starting price of the items which will be good for people who dont have any money ( like myself )
Remove Factions and NightFall from the but let us keep the skills and improve on Prophecies.Prophecies does need to revamped as to being ascended earlier before reaching ToA and possibly expanding pre to include Rin.
Originally Posted by xmancho1
Hi Im new to game ( and the forum
![]() Theres only one thing that bothers me about the AH - the max price( which can be fixed by removing the money cap ) it can be put to 100 platinum , which means if you have very rare weapon and want more , you should try to sell it in the Trade Channel. The AH will give the new players some starting price of the items which will be good for people who dont have any money ( like myself ) |
here are a few problems with the fixing part:
1. the auction house has been and probably will continue to be requested on this forum multiple times. Rejected
2. The auction house won't be able to help noobs that much, if anything it'll just add something else they have to know, new players should be refferred to a site that lists the common values of items and therefore be able to learn what each item is worth that way.
3. There are some problems with the auction house.
Here are the problems with the Auction House:
1. It may help a bit, but it could also hurt quite a lot. People would begin to (as I call it) "Fix the Market" or make deals with others to set the prices. I'm sure you're thinking that you'll just make deals with people before hand to get your item and set your price that way, but with an Auction House to sell at insanely high prices, what kinda moronic farmer would pass up that oppurtunity?
2. The more greedy people of PvE would begin showing off their colors, also could suck more population into the PvE areas (taking from PvP, not much but a bit is sometimes enough to destroy something). More population means more chances that someone is going to discover the idea of "Fixing the Market".
I'm sure there are some honest, hard working PvE farmers out there (even though they pretty much got a build from an online site) who will still post up things as they are and not screw with the prices too much. But those players items will sell at a pretty fast rate, all that's left for the people who go to school, have a life, or don't stay at home in their mothers basement playing gw 24-7 will be at loss for those items. There are so many ways to abuse the auction house system (sure there are many ways to fix it but still) it's best that we just leave the idea out to prevent large amounts of fixes for unforseen problems.
*wow 4000 somethin character post xD*