Low prices?!?
So I Just started GW like almost 3 weeks ago now. I have gotten Prophecies and Factions and Got a Assassin to level 17 now. I found a way to level my Character now Effectively enough to make it doable problem now is that I have zero money for skills and armor. I Can't play all day GW and the times I go out to farm im Lucky to make 1000g in 2 hours. It seems like going out alone killing lower level mobs for drops or sometimes mobs almost my level with only 1 npc so I can get more drops Is not enough to keep my money supply going enough for me to get some gear or even all the skills I would like to have. The most money I have ever had is 3,500g And all but 300g got spend on skills only. People keep telling me to get the Good armor for 15k a peace but never really let me know how am I to make that kind of money. Grinding mobs is very slow and I don't have the time to do that every day for hours a day I have work and school. So Im considering this website that advertises 100k for only 10 bucks, Any of ya ever herd of prices that low I do have my doubts Usually when I do see these kind of adds its lots more pricey than that for that much money. or maybe the money is easy to make and I just dont know how to or am not doing things right. Any advice would be helpful I don't usually buy game money unless I have no other way. I did it once in FFXI had to buy 5million gil to buy a scorpion harness that would have taken me about 6 months to farm for with my play schedule. I don't Really wanna do that here if there is a easier way than what im doing to make cash to plz help!
Try and check out the Farming section of this fourm and see if you can find some builds/areas to use for farming, But all i can say is do not ever buy guild wars gold because anet will perma ban you from the game and you will lose your account.
Nemo the Capitalist
u wont get caught lol
j/k dont ebay its gay
j/k dont ebay its gay
Onarik Amrak
Just like everyone else, you start the game with nothing.
It takes time to make money. Farming is not essential to get what you need.
It takes time to make money. Farming is not essential to get what you need.
I think it needs to be stated a bit more sternly: Buying gold for real money is NOT an option. It's against the game's EULA, and you will get banned and lose your account.
Besides, only asshats buy gold.
Now, on to your question...
I found that I made plenty of gold when I first started just by playing the missions (ALL of them), picking up EVERYTHING, and selling EVERYTHING, no matter how small.
Having said that, I think that starting in Factions is probably the hardest road to take, money-wise.
Prophesies gives you free skills like candy, and (so far in my experience) Nightfall seems to give you plenty of gold. Canthans are stingy buggers, though.
I cleaned out half my "life savings" starting a new character in Factions. Gack!
Besides, only asshats buy gold.
Now, on to your question...
I found that I made plenty of gold when I first started just by playing the missions (ALL of them), picking up EVERYTHING, and selling EVERYTHING, no matter how small.
Having said that, I think that starting in Factions is probably the hardest road to take, money-wise.
Prophesies gives you free skills like candy, and (so far in my experience) Nightfall seems to give you plenty of gold. Canthans are stingy buggers, though.
I cleaned out half my "life savings" starting a new character in Factions. Gack!
stop playing guildwars
and I can't believe you actually go to school
you are almost incomprehensible
and I can't believe you actually go to school
you are almost incomprehensible
Wolala Wagaga
Thats not helpful Orbberius ;P
IMHO, you have to actually play through the entire game first, understand the monsters, skills, how the market runs before you start farming. Soloing low level mobs won't get you any money... You either farm solo high level area/hard mode, or else its not worth it.
Just enjoy and play thru the game, pick up all items, merchant them, and you should have 15K at less by the end (well... include the amulet of mists, which probably worth around 10k now? i imagine...)
Good luck with it, the start is always the hardest part, but once you got thru it, gold start rolling in ;P
IMHO, you have to actually play through the entire game first, understand the monsters, skills, how the market runs before you start farming. Soloing low level mobs won't get you any money... You either farm solo high level area/hard mode, or else its not worth it.
Just enjoy and play thru the game, pick up all items, merchant them, and you should have 15K at less by the end (well... include the amulet of mists, which probably worth around 10k now? i imagine...)
Good luck with it, the start is always the hardest part, but once you got thru it, gold start rolling in ;P
btw, those people telling you to get the "good" armor for 15k a piece are idiots. max armor only costs 1k per piece plus materials. the armor that costs 15k a piece are vanity sets and the stats are the same as the 1k ones.
getting started is always tough.
I started in prophecy about 2 years ago....just the thought of needing 2plat to get a guild going was enough to make me sigh.
Buying armor was horrible (I made sure to get the collector stuff).
But by the 4th character things were running more smoothly....and by the time factions came out I had the armor for my 4 toons that they wanted ---only 1 set though had to salvage the previous sets to get that.
So I hear ya loud and clear.
and the advice of whats been given is pretty good---do all the quests and missions no matter how cheesey (start another toon and just do collector armor--no need for anything else until you get max al). Pick everything up, and some have even suggested id-ing everything (and if you did all the quests in cantha you will have plenty of imperial thingys to turn in for free id kits and salvage kits as well).
Also to keep costs down, dont buy anything other than your first set of top al armor. dont buy weapons---there are great weapon crafters that produce just as good as green weapons (heck most are better than greens, and yes I have many toons that are still using collector weapons instead of anything else ingame) as well as collectors who will trade say useless putrid cycts for a nice focus item.
And on skills.....dont buy them all, only buy the ones you will use, there are tons of totally useless skills in this game, read up on which ones you need and if you want the others make it a lower priority....skill caps are about the only things I spend on---elites will help you get more xp and thus more skill points for more caps (and killing bosses may net you some greens occasionally).
hope these simple suggestions help, if not, well at least we gave you some ideas.
good luck!
I started in prophecy about 2 years ago....just the thought of needing 2plat to get a guild going was enough to make me sigh.
Buying armor was horrible (I made sure to get the collector stuff).
But by the 4th character things were running more smoothly....and by the time factions came out I had the armor for my 4 toons that they wanted ---only 1 set though had to salvage the previous sets to get that.
So I hear ya loud and clear.
and the advice of whats been given is pretty good---do all the quests and missions no matter how cheesey (start another toon and just do collector armor--no need for anything else until you get max al). Pick everything up, and some have even suggested id-ing everything (and if you did all the quests in cantha you will have plenty of imperial thingys to turn in for free id kits and salvage kits as well).
Also to keep costs down, dont buy anything other than your first set of top al armor. dont buy weapons---there are great weapon crafters that produce just as good as green weapons (heck most are better than greens, and yes I have many toons that are still using collector weapons instead of anything else ingame) as well as collectors who will trade say useless putrid cycts for a nice focus item.
And on skills.....dont buy them all, only buy the ones you will use, there are tons of totally useless skills in this game, read up on which ones you need and if you want the others make it a lower priority....skill caps are about the only things I spend on---elites will help you get more xp and thus more skill points for more caps (and killing bosses may net you some greens occasionally).
hope these simple suggestions help, if not, well at least we gave you some ideas.
good luck!
If you only have a level 17 Assassin then I have to assume you're still in Cantha in the Shing Jea Islands, the "noob" tutorial area for Factions.
Get onto the mainland and start fighting some real enemies and you will not only get more and better drops but you will also start making some money.
Get onto the mainland and start fighting some real enemies and you will not only get more and better drops but you will also start making some money.
1. You really don't need tons of money for armor and weapons. Find out what's available where you're at an what you need to get to trade for the armor/weapons.
2. Check out the builds section of these forums and find a build or two that you can work with and only buy the skills you need for that build for the time being. If you're not to the point of being able to get the elite skills that you need, find out what their normal counter-part is and use that until you can nab the elite.
Guildwiki is a great resource to find out all the information you need.
1. You really don't need tons of money for armor and weapons. Find out what's available where you're at an what you need to get to trade for the armor/weapons.
2. Check out the builds section of these forums and find a build or two that you can work with and only buy the skills you need for that build for the time being. If you're not to the point of being able to get the elite skills that you need, find out what their normal counter-part is and use that until you can nab the elite.
Guildwiki is a great resource to find out all the information you need.
thing is you don't really need money at level 17. do the quests in kaineng center and you'll be 20 in no time, and you can easily make a few thousand gold in the process. do a couple more missions and you should have enough gold for maxxed armor. after that the only thing you really need to worry about is buying skills. get a decent but not quite perfect common-skin weapon fairly cheap, and you should be able to get through the campaign. when you finish the campaign you get an amulet that you can either sell for ~20k or trade in for a max-stat weapon.
You should quit school, because it's not really helping, then play GW full-time. You'll find yourself in leet-land before you know it.
Francis Crawford
Whoever told you you "need" 15K armor is a jerk or an idiot. Just play through the game and enjoy yourself.
Once you've finished the game, you can farm in Hard Mode.
Or even before you finish the game, you can start working with the classic A/E boss farming build.
Once you've finished the game, you can farm in Hard Mode.
Or even before you finish the game, you can start working with the classic A/E boss farming build.
hes even done it before...
I still don't understand why someone would pay someone or a service to help them play their game. Would you pay someone to play your own characters and get gold and achieve your goals? Whats the point of having the game in the first place? Leech money from yourself? I wonder.
I'd have to agree with the others that said 'you should forget school because it isn't helping'. Either that or (to put you better off) you quit your job and work in school. And stop playing guildwars, because having gold isn't the object of the game, that goes especially for an assassin in the beginning of cantha..
oh.....christ. why do I even care, forget it
I still don't understand why someone would pay someone or a service to help them play their game. Would you pay someone to play your own characters and get gold and achieve your goals? Whats the point of having the game in the first place? Leech money from yourself? I wonder.
I'd have to agree with the others that said 'you should forget school because it isn't helping'. Either that or (to put you better off) you quit your job and work in school. And stop playing guildwars, because having gold isn't the object of the game, that goes especially for an assassin in the beginning of cantha..
oh.....christ. why do I even care, forget it
Deadly Eyezz
I had the very same problem when i first started playing, and someone gave me and advice (yeah people were nicer and actually give advice) to ID every single item before selling it to the NPC even the whites, you'll get more money that way.
I don't get it. I managed to go from nothing all the way to the end of Prophecies in about a month (really taking my time, enjoying everything the first time around), and without soloing or even leaving a city without a full team, nor any "lucky" drops, I was able to afford a full set of 15k, fully runed and dyed. Of course, that was actually playing the game, quests and all. Oh yeah, and working full time, playing roughly 2-3 hours each day on average. Not that hard.
I don't farm, at all, and now even with full time work and full time school, I still make roughly 20k a week just playing odd quests, missions and vanquishing - all with a full team. Of course that money is usually spent soon after on a piece of armor, dyes, keys, etc.
Oh and if you seriously are thinking of buying gold with RL cash, just remember one thing - it's a friggin game. A game! You'd be spending money that you could use on anything, just to convert it into virtual cash that you can only use in a video game? That money would be better thrown into a toilet and flushed. Or better yet - donate it to charity! Give it to people who would actually use the money for something worthwhile. Geesh.
I don't farm, at all, and now even with full time work and full time school, I still make roughly 20k a week just playing odd quests, missions and vanquishing - all with a full team. Of course that money is usually spent soon after on a piece of armor, dyes, keys, etc.
Oh and if you seriously are thinking of buying gold with RL cash, just remember one thing - it's a friggin game. A game! You'd be spending money that you could use on anything, just to convert it into virtual cash that you can only use in a video game? That money would be better thrown into a toilet and flushed. Or better yet - donate it to charity! Give it to people who would actually use the money for something worthwhile. Geesh.
Sir Green Aluminum
You don't need to get the 15k set, there's the cheap 1.5k set with the same defense. It just does'nt look as good. Think car with spoiler and rims or cheap one without. Same engine! I don't know about factions, but going through prophesies should get you almost enough for one piece of 15k or all of the 1.5k set, this is when you get to the 1.5k town.
It should be noted that I am required to say that I do not condone the buying of real life gold from these websites, however.
I can see why some people would want to. I mean, time is money, right? so if it takes you 10hrs to make 100k, and that 100k is $10 online, then your paying what? $1 per hour of your life?
That being said, factions has some of the best collector weps, imho. easy to get too. Once you start killing afflicted, you can get almost any wep you need simply through those plague thingies they drop.
I can see why some people would want to. I mean, time is money, right? so if it takes you 10hrs to make 100k, and that 100k is $10 online, then your paying what? $1 per hour of your life?
That being said, factions has some of the best collector weps, imho. easy to get too. Once you start killing afflicted, you can get almost any wep you need simply through those plague thingies they drop.
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Just like everyone else, you start the game with nothing.
It takes time to make money. Farming is not essential to get what you need. |
Oh he got Factions too, then he can't lack all needed gold, unless wasted it to thinks like dyes, weapons and runes.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
I don't get it. I managed to go from nothing all the way to the end of Prophecies in about a month (really taking my time, enjoying everything the first time around), and without soloing or even leaving a city without a full team, nor any "lucky" drops, I was able to afford a full set of 15k, fully runed and dyed. Of course, that was actually playing the game, quests and all. Oh yeah, and working full time, playing roughly 2-3 hours each day on average. Not that hard.
Well, took him out with a few guildies last night and "showed him the ropes" so to speak
Even stumped up for a full set of Canthan armour from Kaineng, he was good fun to play with and realised that you don't need gold and plats if you play with nice people (at least I hope he did, heh)
but yeah, did a few missions out of kaineng and the Marketplace, then jumped him over to tyria and blitzed through from ascalon to yak's bend in a three hour mashing session and he went from not really enjoying the game to really liking it... i figured prophecies missions were best to get going in as they are mostly self explanatory and, although Assasin, he can learn some free skills for himself (if i remember correctly, he was A/Mo *Shudder*)
Even stumped up for a full set of Canthan armour from Kaineng, he was good fun to play with and realised that you don't need gold and plats if you play with nice people (at least I hope he did, heh)
but yeah, did a few missions out of kaineng and the Marketplace, then jumped him over to tyria and blitzed through from ascalon to yak's bend in a three hour mashing session and he went from not really enjoying the game to really liking it... i figured prophecies missions were best to get going in as they are mostly self explanatory and, although Assasin, he can learn some free skills for himself (if i remember correctly, he was A/Mo *Shudder*)
Originally Posted by Miral
well aren't you a lucky bastard O.O i hardly got anything playing thru prophecies... but in factions the quest and mission rewards make up for it.
My wife was the lucky one - managed to find 2 Superior Vigors in our early travels, back when they were 50k+. Needless to say, she got her first set of 15k a couple of weeks before I did.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Nah, like I said, no real luck involved. The luckiest thing I had happen was getting a black dye in pre-searing, which funded my first few sets of armor (not realizing it's actually better to wait till droks before buying another set). Other than that, I just did every quest there was. I'm pretty sure if they finally add some quest completing title, my necro would have every Prophecies one (except for maybe a handful of secondary early skill quests).
My wife was the lucky one - managed to find 2 Superior Vigors in our early travels, back when they were 50k+. Needless to say, she got her first set of 15k a couple of weeks before I did. |

yes I did get it thanks lone, you helped me out tremendously I now can actually enjoy the game without getting 2 shotted by monsters my own level. <3 Now its easy to kill monsters that have good drops now that My armor is not crap. Thanks man.
What your in game name? I can spare you some money as well as give you some pointers.
Edit: ahh you beat me to it...
Well, add me to your friends list though we can play together anyways. Having my wn assasin, I can show you the assassin's way of making big bucks.
Infact, just so no retards bother you I'll give you my zodiac daggers. To lazy to sell them anyways. Your Zodies will be worth more than their 15k armor.
I'll catch you on on wednesday at the earliest.
Edit: ahh you beat me to it...
Well, add me to your friends list though we can play together anyways. Having my wn assasin, I can show you the assassin's way of making big bucks.

Infact, just so no retards bother you I'll give you my zodiac daggers. To lazy to sell them anyways. Your Zodies will be worth more than their 15k armor.
I'll catch you on on wednesday at the earliest.