This NEVER happened before. I know for sure I got no trojans or viruses. My PC is fine and nothing was altered recently.
Every time I try to log in the game brings me to char selection screen, but when I select a character the game brings me to a loading screen freezes for 1 second and gives me code 40, throwing me out.
Anyone know what's up?
Guild Wars was unable to complete the operation - Code 40
Code 40's an internal server error, nothing wrong with your PC. See the relevant page on GuildWiki for other error codes.
These have been happening a LOT in the past few days, usually while zoning. Also, attempting to log back in usually gives a code 5 or code 13 for a few minutes. Either the latest patches broke something or the servers are just overloaded since people are on summer vacation and have more time to play GW
These have been happening a LOT in the past few days, usually while zoning. Also, attempting to log back in usually gives a code 5 or code 13 for a few minutes. Either the latest patches broke something or the servers are just overloaded since people are on summer vacation and have more time to play GW