Guild Wars was unable to complete the operation - Code 40



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



This NEVER happened before. I know for sure I got no trojans or viruses. My PC is fine and nothing was altered recently.

Every time I try to log in the game brings me to char selection screen, but when I select a character the game brings me to a loading screen freezes for 1 second and gives me code 40, throwing me out.

Anyone know what's up?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007


Code 40's an internal server error, nothing wrong with your PC. See the relevant page on GuildWiki for other error codes.

These have been happening a LOT in the past few days, usually while zoning. Also, attempting to log back in usually gives a code 5 or code 13 for a few minutes. Either the latest patches broke something or the servers are just overloaded since people are on summer vacation and have more time to play GW